
专著推荐 | Community Translation(劳特利奇2023年新书)

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




Community Translation: Research and Practice

主编:Erika Gonzalez, Katarzyna Stachowiak-Szymczak, Despina Amanatidou

ISBN :  978-1-032-16162-4




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Community translation or public service translation is on a global scale often unregulated and dependent on individual awareness, good will and even charity work. The social impact and mission of community translation, the key role of the translator’s psycho-sociocultural awareness and its role depending on local and global changes in human migration and linguistic diversity make community translation a constantly evolving and yet under-investigated activity and profession. This book covers key practical and theoretical approaches towards community translation, providing insights into the current state of the field and the latest research, trends, guidelines, initiatives and gaps. Combining knowledge in the area of translator ethics, pedagogy, legal and social and health-related settings, this volume covers community translation in a wide range of countries and regions. Community Translation: Research and Practice is an essential guide both for those studying and working in this area worldwide. This volume is a springboard for further studies and research in this emerging field
It is pleasing to note that there is a growing interest in community translation, as this edited volume and other recent publications demonstrate. This area of translation studies and translation practice has not received sufficient attention in the past – at least not as much attention as required by its social role and its contribution to social justice and cohesion. Community Translation: Research and Practice is therefore a welcome addition to the growing body of literature. The special nature and social significance of community translation require interdisciplinary research into a number of areas including, most importantly, the role, training and socialisation of translators, quality assurance and professional standards, dissemination media for translated contents and the impact of community translation on different aspects of society, especially key areas such as health care literacy and civic engagement. I am pleased to note that the chapters in this volume address a number of these issues. David Katan and Cinzia Spinzi (Chapter 2), as well as Maho Fukuno (Chapter 3), for example, deal with the role of community translators. Miranda Lai and Erika Gonzalez (Chapter 10) examine translator training. Chapter 5 by Ineke Crezee and Hoy Neng Wong Soon, as well as Chapter 4 by Wei Teng, address health care translations and their role in the promotion of health literacy. Marija Todorova’s Chapter 8 takes us away from the typical view of community translation as the translation of public service texts to the translation of asylum seekers’ narratives as an interaction with their new sociocultural context and a pathway towards their social integration and intercultural connectiveness. Thus, groups whose members are usually thought of as translation users become text producers, which reminds us of the bidirectionality of community translation. To highlight just a couple of contributions in this volume, David Katan’s point about the advocacy and agency of community translators throws us into the ongoing controversy about detachment and agency, but in a context (community translation) where agency should be less problematic. Community translator often find themselves torn between the expectations of public services and professional bodies, on the one hand, and the requirements of community translation as a special area of practice and the expectations of end users, on the other hand. It is interesting to note that Katan calls for “constrained advocacy”. It is also worth remarking that he calls on community translators to develop emotional competencies, which would equip them to embark upon “the battle to intervene” as intercultural mediators or transcreators. Closely related to this is Ineke Crezee and Hoy Neng Wong Soon’s contribution about community translation and health literacy. It is well known that language barriers create other barriers in multilingual societies where community languages do not have the same status. Health care is one of the most important areas in which community translation can make a difference by breaking language barriers and facilitating access to information and health literacy. It is an area in which language is expected to be scientific, neutral and precise, but at the same time, translations are expected to be meaningful, culturally appropriate and accessible to community end users. The authors take us through the challenges associated with such communicative situations, and do so with innovative dissemination methods, focusing on a language (Samoan) that is not often covered in community translation literature. Once again, this edited volume is a welcome addition to the developing body of scholarly publications on community translation. I hope that work on the volume and the exchanges that usually take place as part of the editing process will further strengthen international links between the authors. International and interdisciplinary collaboration is sorely needed to advance research, education and professional practice in this area.


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Erika Gonzalez is a Senior Lecturer in Translating and Interpreting Studies at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), Australia, and a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in the UK. She has served in the Executive of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) for several years and was the national president from 2019–2022. Erika is a practising conference interpreter and translator, as well. 
Katarzyna Stachowiak-Szymczak is an adjunct professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She is also a practising translator and interpreter, as well as the co-founder of the Polish Association of Conference Interpreters. 
Despina Amanatidou is a certified interpreter and translator (English > Greek) who works full time as a medical interpreter. She is also the Vice President of Events and Professional Development for the Australian Institute Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT).

学术研修 | 8月24日-9月4日. 质性研究入门十二讲
学术讲座 | 8月31日. 教育学SSCI期刊IJDDE主编谈:中国作者写作与投稿建议











