
专著推荐 | Hyland推荐的学术话语分析三大流派经典读本

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编者按:近期一直有学友咨询我推荐对我们学术写作学习、教学与研究相关的著作。说来也是恰逢其会,学术英语研究国际顶尖学者Ken Hyland教授 (目前国际引用率达到73000次) 应邀给Language Teaching 期刊撰写了一篇Ken Hyland’s essential bookshelf: Academic writing的文章,涉及了

(1)Research on professional academic writing

(2)Student academic writing

(3)Research on contexts of writing

(4)Methodological approaches

上述话题正好涵盖了如何学术英语写作教学与研究。上一期,我们推广了 专著推荐 | Hyland推荐的Student academic writing重要读本本期我们首推的是Research on professional academic writing。推荐的书目是帮助我们学术话语分析研究者了解专业领域学术写作研究的课题,Hyland推荐了3本书,恰好是Swales为代表的北美学派、Halliday为代表的系统功能语言学派以及Hyland为代表的元话语分析学派。相信对于学术英语教师、有志于国际发表EAP研究的同行也会大有裨益。


- 睡起秋声无觅处

满阶梧桐月明中 -

- Ken Hyland -

Ken Hyland is an Honorary Professor at the University of East Anglia. He was previously a professor at University College London, the UEA and the University of Hong Kong. He is best known for his research into writing and academic discourse, having published 280 articles and 29 books on these topics with 73,000 citations and an h index of 96 on Google Scholar. A collection of his work was published as The essential Hyland (Bloomsbury, 2018). He is the Editor of two book series with Bloomsbury and Routledge, was founding co-editor of the Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Elsevier) and was co-editor of Applied Linguistics (OUP)

Being asked to recommend a dozen key works on a specialist subject is much harder than it might seem. I decided on academic writing as this is something I know a bit about after a long career absorbed in it, but there are now too many books, papers, theses and unpublished studies for any individual to even approach making a comprehensive list. Google Scholar, for example, brings up a mere 5 million hits on the topic. There is also the issue that any selection probably says as much about the lister as the books listed. All our decisions reflect who we are and so the texts we include will be influenced by our experiences and ideas about what we think writing is, what we see as most interesting about it and how we believe it can be known. Any selection, then, is the outcome of a whole tangle of events in our lives that make us what we are and shape what we are likely to see as important.This is, however, precisely the idea behind this series of articles in Language Teaching: authors are asked to bring their personal experiences and prejudices to recommend a shelf of books according to how they see the importance and significance of the texts. It seems only fair, then, to spell out my own bias from the beginning. This is a list guided by someone who sees writing as the outcome of activity rather than as activity itself: writing as a noun rather than a verb. Writing is neither simply personal expression or a display of well-formed sentences but is an activity performed in a social context, which means seeing writing not just as language but also as discourse.

What this means is that when we write, we choose our words to connect with others and present our ideas in ways that make most sense to them, and we do this by using the words, structures andkinds of argument they will accept and understand. So, writing is an attempt to achieve something while bearing readers in mind: it is the outcome of interactions with readers. In academic writing,then, this means taking on the ways of thinking and talking valued by disciplinary peers, supervisors, examiners and others. Studying this involves looking at both finished texts themselves and how they got that way. What are the disciplinary, social, professional, diachronic and other contextual factors that encouraged writers to produce such texts? This, then, is broadly what I see academic writing to be, and the titles I suggest here are those that, for me, best express this view and its emergence as a central perspective on describing, researching and teaching academic writing.

I have limited my selection to books. There are, of course, any number of exceptionally brilliant and influential papers and chapters on the topic (e.g. Bloor, 1996; Thompson & Thetela, 1995). But books tend to have a longer use-by date and greater influence over time (Hyland & Jiang, 2021) while also allowing their writers to more fully develop and support an idea. Books, then, tend to both launch and consolidate new perspectives and drive research in certain directions. I have also limited the selection to books dealing with ACADEMIC writing, thus sidelining numerous excellent titles on second language (L2) writing (e.g. Casanave, 2017; Manchon & Matsuda, 2016) and writing in general (Clark & Ivanic, 1997; Kress, 2003). Given these constraints, these are the sources that have been personally important for me and to which I continually return and recommend to others. They are organised under four headings for convenience, depending on whether the work is primarily focused on professional writing, student writing, the contexts surrounding writing or research methods, although there are plenty of overlaps and leakage between them.

Research on professional academic writing 

This section contains just three items that are both important to me and offer diverse approaches.


Swales, J. (1990). Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge University Press


推荐语:In the summer of 1992, I was running a department at a small liberal arts college in New Zealand and casting about for a topic for a Ph.D. study. I’d already written and rejected two unrelated proposals before a colleague advised me to read Swales. I did, and this book literally changed my life as it helped me to see important connections in academic writing and launched me on a lifetime of exploring genres, disciplines and concordance lines. Its importance lies not so much in establishing the central role of genre in academic writing, for which it is probably best known, but in presenting a carefully thought through and comprehensive framework for describing academic texts. Together with Bazerman’s Shaping written knowledge (1988), Swales’ masterpiece helped push the fledgling field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) towards disciplinary status. Here, we find definitions and explorations of terms such as genre, discourse community, task and rhetorical consciousness raising, all of which are now common place in the everyday vocabulary of EAP. More than this, however, it pulls together linguistic and sociolinguistic theories to illuminate how writers create persuasive prose. This, then, remains a classic resource. Not just a historical artefact of the evolution of academic writing research, but a book packed with insights that rewards contemporary study. The modern reader will, for example, find a powerful descriptive model of academic written genres that also illustrates how research on academic texts can be done and how the knowledge this produces can be usefully employed in the classroom


Hyland, K. (2004). Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing. University of Michigan Press


推荐语:I decided to include this book in my essential library for two main reasons. First, it draws on and encapsulates a great deal of prior work in the sociology of science relating to the social construction of knowledge. It is in the work of Gilbert and Mulkay (1984); Latour and Woolgar (1979); Knorr-Cetina (1981) and others, for example, that we see the importance of writing in scientific research as ‘the social justification of belief’ (Rorty, 1979, p. 170). Second, the volume seems to have stood the test of time, stacking up nearly 5,000 citations on Google Scholar. I suspect this is because it captured a mood that was turning away from seeing scholarly writing as an objective and impersonal form of discourse towards a view of it as a persuasive engagement with others. Essentially, the book explores how academics use language to organise their professional lives, carry out intellectual tasks, and reach agreement on what will count as knowledge. For readers today, I think it continues to put into concrete form the theoretical ideas of the sociologists of knowledge by showing how writers make persuasive use of language. It helps readers to see that the linguistic features of academic texts are not merely regularities of style, but the ways writers in different disciplines acknowledge, construct and negotiate social relations. More than this, the book offers students numerous ways to explore texts for themselves using small corpora for traces of rhetorical interaction and illustrates how they might interpret the results they find there. My aim in writing this book was to present a framework that analysts might use to understand the interactions between writers and readers in published academic texts, and it seems to have had some success in this. Moreover, the discussion of interactive features emerges in a more structured model of metadiscourse a few years later (Hyland, 2005).


Halliday, M. A. K. (2006). The language of science (The collected works of M.A.K. Halliday – Volume 5). Bloomsbury.


推荐语:The inclusion of Michael Halliday in this library is a no-brainer. The greatest linguist of the twentieth century, I clearly remember him accepting my invitation to speak at Hong Kong University where, approaching 90 years old, he stood at a lectern and, without notes or slides, held an audience of 300 enraptured for 2 hours. He is best known for creating the internationally renowned systemic functional linguistics (SFL) model of language, but his genius encompasses an extraordinary range of fields, including scientific writing. Given Halliday’s output on the topic, I feel justified in cheating here by picking an anthology as it allows me to include many of his chapters and articles on scientific English that have been so influential. The book, from the 12-volume collected works edited by Jonathon Webster, contains his important paper on grammatical metaphor, or how science transforms actions into entities by ‘regrammaticicising’ experience as technical knowledge, and the power of scientific written English to create new ways of understanding the world. Almost every chapter reveals an important insight into scholarly writing. I was never a hard-core functional linguist like many of my friends and contemporaries, but it is difficult to escape the impact of Halliday’s work. Most centrally, his view that language is a semiotic system, or a resource for creating meanings, helps us see how, through various linguistic mechanisms, we construct robust worlds of disciplinary theories to create relationships, build communities and understand the world. This work, then, repays careful study today, providing contemporary readers with both a highly influential and comprehensive model of language and ideas for exploring academic texts.



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