专著推荐 |《汉语会话中的多模态、互动及话轮转换》
【加拿大】李晓婷 著
姚双云、张利蕊、韩飞 译
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李晓婷,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学东亚研究系教授,洪堡学者,北京大学语言学博士,曾在德国波兹坦大学接受博士生联合培养。主要研究领域为互动语言学、会话分析、多模态互动。目前的研究兴趣是汉语面对面互动的多模态研究,尤其是汉语话轮组织和社会行为构建的多模态研究。在Journal of Pragmatics、Research on Language and Social Interaction、Language Sciences、Text & Talk,《语言教学与研究》等国内外刊物上发表论文20余篇,出版专著1部,合编论文集、专刊2部。主持加拿大国家人文社科基金项目2项、加拿大国家创新基金项目1项。现任加拿大汉语教学与研究学会会长、Chinese Language and Discourse编委。
Dr. Xiaoting Li is Professor of Chinese Linguistics at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Alberta. She received her PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics at Peking University, China, in 2011. She was a DAAD fellow at the University of Potsdam in 2008-2010. Recently, she received the Humboldt Fellowship to conduct her research at the University of Freiburg in Germany in 2019-2021.
Her research interest is language in interaction and multimodal analysis. She uses the methodology of Conversation Analysis, Interactional Linguistics and multimodal analysis in the study of everyday Mandarin talk-in-interaction. Her research explores how multimodal resources such as lexico-syntax, prosody and embodied actions are used by interactants in organizing turns, sequences and courses of actions in Mandarin conversation. The topic of multimodal organization of turns in Mandarin conversation is examined in her book Multimodality, Interaction, and Turn-taking in Mandarin Conversation (John Benjamins, 2014). Her recent work on multimodality in Chinese interaction is published in her co-edited book volume "Multimodality in Chinese Interaction" (Mouton, 2019).
She teaches in the areas of Chinese linguistics, and language in Chinese society, and supervises graduate students in the field of Chinese linguistics, interaction and multimodal analysis.
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