
专著推荐 | Interpreting Technologies (2023年新书)


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Interpreting Technologies

Current and Future Trends


Gloria Corpas Pastor | University of Malaga
Bart Defrancq | Ghent University


ISBN书号 9789027214133 只有精装版

出版社:John Benjamins



While interpreting long remained unaffected by the technological progress that transformed the translation industry, recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift, such that interpreters increasingly interact with technological tools, that the delivery of interpreting services becomes increasingly dependent on technologies, and, finally, that technologies start to emerge that might some day compete with interpreters.This volume brings together a series of contributions on interpreting technologies focusing on each of these aspects. Its goal is to inform and to empower interpreters, as well as to spark new reflections on the future of technology in the interpreting industry. With this volume, we want to encourage interpreters to participate in that reflection and to become partners of technology rather than its victims. The next generation of technologies will need a next generation of interpreters!


  • Credit | pp. vii–viii

  • Introduction

    Bart Defrancq and Gloria Corpas Pastor | pp. 1–5

  • Chapter 1. Using smartpens and digital pens in interpreter training and interpreting research: Taking stock and looking ahead

    Marc Orlando | pp. 6–26

  • Chapter 2. Tablet interpreting: A decade of research and practice

    Joshua Goldsmith | pp. 27–45

  • Chapter 3. Towards AI-enhanced computer-assisted interpreting

    Claudio Fantinuoli | pp. 46–71

  • Chapter 4. ‘I am his extension in the courtroom’: How court interpreters cope with the demands of video-mediated interpreting in hearings with remote defendants

    Diana Singureanu, Graham Hieke, Joanna Gough and Sabine Braun | pp. 72–108

  • Chapter 5. Public service interpreters’ perceptions and acceptance of remote interpreting technologies in times of a pandemic

    Hélène Stengers, Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez and Koen Kerremans | pp. 109–141

  • Chapter 6. Investigating the use of technology in the interpreting profession: A comparison of the Global South and Global North

    Elizabeth Deysel | pp. 142–168

  • Chapter 7. Videoconference interpreting goes multimodal: Some insights and a tentative proposal

    Xiaojun Zhang, Gloria Corpas Pastor and Jing Zhang | pp. 169–194

  • Chapter 8. Embedding, extending, and distributing interpreter cognition with technology

    Christopher D. Mellinger | pp. 195–216

  • Chapter 9. Conference interpreting and technology: An institutional perspective

    Thomas Jayes | pp. 217–240

  • Chapter 10. Automatic speech translation in the classroom and lecture setting: Challenges, approaches, and future directions

    William D. Lewis and Jan Niehues | pp. 241–276

  • Chapter 11. Where is it all going? Technology, economic pressures and the future of interpreting

    Jonathan Downie | pp. 277–301

  • Chapter 12. Technology in interpreter education and training: A structured set of proposals

    Bart Defrancq | pp. 302–319


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