专著推荐 | 用于语言教学的语料库:弥合研究与实践的鸿沟(2024年新书)
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Corpora for Language Learning: Bridging the Research-Practice Divide
劳特利奇出版社2024年新书本书主编:Peter Crosthwaite is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is an expert in corpus linguistics, data-driven learning, and computer-assisted language learning. He has published more than 50 articles in top journals and is the editor-in-chief of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (from 2024).
This volume presents a diverse range of expertise and practical advice on corpus-assisted language learning, bridging the gap between corpus research and actual classroom practice.
Grounded in expert discussions and interviews, the book offers an extensive exploration into the intricacies of corpus-based language pedagogy, addressing its challenges, benefits, and potential drawbacks while demonstrating the power of data-driven learning (DDL) tools, including AntConc, WordSmith Tools, and CorpusMate. The book navigates the complexities of integrating DDL into mainstream educational systems, showcasing real-world applications for teaching. The authors bring together cutting-edge, international perspectives on this topic in dialogue with those using such techniques in their classroom practice.
Both a rigorous academic resource and a hands-on guide for practitioners, this book is recommended reading for educators, researchers, or anyone wanting to upskill themselves in learning to harness the power of data in language pedagogy in primary, secondary, tertiary, or other professional contexts.
1. Bridging the research-practice divide for data-driven learning: Introduction to the volume
Peter Crosthwaite
2. Addressing the challenges of data-driven learning through corpus tool design – In conversation with Laurence Anthony
Laurence Anthony
3. Exploring multimodal corpora in the classroom from a multidimensional perspective
Tony Berber Sardinha
4. Data-driven learning: In conversation with Alex Boulton
Alex Boulton
5. Data-driven learning, second language acquisition and languages other than English: connecting the dots
Luciana Forti
6. DDL Support for academic English collocations
Ana Frankenberg-Garcia
7. Extensive reading and viewing for vocabulary growth: Corpus insights
Clarence Green
8. Transforming language teaching with corpora – Bridging research and practice
Reka R. Jablonkai
9. Practical use of corpora in teaching argumentation
Tatyana Karpenko-Seccombe
10. On the perils of linguistically opaque measures and methods: Toward increased transparency and linguistic interpretability
Tove Larsson and Douglas Biber
11. Why we need open science and open education to bridge the corpus research–practice gap
Elen Le Foll
12. Corpora in L2 vocabulary assessment
Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska
13. Corpus-based language pedagogy for pre-service and in-service teachers: Theory, practice, and research
Qing Ma
14. The applications of data-driven learning, corpus-based phraseology and phraseography in the development of collocational and phraseological competence
Adriane Orenha-Ottaiano
15. Data-driven learning in informal contexts? Embracing broad data-driven learning (BDDL) research
Pascual Pérez-Paredes
16. Using data-driven learning approach to teach English for Academic Purposes and improve higher education internationalisation
Paula Tavares Pinto
17. Exploring the interface between corpus linguistics and English for Academic Purposes: What, how and why?
Vander Viana
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