
AMOY LIFE City Hiking Review | 东坪山

Jackieko Amoylife 2020-09-11

"Take a breath

look into the mirror at yourself

Don't you like you?

Cause I like you"

Date: July 29th

Place: Dong Ping Shan

Participants: 12 signed up, 10 attendees 

Distance: 12KM, 4.5 hrs, climb 400m+

Recent previous events:

▶ AMOY LIFE Charity Hiking Review | 明清古道

▶ XIKENG VILLAGE Hiking Review | 西坑村徒步

▶ DanXi Village WuSong waterfall Hiking Review | 淡溪村徒步回顾

Departure | 出发


7:45AM meet at North gate of Jinbang Park, depart at 8:00AM sharp, no one late, thanks all for support.

ZhiZhuLin Temple | 紫竹林寺


ZhiZhuLin Temple, which was built since the Wanli years of Ming dynasty, Minnan buddhist college female ministry is located here. Alex was punished for 20 push-ups since he left to "LA BABA" on the trail. :-)

Ming Qing ancient path | 明清古道


Ming Qing ancient path, have a history of 190 years from now, most are original dirt and stone road, try to discover the beauty of the city from the places that you know best.

Bike Road | 越野自行车道


It took almost 1 hour to reach top of the first small moutain, this part will be kinda tough for sedentary people since it is a long slope with sand dirt road. Bear in mind! Do have breatfast if you go hiking in the morning or you will suffer from hypoglycemia.

小山顶之后,一段下坡土路,需控制好重心,沙子路面容易滑,我们又见到了藏匿在山上的哆啦A梦!: -)

Downhill after the first peek of the small mountain.

Banlinggong | 半岭宫


Steps road decorated prayer flags all the way down from Banlinggong temple, way beautiful.

Meihailing | 梅海岭


Path from Meihailing to force area and then Dongpingshan village, we had a 10 mins break at Meihailing.

Sightseeing Platform  | 观景平台


Path from Dongpingshan village to Dongpingshan Sightseeing Platform.

Downhill | 下坡


Down from Dongpingshan Sightseeing Platform to Gundan valley.

Gundan Valley | 滚蛋谷


Gundan valley is located in south of Dong Ping Shan moutain, the valley piles up a lot of big cobblestones due to the ancient orogenic movement, it looks like huge eggs is rolling on the bottom, hence named "Gundan valley", not may people know Gundan valley since this place is a woody and wilderness area, it is very easy to get lost there, DON'T recommend go there alone, huge risk.

It is not an easy trail for some of us today actually but we all made it to the end, u guys are real awesome, thank u guys for coming and support, hope u all enjoyed a great hiking, see you next time.

Future coming events:

1. ZhangZhouGang Hiking

2. HaiMen island Hiking

3. XiongShi waterfall & JunYing Village Hiking

 Leave No Trace | 山野无痕



Thank you for subscribing to AMOY LIFE which is Xiamen focused, AMOY LIFE is an independent outdoor events community, we organize outdoor events engaged with expats lives in Xiamen and local residents, connecting people from all over the world to exchange and know much better of each other's cultures; meanwhile, AMOY LIFE will bring you any other of sports and outdoor events & some interesting events in or around Xiamen, hope you enjoy your life when stay in Xiamen, let's explore the city together & travel on with AMOY LIFE.


AMOY LIFE Previous Hiking:

▶ Yun Ding Shan Hiking & T rees Planting

▶ 2018 Tianzhu Mountain Hiking Conference

▶ Recount of Jin Jing Hiking | 金井古镇徒步回顾

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking ①

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking ②

▶ Recall of Quanzhou Hiking | 徒步回顾

▶ Recall of Dong Ping Shan Hiking on April 17th

〖Hiking〗前埔天心谷寻找心形石徒步登山 - 3月6日


〖Hiking〗Recall of New Year Hiking to Junying Villiage

〖Hiking〗Recall of Junying Villiage & XiongShi Waterfall Hiking

▶ XIKENG VILLAGE Hiking Review | 西坑村徒步

▶ DanXi Village WuSong waterfall Hiking Review | 淡溪村徒步回顾

▶ AMOY LIFE Charity Hiking Review | 明清古道

▶ AMOY LIFE Charity Hiking Review | 滚蛋谷

▶ AMOY LIFE Charity City Cycling Review | 厦港沙坡

▶ ANAL Sweater Hash Review | 漳州港


▶ Outdoor Project

▶ Promote Business

▶ Promote Events

▶ Headhunting Service


Life is short, Play hard!


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