
热词 | 撤军、无现金社会、富豪消费价格指数 … 新闻热词荟

2017-07-31 中国日报 蔡雷英语



withdraw troops

The Ministry of Defense has demanded India immediately withdraw its troops from Chinese territory, warning its leaders not to leave things to luck or have unrealistic expectations.


➤24日,国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校就目前中印边境局势回答印度记者提问时表示,6月中旬,中方在洞朗地区(Doklam area)进行道路施工(road construction)时,遭到印军越线阻拦。洞朗地区是中国领土,中方在自己领土上进行正常的修路活动,这是中国的主权行为,完全正当合法(just and legitimate)。印方公然派军队越过双方承认的边界线(cross the mutually recognized section of the China-India border)进入中国境内,其行为严重损害中国主权、严重违反了国际法基本准则(severely infringe China's sovereignty and the basic principles of international laws)。

➤吴谦表示,中方捍卫领土主权(protect its territorial sovereignty)的决心和意志坚定不移,将不惜一切代价维护自己的领土主权和安全利益(spare no effort in maintaining its territorial sovereignty and security interests)。中国边防部队已在现地采取紧急应对措施,并将加强针对性训练和部署(Chinese border troops have begun emergency measures, and will strengthen specific training and deployment)。

➤他提醒印方,不要心存侥幸,不要抱着不切实际的幻想。中国人民解放军建军90年的历史(The People's Liberation Army's 90 years of history)证明了一点,撼山易,撼解放军难(it might be easier to shake the mountains than shake the PLA)。


解除对峙 solve the standoff 

边境入侵 border incursion

中印边界 China-India boundary

实际控制线 Line of Actual Control


modern hospital management

China should establish a "modern hospital management system" that adheres to putting people's health at the center and adheres to the nonprofit nature of public hospitals and putting the public's interest as a priority.


➤日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于建立现代医院管理制度的指导意见》,就全面深化公立医院(public hospital)综合改革、建立现代医院管理制度(modern hospital management system)作出部署。《意见》指出,现代医院管理制度是中国特色基本医疗卫生制度(basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics)的重要组成部分。

➤建立现代医院管理制度,要坚持以人民健康为中心,坚持公立医院的公益性,坚持政事分开(government functions be separated from institution functions)、管办分开(supervision be separated from day-to-day operations),坚持分类指导,鼓励探索创新,把社会效益放在首位,实行所有权与经营权分离,实现医院治理体系和管理能力现代化(modernization of hospital management system and capability)。

➤《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出:加快公立医院改革(speed the reform of public hospitals),鼓励社会办医(encourage private investment in the medical sector),优先支持举办非营利性医疗机构(nonprofit hospital),允许医师多点执业(allow doctors to have a license to work in more than one hospital),允许民办医疗机构纳入医保定点范围(allow medical insurance to cover private hospitals)。

➤今年的《政府工作报告》中也对公立医院改革提出了具体要求:深化医疗、医保、医药联动改革(the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry),全部取消药品加成(abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals),协调推进医疗价格、人事薪酬(staffing and remuneration)、药品流通(medicine distribution)、医保支付方式(models of health insurance payment)等改革。


民办医疗机构 private hospital

医事服务费 medical service fees

药品加成 medicine markups

过度用药 use excessive drugs


Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI)

Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI) in China saw an accumulated rise of 81.7% over the past 10 years, more than doubling the growth rate of nationwide Consumer Price Index (CPI), according to a Hurun report released on Wednesday.


➤富豪消费价格指数(Luxury Consumer Price Index,LCPI)是度量富豪生活消费品价格水平随着时间变动的相对数,综合反映奢侈品消费者购买的商品和服务的价格水平变动情况(change in the prices paid by luxury consumers for goods and services)。2017富豪消费价格指数涵盖了房产、健康、教育、旅游等11大类的116个商品价格。

➤豪宅(luxury property)价格继去年上涨13%之后今年依然达到各品类最高涨幅,达16.6%。休闲生活(leisure entertainment)继去年回升一个百分点之后,总体上涨6.1%。游艇和飞机(yachts and jets)价格继去年回升一个百分点之后,今年扩大涨幅,上涨4.4%。高档烟酒(high-end liquor and tobacco)价格连续两年下降之后,今年回升2.6%。名校教育(top school education)价格持续11年上涨,但今年涨幅不明显,只有1.2%。手表和珠宝(watch and jewelry)价格继去年上涨3.9%之后今年小幅上涨1.1%。

➤高档汽车(luxury car)价格连续两年下降之后,今年回升1%。奢侈品配饰和护肤品(luxury accessories and cosmetic products)价格继去年上升2.9%之后今年几乎无变化,涨幅为0.2%。婚庆和健康品类(wedding and healthcare products)价格首次下降,降幅分别为3.6%和3.5%。奢华旅游(luxury travel)价格继去年上涨5%之后,今年小幅下降0.9%。


高净值人群 high-net-worth individuals

消费者价格指数 Consumer Price Index (CPI)

国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

居民人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income of residents

采购经理指数 Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)

生产者出厂价格指数 Producer Price Index (PPI)


cashless society

China was the first country in the world to use paper money but centuries later the soaring popularity of mobile payment has some analysts forecasting it could become the first cashless society in the next decade. 


➤中国正掀起一场无现金革命(cashless revolution)。上海的一家面馆或深圳的一名街头艺人(busker)在收款时,只需要一个免费的微信账号和一个打印好的二维码(a free WeChat account and a printout of a QR code)。在中国大部分地区,几乎每台收银机(cash register)旁边都有二维码。艾瑞咨询称,2016年,中国第三方移动支付成交商品总额(gross merchandise value of third-party mobile payment)较上年同期增长了逾200%,达到38万亿元。中国市场研究集团估计,中国的移动支付市场(mobile payment market)规模已经是美国的40-50倍。

➤移动支付的最大吸引力在于方便(a key attraction of mobile payment is convenience),人们可以携带少量或不带现金出行。然而,移动支付的安全性也越来越引起关注。联合国的"优于现金联盟(Better Than Cash Alliance)"称,移动支付方仍在努力实现创新与监管之间的平衡(balance between innovation and regulation),且在积极地采取措施来降低财务风险和欺诈(reduce financial risk and fraud)。


金融工具 financial instruments

实体店 bricks and mortar store

短期贷款 short-term lending

消费者和商业信用评分 consumer and business credit scoring


extracurricular/after-school training

A survey in Beijing found that 92% of the Grade 4 and Grade 5 pupils interviewed received extracurricular training. The cost of after-school classes is extremely expensive and some parents even lamented that what they were raising were not children but "cash burners".


➤课外培训(extracurricular/after-school training)课程既包括乐器、绘画、滑冰等兴趣班(interest-oriented class),也包括英语、数学等主课的补习班(cram study sessions of major courses)。这些课程的费用动辄数千或上万元。

➤为什么越来越多的中国家庭被花费巨大、花样百出的课外培训绑架?《中国青年报》称,我国中产阶层父母(middle-class parents)对孩子的未来处于持续焦虑状态(in a state of permanent anxiety),担心孩子如果不发展任何艺术特长(if they don't develop any artistic talent)或在学习上落后于同龄人,就会输在起跑线上(lose the race on the starting line)。一些课外培训机构(after-school training agencies)也推波助澜,极力夸大课外培训的作用。


阶层固化 class solidification

补习班 cram study session

应试教育 exam-oriented education

择校费 school selection fee

优质教育资源 quality education resources




