
专著推荐 | Narratives of Mistranslation《误译的叙事:拉美文学的小说译者》

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




Narratives of Mistranslation

Fictional Translators in Latin American Literature

ISBN : 9781032017761 官网书价 129英镑(不计入国际物流关税等费用)语言学通讯特惠一口价:1350元

作者:Denise Kripper




今天推荐大家的这本Routledge2023年的新书Narratives on Mistranslation: Fictional Translator in Latin American 其实跟谢天振教授从比较文学视野下看待“创造性叛逆翻译”有异曲同工。题目中的Fictional既可以理解成“小说的”,因为本书研究的就是拉丁美洲文学的翻译,很多见解都是根植于拉美文学走向世界过程中的现实问题;也可以理解为“虚构的,虚假的”,因为本书关注的不是作为跨文化平等沟通架设桥梁的翻译,而是译者在特定的历史文化语境下故意偏离原文,背叛作者的翻译,研究此中译者的斡旋以及译者动机、社会机构、相关社会文化语境等等。This book offers unique insights into the role of the translator in today’s globalized world, exploring Latin American literature featuring translators and interpreters as protagonists in which prevailing understandings of the act of translation are challenged and upended. The volume looks to the fictional turn as a fruitful source of critical inquiry in translation studies, showcasing the potential for recent Latin American novels and short stories in Spanish to shed light on the complex dynamics and conditions under which translators perform their task. Kripper unpacks how the study of these works reveals translation not as an activity with communication as its end goal but rather as a mediating and mediated process shaped by the unique manipulations and motivations of translators and the historical and cultural contexts in which they work. In exploring the fictional representations of translators, the book also outlines pedagogical approaches and offers discussion questions for the implementation of translators’ narratives in translation, language, and literature courses. Narratives of Mistranslation will be of interest to scholars and educators in translation studies, especially those working in literary translation and translation pedagogy, Latin American literature, world literature, and Latin American studies
Contrary to the commonplace image of the translator as a bridge between languages and cultures, the depiction of translators in the proposed corpus questions the idea of translation as a fluid transnational dialogue with communication as its ultimate goal. The fictional translators with which this book engages move away from the original on purpose, making strategic use of mistranslation to subvert the power dynamics embedded in the process of translation. Challenging translation’s supposed subordinate position to an original, they do not regret nor mourn the loss traditionally associated with translation. Not all pieces of the broken vessel can be recovered, but this is no impediment for these fictional translators. They are not interested in reconstructing the broken vessel. Rather, they want to create something else with the pieces. Translators’ current pivotal role in fiction evidence translation to be an inevitably mediating and mediated activity, an interpretative and situated rewriting. Translation narratives offer the unique possibility of exploring the role of translators, understanding them as intermediaries with their own agency, motivations, and cultural and historical contexts. Repurposing the dictum traduttore traditore—the cliché of the translator as traitor—the representation of the translator’s task in fiction invites a rethinking of the translation process and investigates what happens when translators purposefully betray authors, intentionally tamper with communication, deliberately deviate from the source, and provocatively change meanings. Narratives of Mistranslation reveals new Latin American viewpoints that foreground the productive potential of mistranslation


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Denise Kripper is a bilingual literary translator (SPA-ENG), a translation studies scholar, and the translation editor at Latin American Literature Today. She is also an Associate Professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages & Literature Department at Lake Forest College. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, she currently lives in Chicago, where she is a member of the Third Coast Translators Collective.


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