
[w]【学3个词 34-36】34:mend fences 35:snag 36:mourn

littleflute 红渡中学22班 2021-10-05



 【漂泊者乐园】-  红渡中学22班**-> 




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34:mend fences

今天要学的词组是:mend fences。Mend fences,修补离笆。对,没错。但是我们要讲的意思是:和谁修补关系。巴基斯坦总统访问阿富汗,报纸的标题说:"Pakistan leader seeks to mend fences with Kabul," 巴基斯坦领导人设法改善和喀布尔的关系。

参选的候选人经常会互相指责,但事后为了合作又得改善关系 -- If they are to cooperate, they'll have to mend fences。一个妻子出于误会地把丈夫大骂一顿。第二天她说:"In order to mend fences I baked a cake for him," 为了弥补关系我给他烤了个蛋糕。所以,说话要小心,免得事后得去弥补关系 -- Think twice before you speak so that you don't have to mend fences later。今天学的词组是mend fences...



今天要学的词是snag。Snag的原意是暗礁。一艘船碰到暗礁就搁浅了。所以, snag也就是障碍;什么东西卡住了,动不了了。一个新电影在华盛顿首次演出,来了许多电影明星。报纸报导说:"Then there was the traffic snag for the premiere," 电影首次演出造成交通堵塞。

共和党想通过国会正式任命John Bolton为驻联合国大使,但是受到阻挠 -- Republican efforts to confirm Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations hit a snag。一个年轻人看见一辆他梦寐以求的跑车,但是,His plan to buy that dream car hit a snag,因为银行不给他贷款。I run into a snag while shopping last night,昨晚我买东西没买成,因为忘了钱包。今天学的一个词是snag...



我们今天要学的词是mourn 。Mourn的意思是哀悼,悼念。在9/11袭击周年之际,《纽约时报》说:"Bush mourns 9/11 at Ground Zero as N.Y. remembers," 布什总统在世贸大楼旧址和纽约民众一同悼念9/11死难者。

但是对于一些死难者家属来说,失去亲人是永远的伤痛:"Some of the victims's families will never stop mourning their loved ones." 对于我们来说,最好的悼念方式让世界更安全:"One way to mourn victims of terrorist attacks is to try ourselves to make this world a safer place." 我们今天学的词是mourn...

【学3个词 28-30】28:red tape 29:addicted 30:defy

【学3个词 25-27】25:planet 26:underdog 27:through

【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

【学3个词 19-21】19:split up 20:indulge 21:classified

【学3个词 16-18】16:Break Neck 17:carry-on items 18:wardrobe

【学3个词 13-15】13:relax 14:double standard 15:take no chances

【学3个词 10-12】10:The jury is still out 11:marathon 12:pump

【学3个词 7-9】7:think twice  8:to beat the heat 9:pop up

【学3个词 4-6】4:sideline 5:opt for 6:to use restraint

【学3个词 1-3】1:kick-off 2:up someone's sleeve 3:swell

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