
【学3个词 31-33】31:quit 32:at the mercy of 33:toast

littleflute 红渡中学22班 2021-10-05



 【漂泊者乐园】-  红渡中学22班**-> 




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今天要学的词是quit。Quit就是停止,认输,说白了就是:不干了。网球大将Agassi结束了他21年的网球生涯。有人问他为什么不早一点退休。他回答说:If I wanted to quit, I would have done it a long time ago. I didn't come here to quit. 要是我想不干,我早就会那么做了。我不是来认输的。

Bill Gates中途退学,后来成为一个成功的商人 - Bill Gates quit school and became a successful businessman. 我以前的老板老是挑我的毛病 - My former boss always picked on me, 我实在忍无可忍。有一天我对他说:"I quit, I've had enough!" 我不干了。我受够了!噢,对不起,我该下班了 - Sorry, it's time for me to quit. 今天学的一个词是quit...


32:at the mercy of

今天要学的词组是at the mercy of。Mercy这个词是指仁慈,但是at the mercy of... 是指受某人的支配或控制。共和党一位参议院在反驳民主党提出的要求时说,要是将美军从伊拉克撤出,"...we'll leave ...Iraqis at the mercy of al-Qaeda, a terrorist group..." - 我们就会把伊拉克人置于基地恐怖组织的控制下。

在别人控制之下生活是很痛苦的 - It's painful to live at the mercy of someone else。例如,那个秘书是否会被解雇, Whether or not the secretary will be fired, she is at the mercy of her boss。你周末想去爬山吗?We are at the mercy of the weather - 这在于天气。今天学的词组是at the mercy of...



今天要学的词是toast。Toast不就是烤面包吗?对,但是今天说的是喝酒,不是面包。日本王妃纪子生了一个男孩,全国上下一片欢腾。报纸说:"Thousands of Japanese...dance and drink to toast the arrival of the new prince," 成千上万日本人跳舞喝酒祝贺新王子的诞生。这里的toast是指祝酒,庆祝。

许多事情都值得祝贺。我们经常为两国友谊祝酒 -- toast the friendship between our two countries。我们也经常说:A toast to your good health -- 祝你身体健康。一群大学生毕业后举行聚会, to toast their graduation -- 祝贺他们毕业。你要是中了彩票,Let's have a toast to your good luck!今天学的一个词是toast...

【学3个词 25-27】25:planet 26:underdog 27:through

【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

【学3个词 19-21】19:split up 20:indulge 21:classified

【学3个词 16-18】16:Break Neck 17:carry-on items 18:wardrobe

【学3个词 13-15】13:relax 14:double standard 15:take no chances

【学3个词 10-12】10:The jury is still out 11:marathon 12:pump

【学3个词 7-9】7:think twice  8:to beat the heat 9:pop up

【学3个词 4-6】4:sideline 5:opt for 6:to use restraint

【学3个词 1-3】1:kick-off 2:up someone's sleeve 3:swell

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