
专著推荐 | 译者在表征中的定位:《骆驼祥子》英文翻译的多模态视角

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Translator Positioning in Characterisation

A Multimodal Perspective of English Translations of Luotuo Xiangzi


Minru Zhao is Lecturer at the School of Interpreing and Translation Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and a doctoral student in translation studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests include translation studies, discourse analysis, stylistics, and narratology.


ISBN书号9781032470412 精装版




Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), to three translations of a classic Chinese text, Zhao proposes a new model for linking translator positioning with translational norms in the target culture.
Zhao combines the Appraisal model from SFL with a characterisation model to describe the role of translator positioning in character construction. Looking at three different translations of the classic Chinese novel Luotuo Xiangzi, she uses corpus tools to compare the opening and ending chapters of each translation, identifying textual patterns of translator positioning. She then analyses and compares the cover designs of the translated novels and reconstructs the translational norms governing the translator’s positioning in characterisation. In doing so she contributes to DTS by developing a systematic and consistent framework to analyse verbal and visual elements in translated novels. Her multimodal analysis also provides insights into the broader patterns of translated language.
An insightful read for scholars interested in both theoretical and empirical approaches to translation studies.

This book is written for students and researchers who wish to apply a systematic framework to describe and explain translator positioning in fictional characterisation. It proposed an SFL-based framework and conducted a case study of three English translations of a classic modern Chinese novel Luotuo Xiangzi. The novel, written by Lao She, successfully portrays a young rickshaw boy named Xiangzi. The initial translation was published in the United States after the Second World War. It was a bestseller and aroused great sympathy among American readers towards the character. The popularity of the initial translation in the United States brought about multiple English retranslations. These Chinese-English translations have made Xiangzi a memorable character among American readers. This study explores how translators positioned themselves and readers in the characterisation of Xiangzi and how norms worked in the translations. It conducted a multimodal analysis of the texts and paratexts to answer these questions. The analysis is shown in two sections: description and explanation. The descriptive section aims to identify textual patterns of translators’ positioning in the characterisation. It refines the descriptive model from Zhao and Li’s article, Translator Positioning in Characterisation: A Corpus-Based Study of English Translations of Luotuo Xiangzi, published by Perspectives in 2021. The model incorporated the Appraisal model from SFL and a characterisation model integrating stylistic and narratological concepts. A corpus-based analysis of the ST and TTs shows that translator positioning or value orientation plays a significant role in character construction. Since the description of translations needs proper contextualisation, the explanatory section links translator positioning with translational norms in the target culture. It proposes an explanatory model lacking in Zhao and Li’s research. The model combines a multimodality model from SFL with the concept of translational norms from DTS. A multimodal analysis of the cover designs of the translated novels demonstrates that despite some inconsistencies, the translation norms observed by the translators are highly consistent with those validated by publishers and editors. This book makes an effort to apply SFL to translation studies by proposing an SFL-based framework that combines the Appraisal model from SFL with narratology and stylistics and multimodal social semiotics with DTS. It adds a new analytical framework to DTS, specifically for studying translator positioning in characterisation. This framework enables rigorous and consistent analysis of verbal and visual elements in translated novels. Furthermore, the multimodal approach may open up new perspectives for DTS.

本书把系统功能语言学(SFL)应用于描写翻译研究(DTS),对中国经典文本的三种翻译,提出了一种新的模型,将译者定位与目标文化中的翻译规范联系起来。赵敏如将 SFL 的评估模型与特征模型相结合,描述了译者定位在角色构建中的作用。她研究了中国古典小说《骆驼祥子》的三种不同译本,使用语料库工具比较了每个译本的开头和结尾章节,确定了译者定位的文本模式。然后,她分析和比较了翻译小说的封面设计,并重建了指导译者在人物塑造中的定位的翻译规范。在此过程中,她通过开发一个系统和一致的框架来分析翻译小说中的语言和视觉元素,从而为 DTS 做出了贡献。她的多模态分析还为翻译语言的更广泛模式提供了见解。对于对翻译研究的理论和实证方法感兴趣的学者来说,这是一本有见地的读物。


  • 1 Introduction  
  • 2 Lao She’s Luotuo Xiangzi  
  • 3 Literature Review  
  • 4 A Proposed Framework for Translator Positioning in Characterisation  
  • 5 Research Methods  
  • 6 Description of Translator Positioning in Constructing the First Impression of Xiangzi  
  • 7 Description of Translator Positioning in Constructing the Last Impression of Xiangzi   
  • 8 Explanation of norms governing the translator positioning in the characterisation of Xiangzi  
  • 9 Conclusion








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