







A Culture of Curiosity好奇心文化
– Speech by Peter Salovey, President of Yale University, at the Yale College Opening Assembly, Class of 2023耶鲁大学校长2019开学演讲August 24, 2019早上好!所有Eli Whitney项目的学生们、转校生们、来访的国际学生们以及大一新生们:欢迎来到耶鲁!Good morning! To all Eli Whitney students, transfer students, visiting international students, and first-year Yale College students: Welcome to Yale! On behalf of my colleagues here on stage, I extend a warm greeting to the families here today and thank you all for joining us. Please remember these first moments of your loved one’s college career are very special, and I’m glad you can share them with us today.在此,我谨代表各位同事,向在座的各位耶鲁家属表示热烈欢迎,感谢你们的到来。请与你们深爱着的新晋耶鲁学生一起尽情享受他们大学生活的最初的美好时光吧。Usually in an opening address, university presidents tell undergraduates that they are amazing individuals, selected from the…among the most talented high school students in the world today. This is, of course, true, but it is not the point I want to make. Instead, I want to encourage you to approach college unimpressed by how impressive you are; have more questions than answers; admit to being puzzled or confused; be willing to say, “I don’t know…but I want to find out.” And, most important, have the courage to say, “Perhaps I am wrong, and others are right.”通常,大学校长会在开学致辞中对本科生说,你们出类拔萃、万中挑一。当然,你们都是最优秀的,但这不是我想表达的重点。相比之下,我想鼓励你们在进入大学后不因自己的卓越而自命不凡;上下求索;承认和面对自己处于迷茫或困惑的状态;愿意说“我不知道……但我想要找到答案”。还有,最重要的是,要有勇气承认,“也许是我错了,其他人的观点才是对的。This is how you will learn the most from your teachers and classmates. And this is why we have all come to this place. We are here to ask questions – questions about one another and about the world around us. We are here at Yale to nurture a culture of curiosity.怀揣着这样的态度,你才能从老师和同学那里收获最多的东西。这是为什么我们汇聚于此。我们到耶鲁是为了提问,提出关乎彼此,关乎世界的问题。我们在耶鲁,是要培养好奇心文化。This summer, I read a story about Isidor Isaac Rabi, one of this country’s most extraordinary scientists. He remembered an important question his mother asked him. Brought to this country as an infant, Rabi conducted research into particle beams that led to the development of the MRI and many other scientific advances. And he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1944.今年夏天,我读了一个关于Isidor Isaac Rabi的故事,他是美国最杰出的科学家之一。Rabi出生后便被带到美国,他对粒子束的研究促进了核磁共振成像的发展和许多其它的科学进步。1944年,他获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。他一直记得母亲问他的一个重要问题。Rabi’s parents ran a small grocery store in Brooklyn. His mother had no formal education. The other moms, he remembered, asked their children every afternoon if they had learned anything in school. “Not my mother,” he recalled. “She always asked me a different question. ‘Izzy,’ she would say, ‘did you ask a good question today?’” He believed her reminder to ask good questions helped set him on a path to becoming a distinguished scientist.Rabi的父母在布鲁克林开了一家小杂货店,他的母亲没有受过正规的教育。当其他人的母亲每天下午问他们的孩子在学校学到了什么的时候,“我的母亲总是问我一个不同的问题。”Rabi回忆道,“‘Izzy(Rabi的小名),’她会说,‘你今天问了一个好问题吗?’”Rabi相信正是母亲对他“记得提好问题”的叮咛引领着他走上了成为一名杰出科学家的道路。So, to all the families here today, when you call your Yale students – when you ask them about their classes and their roommates and the food – remember also to ask them about their questions.所以,在场的所有家人们,当你们给你们的耶鲁学生打电话时,关注他们的同学、室友和餐食情况之余,请记得问问他们提出了怎样的问题。Imagine all the great discoveries that have come from asking a question – from Newton’s theory of gravity to the astonishing breakthroughs in quantum science – some of which are happening here at Yale. 想象一下,从牛顿的万有引力定律到量子科学的惊人突破,其中一些正在耶鲁大学发生,所有这些都始于提出了一个问题。When a musician experiments with a new melody, or a sociologist observes a social interaction, they ask “why” and “what would happen if…?” Their curiosity lights up our world and points us in new directions.当一位音乐家试奏了一曲新的旋律,亦或是一名社会学家观察到一段社交互动,他们会问“为什么”和“如果这样的话,会发生什么呢?”正是他们的好奇心点亮了我们的世界,为我们指明了新的方向。Self-discoveries come from asking questions, too. What do you learn when you ask yourself, “Why do I believe that?” … “Why do I believe that?” or “Why did I do that?”自我发现也来源于提问。当你问自己“我为什么相信这些?”或者“我为什么要那样做?”时,你从中学到了什么?I think of these lines from the poet Billy Collins: “the trouble with poetry is / that it encourages the writing of more poetry.”我想起了诗人Billy Collins的一句话:“诗歌的问题在于它鼓励更多的诗歌创作。I would say the same of asking questions. One leads to another, which opens doors to still another. Sometimes our questions lead to a dead-end. We realize the question we asked wasn’t quite right, and a door closes. But along the way, we have learned something. Perhaps in the future, we will ask better questions.提问也是如此。一个问题引向另一个问题,就像一扇大门开启了另一扇大门。有时我们提出的问题会把我们引向死胡同。这时,我们意识到是我们的问题不太正确,于是一扇门关上了。但在这个过程中,我们仍然受益匪浅。也许未来我们会问更好的问题。In a well-known scene in the movie “The Pink Panther”, Inspector Clouseau checks into a hotel in Germany. He sees a dachshund in the lobby, and he asks the hotel owner, “Does your dog bite?” The owner replies, “No.” When Clouseau goes to pet the dog, it bites his hand – hard! Shocked, he tells the hotel owner, “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite!” The owner replies, “That is not my dog.” Inspector Clouseau simply hadn’t asked the right question.在电影《粉红豹》中有一个著名的场景,Clouseau探长在德国入住一家酒店,他在大堂看到了一只腊肠犬,便问酒店老板:“你的狗咬人吗?”老板回答说:“不咬人。”于是Clouseau动手抚摸了那只狗,结果腊肠犬狠狠地咬了他一口。他震惊地对酒店老板说:“你不是说你的狗不咬人吗!”主人回答道:“可那不是我的狗。”显而易见,Clouseau没有问对问题。So, years ago, I taught an undergraduate seminar. And one of the questions on the application to the course was, “What is the most important thing you’ve changed your mind about?” We were surprised that quite a few students reported that they had not changed their minds about anything at all! So we decided to accept to the class only students who had changed their minds about something important.几年前,我联合教授本科生研讨课。这门课程在申请中的一个问题是,“你为哪件重要的事情改变过自己的想法?”令我们惊讶的是相当多的学生从未对任何事情改变过他们的想法!我们决定只招收曾对一些重要的事情做出过改变的学生。Be willing to change your mind. Ask questions and embrace Yale’s culture of curiosity. Be open to different viewpoints and experiences, see them as opportunities to learn – even if sometimes you get your hand bit.所以,乐于改变思维方式。勤提问,拥抱耶鲁的好奇心文化。对不同的观点和经历保持开放的心态,将其视作学习的机会,即使有时你会受挫。Now I am a social psychologist. Then as a graduate student at Yale, my curiosity was sparked by the study of emotions, and by a question my undergraduate advisor had asked me: “Peter, why do you think humans even have emotions? What do they do for us?” One of my major areas of research ever since has been emotional intelligence.我是一名社会心理学家。作为耶鲁大学的一名研究生,我的好奇心在研究情感和我的本科导师问我的第一个的问题时被激发出来:“必德,你认为人类为什么会有情感?情感对我们有什么影响?”从那时起,我的主要研究领域之一便确立为情商。In our earliest work, we described emotional intelligence as a set of skills that one can learn that helps you extract the information – the “data” – contained in emotions, either your own or somebody else’s. After a few years of research, it was obvious to me and my collaborators that we weren’t asking exactly the right question. We needed to be able to show that emotional intelligence predicted outcomes in life – the ability to form friendships, succeed in school, work as part of a team, and the like.在我们最早的研究中,我们把情商描述为一种技能,一个人可以通过学习这些技能帮助人解读自己或他人情绪中所隐藏的信息。经过几年的研究,我和我的合作者意识到:我们没有提出正确的问题。其实,我们需要展现的是生活中情商的效用,比如交友的能力,在学校取得成功的能力,团队合作的能力等等。Trouble was, how do you go about measuring the skills of emotional intelligence?那么问题来了,如何衡量情商的高低呢?We asked ourselves a series of questions starting with, well, “How are personal…how are personal characteristics typically measured by psychologists? The answer is by asking people to rate themselves – these are called “self-reports.” But this led to approaches that disappointed us: How would someone know if they were the kind of person who was especially good at identifying emotions, or understanding them, or managing them, or using emotions? Perhaps thinking that you had spectacular emotional intelligence was a sign of not having much of it at all!我们内部提出了一系列问题,第一个问题是“心理学家通常如何量化性格特质?”答案依靠人们给自己打分,即所谓的“自我评估”。但这个问题的答案让我们有些沮丧:一个人怎么知道自己是否是那种善于辨别、理解、管理和运用情绪的人呢?也许自以为拥有超乎寻常的情商正是没有太多情商的表现!So that door closed, we asked ourselves another question: If we wanted to know if someone possessed the skills of a great baseball player – hitting, throwing, catching the ball; running bases effectively – how confident would we be of self-report? The answer is – not very: All ball players think they are going to be the next A-Rod! 第一扇门关上了。于是我们又问了自己另一个问题:如果我们想了解一个人是否拥有成为伟大的棒球运动员的技能,比如击球、投掷、接球和高效地跑垒,那么,自我评估的可信度是多少呢?答案是不会很高:因为所有的球员都认为他们是下一个A-Rod!When I was a child, I thought I’d be the next Carl Yastrzemski on the Boston Red Sox, while my brother played in the backyard, but, in fact, I barely got out of Little League with my pride intact.当我还是孩子的时候,我和哥哥在后院玩耍,我也自认为是下一位Carl Yastrzemski(美国职业棒球运动员)。但实际上,我几乎从未在少年棒球联盟取得傲人的成绩。Why would emotional intelligence be any different than baseball? If we wanted to know whether someone had high E.I., we needed to assess these skills as abilities. And what would an ability measure of emotional intelligence even look like? So, asking ourselves these questions led to an answer that made more sense, and our ability-based measure of emotional intelligence has now been used in hundreds of studies. Knowing that we didn’t have all the answers and taking an inquisitive, curious attitude allowed us the opportunity to create something relatively new.为什么情商与棒球不同呢?如果我们想知道某人是否有高情商,我们需要将这些技能作为能力。那么衡量情商的能力是什么呢?这样的自我反问使我们更接近正确答案。现在,基于能力的情商测量方法已经被用于数百项研究之中。明确我们并非无所不知,并怀有一种好学、好奇的态度,才能使我们开辟出新天地。So, what questions will you ask? What will spark your curiosity?那么,你将提出什么问题?又是什么会激发你的好奇心呢?Not long ago, I received an email from a very proud Yale College parent. He told me about his son, who heard seventy-seven different speakers during his first year at Yale. Seventy-seven! He had learned from thinkers and leaders across the political spectrum; he attended events organized by a wide range of campus organizations. What a way to spend a first year! Could you do this and not change your mind about something important?不久前,我收到一封邮件,一位耶鲁本科学生家长非常自豪地跟我分享了他儿子的故事:他的儿子在耶鲁大学的第一年听了77位不同讲者的课。七十七位!他从不同政治观点的思想者和领导那里学到很多,并参加了校园社团组织的各类活动。这是一种多么好的方式来度过你的第一年啊!你能这样坚持一年却依然不想改变你对一些重要事情的想法吗?And it turns out this student is also very good at asking questions: He’s doing a project where in the past year, he has interviewed dozens of people – scholars and activists, and journalists, and entrepreneurs from many different sectors. Like so many students, faculty, and staff, he is nurturing a culture of curiosity at Yale.事实证明,这位学生也非常善于提问:在过去的一年里,他采访了几十个人,有学者、活动家、记者和来自不同领域的创业者。和许多学生、教职员工一样,他正在耶鲁培养一种好奇心的文化。Indeed, the Yalies who have come before you have asked a dazzling array of questions. I think of the pioneers of coeducation. Fifty years ago, in 1969, 588 women came to study in Yale College. They entered what had long been an all-male institution, and they asked questions that hadn’t been asked before. We will commemorate this milestone – along with the 150th anniversary of women entering Yale’s School of Art – throughout this year.往届的耶鲁人已经先于你提出了一系列的问题。我想起了提出男女同校教育的先驱们。五十年前的1969年,588名女性来到耶鲁本科学院学习。她们进入了一个长期以来都是男性的机构,问了一些此前从未被问过的问题。在女性入读耶鲁艺术学院150周年之际,我们全年都在纪念这一里程碑。I think of Margaret Warner, Class of 1971. An award-winning journalist, she knows how to ask brilliant questions, and has reported from warzones for decades, witnessing history firsthand, trying to understand our world.我想起了1971届的Margaret Warner。作为一名屡获殊荣的记者,她知道如何提出精彩的问题。她从事战区报道数十年,见证了历史并试图以此了解我们的世界。I think, too, of Alice Young, also Class of 1971. She looked around this campus and asked why there weren’t more students from public schools, so she became an ambassador for Yale back in her home state of Hawaii. And she was also one of the founders of the Asian American Students Alliance, which also celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.还有1971届的Alice Young。她曾环顾校园并提出为什么没有更多来自公立学校的学生,于是她回到家乡夏威夷州,成为耶鲁大学的大使。她也是亚裔美国学生联盟(Asian American Students Alliance)的创始人之一,今年是该联盟成立50周年。And we remember other important anniversaries and the curious students who were part of these changes. In 1969, thanks to student efforts, the Afro-American Cultural Center, known as “the House,” opened, and what is now the Department of African American Studies was created. That same year, students established the Yale chapter of MEChA. 我们还记得其他重要的纪念日,以及参与这些变革的好奇的学生们。1969年,在学生们的努力下,被称为“The House”的非裔美国文化中心成立了,现在的非裔美国研究系也创立于当年。同年,学生们成立了提倡高等教育的学生组织Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan(MEChA)耶鲁分会。And I believe we owe a debt of gratitude…a debt of gratitude to all the courageous pioneers, throughout our history, who have made Yale what it is today.我认为我们都应该感谢历史上所有勇敢的先驱们,是他们成就了今天的耶鲁。What questions will you ask? And how will your questions transform Yale and improve the world?你将会提出什么问题?你们的提问将如何改变耶鲁,又将如何改善我们的世界?Your time at Yale is an unparalleled opportunity to engage with a wide range of people, ideas, and experiences. More than at any other point in your life, you will have the means and opportunity to hear from – and converse with – world-renowned experts in many fields. You will have the chance to create knowledge through rigorous research, and attend arts, literary, and athletics events that challenge and inspire you. You will spend time with peers whose lives have been wildly different from your own.你在耶鲁的时光是一个无与伦比的机会可以广交好友、碰撞思想、了解不同的经历。在你的人生中,你将比任何时候都有更多的方法和机会听到众多世界著名专家的见解,并与他们交谈。你将有机会通过严谨的研究去创造知识,参加艺术、文学和体育活动去挑战和激发自我。你将和拥有与你截然不同经历的同龄人共度时光。What if you nurtured your own curiosity by pushing yourself beyond the familiar and the comfortable? What would that look like for you?如果你强迫自己走出舒适区,培养好奇心,那将是什么样子?It might mean attending a talk on a topic you don’t know much about or by someone who doesn’t share your beliefs. Or conducting research in a Yale laboratory or collaborating on an exhibit at one of our amazing museums. Or perhaps your curiosity will be sparked by having coffee with a classmate who comes from a different part of the world or a different place on the political spectrum.这可能是参加一场你所不熟悉领域的演讲,或者与观点不同的人对话,或者在耶鲁的实验室做研究,或者在我们惊艳的博物馆中合作举办展览,也可能你的好奇心是在与来自世界不同地区或不同政见的同学一起喝咖啡的时候被激发出来的。And when you do these things, when you take advantage of the opportunities Yale makes possible, what questions will you ask?当你做这些事情的时候,当你利用耶鲁提供的机会的时候,你会问什么问题?There is so much we don’t know. Let us embrace, together, our humility – our willingness to admit what we have yet to discover. After all, if you knew all the answers, you would not need Yale. And if humanity knew all the answers, the world would not need Yale.世界上存在着太多未知。让我们虚怀若谷,承认很多东西尚待发现。毕竟,如果你知道所有的答案,你就不需要耶鲁。如果人类知道所有的答案,这个世界就不需要耶鲁。So, what questions will you ask today? Tomorrow? The next day? And in the days, months, and years after I have shaken your hand at Commencement, let me know…let me know what questions you’ve asked that have changed your life.那么,你今天打算问什么问题呢?明天呢?后天呢?我希望当我在毕业典礼上与你们握手之后的经年累月中,你们能告诉我,你们提出了什么问题改变了你们的人生。Good luck, Class of 2023!祝你们好运,2023届的同学们!


5月17日,耶鲁大学举行2019届本科生毕业典礼,校长苏必德(Peter Salovey)发表名为“What are You For?”的演讲。



So, there is a wonderful Yale tradition that I would like to honor right now:


May I ask all of the families and friends here today to rise and recognize the outstanding—and graduating—members of the Class of 2019?


And now, may I ask the Class of 2019 to consider all those who have supported your arrival at this milestone, and to please rise and recognize them?


Thank you!


In September 1974, Kingman Brewster, Jr., then president of Yale, spoke to members of the Class of 1978, seated right where you are now. He told them, “Many of us have just been on a ten-year trip of moral outrage: anti-Wallace, anti-War, anti-Watergate. We have been so sure about what we were against that we have almost forgotten how difficult it is to know what we are for and how to achieve it.”

1974年9月,时任耶鲁大学校长的Kingman Brewster, Jr.在开学典礼上对1978届学生发表演讲,他们就坐在你们现在的位置上。校长对他们说:“在座的许多人刚刚经历了道义上极其不满的十年:反华莱士、反战、反水门事件。我们对所反对的事物深信不疑,几乎忘记了我们要支持什么,以及如何实现。”

Does this sound familiar? Today, perhaps more than ever, it is easy to know what you’re against. Far more difficult to say what you’re for.


What we‘re against is going to be different for each of us. Maybe you’re against border walls and I’m against guns; your neighbor is against trade wars and your cousin is against abortion. For some, capitalism is the problem, while others fear the specter of socialism. By this point, I bet all of you are against sitting in old buildings with no air conditioning, listening to a long speech! So, I’ll get to the point…


How many of you have seen a Marx Brothers movie? Although I’m not mistaken for Groucho Marx as often since I shaved my moustache, I still have a weakness for his humor.

有多少人看过喜剧演员马克斯兄弟(Marx Brothers)的电影?自从我刮掉上唇的胡子后,虽不再像以前那样经常被误认为是格劳乔·马克斯(Groucho Marx),但我仍然对他的幽默风趣情有独钟。


One of Groucho’s best performances, of course, is when he plays a college president. (Now that is a funny role!) In the opening scene of the movie Horse Feathers, Groucho, the new president of Huxley College, is told that the trustees have “a few suggestions” for him. Then he breaks into this song:

格劳乔·马克斯饰演赫胥黎学院的新校长格劳乔最精彩的一段表演是扮演一位大学校长。在电影《趾高气扬》(Horse Feathers)的开场中,这位赫胥黎学院的新校长被告知学校的校董们对他有“一些建议”,于是他就唱起了这首歌曲:

“I don’t know what they have to say


It makes no difference anyway


Whatever it is, I’m against it


No matter what it is or who commenced it


I’m against it


Your proposition may be good


But let’s have one thing understood:


Whatever it is, I’m against it.”[2]


I encourage you to look up the scene on YouTube—not right now, please—because it’s still a very funny piece. It’s funny because it’s ridiculous, but also because it contains a kernel of truth. And the truth applies not only to college presidents, but to all of us.


How many times have we decided we’re against an idea before we’ve even heard it? How guilty are we of deciding “I’m against it” without even knowing what “it” is?


Many times we know what we’re against based on whose saying it. If an idea comes from a certain public figure, politician, or media outlet, we already know how we feel. Partly this is because our public discourse has become so predictable. We’ve lost the capacity for surprise, for revelation.


Speaking of predictable, here is the moment when an ambassador of an older generation—that’s me—tells millennials—most of you—about the evils of social media! But please hear me out…


Social media has transformed our lives and our relationships. It has many advantages, of course, allowing us to share news and information quickly with people around the world. But it also heightens our sense of outrage and speeds up arguments, depriving us of the time and space for careful reflection.


Bombarded with notifications, pressured to respond before the media cycle turns over, we tap out our position—our opposition—in seconds. It is easy to be against something in fewer than 280 characters. It is far more difficult to articulate what you are for—and to do it at warp speed.


Make no mistake: There are plenty of reasons to be outraged. My generation, your generation—we face not only grave moral challenges but existential threats: rising ocean levels globally and rising inequality in America; violence around the world and in our own backyards; the fraying of the social fabric. “The falcon cannot hear the falconer,” and we wonder if the center can hold. [3]


I understand the impulse toward negativity. Like many of you, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face, by the injustices that call out for our condemnation. Yet it is precisely because our challenges are so great that outrage is not enough. Pointing out what is wrongs merely the beginning, not the end, of our work.


捷克作家伊凡·克里玛(Ivan Klimt)

The Czech author Ivan Klimt wrote, “To destroy is easier than to create, and that is why so many people are ready to demonstrate against what they reject. But what would they say if one asked them what they wanted instead?”[4]

捷克作家伊凡·克里玛(Ivan Klimt)曾写道,“破坏比创造更容易,所以才有那么多人公然表示自己反对某一件事。如果你问他们想要什么,他们又会怎样作答呢?”

What would you say? What would I say? What are you for?


Lima’s life story is one of both criticism and creation. Born in Prague in 1931, he was sent to a Nazi concentration camp as child. He survived and became an outspoken voice for democracy in Czechoslovakia.


But in 1968, with the Soviet invasion and crackdown,Klima’s ideas became dangerous. He could have fled, but he chose to return home and continue his work in defiance of the Communist regime. He organized an underground meeting of writers who circulated manuscripts in secret. Over the course of 18 years, those writers produced three hundred different works of art. They were critics, of course: critics of tyranny, critics of violence. But they were creators, too, of plays, novels, and poetry. They imagined, and helped create, a new and better world.


What will you imagine? A better business, a smarter school, a stronger community? Whatever you are against, it is time to create something you are for.


At Yale you have learned to do both: to imagine and create. You have studied and explored new ideas; made art and music; excelled in athletics; launched companies; and served your neighbors and the world. You have created a vibrant, diverse, and exciting community.


Take these experiences with you and draw on them when you need encouragement. Remember a class that surprised you; conversation that inspired you; a professor who believed in you. And take care to avoid what Toni Morrison calls “second-rate goals and secondhand ideas.”

请把这些经历装入行囊,当你们需要鼓励的时候,可以从中汲取力量。记住在耶鲁的点点滴滴,哪怕是一堂让你惊奇的课,一次有启发的谈话,或者一位信任你的教授。要留心避免作家托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)所说的“二流目标和二手思想”。

作家托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)

“Our past is bleak. Our future dim,” Morrison writes. “But if we see the world as one long brutal game, then we bump into another mystery, the mystery of beauty, of light, of the canary that sings on the skulls.”[5]

“我们的过去黯然惨淡,我们的未来阴暗朦胧,” 莫里森曾写道。“但如果我们把这个世界看作一场漫长而残酷的游戏,我们就会碰到另一个谜,那是美和光的谜,是在骷髅上歌唱的金丝雀的谜。”

Being for something is a search for those mysteries, for that light: it is an act of radical optimism, a belief that a more perfect world is within reach and that we can help build it.


What are you for?


You may well turn that question back to me. What are you for, Peter Salvoes?


I am for the transformative power of a liberal education—one that asks you to think broadly, questions everything, and embrace the joy of learning.


I am for the American Dream in all its rich promise—the idea that opportunities are shared widely and that access to education is within reach for the many, not the few.


I am for the robust and free exchange of ideas, as essential to the mission of a great university as it is to the health of our democracy.


I am for a world where we welcome the immigrant, the poor, and the forgotten; we do not shut them out or silence them; a world where showing empathy and understanding is considered the true hallmark of success, of a life well-lived.


That is what I am for.


Yale’s mission says, in part, that we are “committed to improving the world today and for future generations.” That commitment does not end at graduation.


Soon you will leave Yale and, as Robert Penn Warren, who studied and taught at Yale, wrote, “Go into the convulsion of the world, out of history and into history.”

诸位即将离开耶鲁,正如曾在耶鲁学习和授课的文学家罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦(Robert Penn Warren)所说,“进入这个痉挛中的世界,走出历史,又走进了历史。”

文学家罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦(Robert Penn Warren)

Indeed, you will go into history and make history.


Looking around me today, I think of the generations of Yale graduates who have come before you. Individuals who have been for something.


There are many names we know and others that would be less familiar—presidents and world leaders, artists and business executives, scholars and scientists.


Like them, I know you will heed the call to leadership and service and leave your mark on every realm of human endeavor.


That is Yale’s mission—that is what Yale is for.


As members of the Yale community, what do we believe?


We believe that facts and expertise, applied with creativity and wisdom, can transform the world.


We believe that education and research save lives and make life more meaningful.


We believe that diversity of thought and diversity in deed are essential to human progress.


We believe, most of all, in the boundless potential of human ingenuity; that together, we can solve great challenges and bring light and truth to a world in great need of it.


On Monday during your commencement ceremonies, I will confer on you all the “rights and responsibilities” of a Yale degree. Yours is a great responsibility. You will have to know what you are for.


What are you for?


“Surely in the light of history,” Eleanor Roosevelt said, “it is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear, to try rather than motto try.”[7]

埃莉诺·罗斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt,罗斯福总统夫人)曾说过:“从历史的角度来看,明智者总是怀抱希望而非心存恐惧,勇于尝试而非望而却步。”

埃莉诺·罗斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Yale has prepared you, as a scholar and a human being, to try; to face challenges with courage and determination. And I trust you are leaving Yale with a sense of your own responsibilities to one another, to the planet, and to our shared future.


By serving others and our communities with the many gifts you have been given, you will live a life that is for something, a life of meaning and purpose.


There is no time to waste; there are no words to waste: As a young Bob Dylan sang in 1965, “He not busy being born is busy dying.”[8] We must give life to new ideas, imagine new ways of being in the world, new answers to the problems that vex us and our neighbors.

没有时间可以浪费;也没有语言可以浪费:正如1965年青春年少的鲍勃•迪伦(Bob Dylan)所唱的那样:“不忙于生,必忙于死。”我们必须给予生命以新思想,想象生存在这个世界的新方式,寻找恼人问题的新答案。

Now is the time.


Members of the Class of 2019 (please rise):


We are delighted to salute your accomplishments, and we are proud of your achievements. Remember to give thanks for all that has brought you to this day. And go forth from this place with grateful hearts, paying back the gifts you have received here by using your minds, voices, and hands to imagine and create the new worlds you wish to see.


What are you for?


Congratulations, Class of 2019!


2018年8月25日,耶鲁大学校长苏必德 (Peter Salovey)发表致2022届新生的开学演讲。苏必德向新生传递了“耶鲁公民”这一概念,希望来自不同国家和地区、不同文化背景、持有不同观点的耶鲁人都能享受耶鲁大学带来的权利,同时在校园外也能实现自己作为耶鲁公民的义务——抱有好奇,善于倾听,尊重文化,服务他人。耶鲁校长讲给新生的这番话,或许可以启发所有人的思考。


Our Yale Citizenship

-- Yale College Opening Assembly Address, Class of 2022

Peter Salovey, President of Yale University

Saturday, August 25, 2018



耶鲁大学校长 苏必德

2018年8月25日 周六

Good morning! On behalf of my colleagues here on stage, I extend a warm welcome to all the family members with us today. And to the first-years, transfer students, and Eli Whitney students: Welcome to Yale!

大家早上好,在此我谨代表各位同事向2022届的本科新生们、转校生们以及Eli Whitney项目的学生们表示最诚挚的欢迎。欢迎来到耶鲁!

Today is a day of pageantry and excitement. Many of you bring members of your extended families to cheer you on, celebrating this milestone with justifiable pride and just a little anxiety.


Today is also a day of Yale traditions. You will encounter countless wonderful rituals here, some recent and some quite old. Many are steeped in history yet remain popular, even beloved, among Yalies. (And remember, you are now a Yalie!)


One of our Yale traditions is singing an old song, “Bright College Years.” Written in the late 19th century, it is our unofficial, but widely acknowledged, alma mater. You will hear it at many campus events, often sung by the Yale Glee Club and other Yale groups, and played by the Yale Precision Marching Band after football games.

耶鲁的传统之一是唱一首古老的歌曲,叫Bright College Years 《美好校园年华》。它诞生于19世纪晚期,虽然是非官方的歌曲,却受到广泛认可。你将在许多校园活动中听到这首歌,通常是由耶鲁合唱团或其他耶鲁团体演唱,或是在美式橄榄球比赛后由耶鲁大学仪仗队进行演奏。

Now, I am not a singer. I am a bluegrass bass player. But I hope you will indulge me for a moment:


The seasons come, the seasons go,

The earth is green or white with snow,

But time and change shall naught avail

To break the friendships formed at Yale.





These couplets are some of my favorites from “Bright College Years,” and, in my experience, they are truthful. I suspect they will prove accurate for you as well. But it is the song’s final lines, popular at alumni gatherings and always sung with gusto, complete with the waving of handkerchiefs, that I want to use to launch my topic for today:


Oh, let us strive that ever we

May let these words our watch cry be,

Where’er upon life’s sea we sail:

“For God, for Country and for Yale!”





“For God, for Country, and for Yale:” A member of the Yale College Class of 1881 named Henry Durand wrote this ballad, and the final lines were meant to be a rallying cry. It made sense in those days to presume, as Durand did, that most Yale students shared, or at least professed to share, the same god and the same country. Most Yalies, until recent decades, were white, Protestant, and American. And of course, until fifty years ago in Yale College, they were all men.

“为主为国,也为耶鲁。”这首歌是耶鲁大学1881届一位名叫Henry Durand的学生所作,最后这一段歌词是为了号召大家团结奋发。在当时,像Henry Durand一样,大多数的耶鲁学生都来自同一个国家,信奉同一宗教。甚至到本世纪上半叶,大多数耶鲁人都是白人、新教徒且来自美国本土。直到50年前,耶鲁学生甚至全部为男性。

Today, Yale is a different place from the college Durand knew. We welcome people from around the world, from every background and from every walk of life.

当然,今天的耶鲁早已不再是当时Henry Durand所认识的那所大学。我们欢迎来自世界各地的学生,不论背景,不分阶层。

I am proud to be a Yale graduate. I received my Ph.D. in psychology from Yale in 1986. A hundred years earlier, I may have been less likely to have been admitted to Yale on account of my background; I am Jewish, with roots in Eastern Europe. My wife Marta, another proud Yale graduate, received her master’s degree in public health in 1984; her family is from Puerto Rico. Our stories are not unique. Over the past decades, Yale has opened its doors wider and wider. We have expanded the circle of belonging.


Yet despite our differences and diversity, we have at least one very important thing in common: we all share Yale. No matter where you are from, or who you are, or your path to arriving here, now you are—among other things—a member of this community. You belong here. You are citizens of Yale.


In our country and our world today, questions about citizenship and immigration are hotly contested. But at Yale, we share none of this uncertainty about the critical importance of immigrant and international students and scholars. The work of the university—education and research—requires the free movement of people and ideas across national borders. On behalf of this university, I advocate for policies that will allow us to welcome students and scholars from around the world to our campus.


Our Yale citizenship, however, is not based on national origin. Our students hail from 121 countries. Nor is it based on our adherence to a certain set of beliefs or dogma, as we bring an enormous range of viewpoints and perspectives to this campus. Instead, we are citizens of Yale because we share a desire to know, understand, and create. We are members of an academic community dedicated to Urim v’Thummim, lux et veritas, light and truth.

耶鲁公民身份并非基于国家和地域。我们的学生来自全球121个国家;同时它也不是基于我们对某种信仰或教条的坚持,因为我们所有人为这个校园带来了极为广泛的观点和视角。相反,我们是耶鲁公民,是因为我们都渴望学习、理解并创造。我们都属于同一个学术团体,致力于追求Urim v’Thummim(起源于希伯来语,意为光明与真理),lux et veritas(拉丁语,意为光明与真理),光明与真理。

We are poets and psychologists, historians and scientists, physicians and deans, and yet we all share the same fundamental goal: to expand the horizons of the known world. To ask questions that shake the foundations of knowledge and to rebuild them again with new answers.


Our world is desperate for new ideas and solutions. We need to understand the human condition and our planet. We need insights into the genome. We need breakthroughs in our ability to fight disease, alleviate suffering, and find justice. We need answers to urgent and long-standing questions.


You will tackle this important work at Yale. The experiences you have here will shape the rest of your lives, and you will have opportunities that most people only dream of.


And because a Yale education is a great privilege, it comes with certain obligations. I want to speak today about some of the most important obligations of Yale citizenship. I will delineate four of them:


The responsibility to be curious, constantly;

The duty to listen to others, even those whose thoughts you despise, and to exchange ideas freely;

The obligation to create a culture of respect here;

And the requirement to use the gifts you have been provided to serve others and the world.





So, the first obligation concerns our intellectual and scholarly work. Our campus must be a place conducive to deep study that will motivate both a lifetime of learning and the development of character that will serve you well as future leaders.


Yale will demand much of you. There will be times when you don’t understand an assignment or struggle with a problem set. You may do poorly on a midterm. At least I hope so! Those failures—as much as your successes—mean you are doing something right. Be kind to yourself, and remember that you have come to Yale because you don’t know everything—not yet.


The faculty will be alongside you, as teachers and mentors. This is my thirty-third year on Yale’s faculty, and I know that working with students is one of the great joys of this profession. Go to office hours. Get to know your professors, and they will help you deepen and expand your expertise. Most of all, allow your curiosity to take wing—to take you in unexpected directions and lead you to new areas of study, practice, and discovery.


I enrolled in courses in college that I hadn’t planned to take, and they changed the way I see the world now, forty years later: a course in the history of theater styles, a course in writing poetry, a course in real-world (applied) sociology, a course in geology that involved fascinating fieldwork.  Make sure you explore the great range and diversity of academic experiences available to you here.


Second, as citizens of Yale, we are obligated to listen carefully to others. Sometimes this means we must listen to ideas we find objectionable. You don’t have to agree, but each of us must enjoy the opportunity to express thoughts and opinions. We work hard to safeguard this right on our campus. I hope you will have many opportunities to think deeply and speak honestly and courageously about difficult issues during your time here.


Discourse is the heart of the academic enterprise. So, find times and places for conversation, whether in a classroom, dining hall, or on the athletic field.


There are many impediments to meaningful conversation, including technology. I am not going to try to persuade you to stop texting or tweeting altogether. But I would urge you to put down your phones whenever possible, and seek out face-to-face interactions. We are happier and our relationships are stronger when we do. (Just ask anyone who took “Psychology and the Good Life” with Professor Laurie Santos last year!)

当然,要进行一场有意义的对话面临包括科技上的许多障碍。我不会试图说服你停止发短信或推特,但我会敦促你尽可能地放下手机,寻求面对面的交流。当我们面对面交流时,我们会更快乐,我们的关系也会更牢固。(任何一个听了Laurie Santos的课程《心理学和美好生活》的人都知道!)

You will meet people of remarkable talent, promise, and integrity here at Yale. In the days and weeks ahead, I would urge you to seek out a wide variety of friends and associates. As I said to last year’s graduating class,draw a larger circle to include people who might look, talk, act, or think differently from you. Introduce yourself to staff members; get to know your neighbors in the city of New Haven. Your ability to speak but also listen, to reach beyond what is familiar and easy, will be one of the great measures of your time here at Yale.


Third, as citizens of Yale we strive to support a culture of mutual respect on our campus. To do this we must accord each person the dignity and recognition they deserve.


Claudia Rankine is the Frederick Iseman Professor of Poetry at Yale. In her powerful work, Citizen: An American Lyric, she explores what citizenship and belonging mean in contemporary America, often by describing mundane situations. I would like to read you a passage:

Claudia Rankine是耶鲁大学的诗歌教授。在她的著作《公民:一首美国抒情诗》中,通过描述一些平凡的场景,她探讨了当代美国公民的身份和归属感。在此我想给你们读上一段:

“In line at the drugstore it’s finally your turn, and then it’s

not as he walks in front of you and puts his things on the

counter. The cashier says, Sir, she was next. When he

turns to you he is truly surprised.

Oh my God, I didn’t see you.

You must be in a hurry, you offer.

No, no, no, I really didn’t see you.”





Who do we see—or not see? In our residential colleges and classrooms, in restaurants, on vacation and at work, in our country and in our world? Who do we see, and who do we look past?


Your lives at Yale will be busy and full. You will study, work, volunteer, socialize, and—I dearly hope—sometimes sleep. But make sure you take time to see the people around you. Try to imagine the world through their eyes; bring empathy and imagination to all that you do. I am counting on each of you. Together we can ensure that Yale is a community where each person feels valued and welcomed.


Finally, your obligations as citizens of Yale extend beyond this campus. Our alumni are perhaps the greatest illustration of Yale’s tradition of service. Five Yale graduates have served as U.S. presidents, four as secretaries of state, and eighteen as justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, representing viewpoints across the political spectrum.


Yale alumni have served as heads of state of several foreign countries, including Italy, Mexico, Malawi, and South Korea. Many others have improved their neighborhoods and cities as teachers, philanthropists, and mentors. Still others have built businesses that created jobs. For generations, our students and alumni have contributed to the common good. I urge you to carry on this vital Yale tradition.


“For God, for Country, and for Yale:” This is still the promise of “Bright College Years”—and I enjoy singing those words as much as anyone—that even if we worship differently or not at all, even if we are citizens of different nations or people without a country, we all share Yale. We take pride in our “rights and responsibilities” as members of this community. In return for the great privilege of a Yale education, we look beyond this campus to pursue a larger purpose, to “improv[e] the world today and for future generations.” This is what we share in common.


I am convinced that our Yale citizenship is just as vital today as it was 317 years ago when this college was founded. The world needs light and truth as much as ever. It needs your leadership and your service. It needs the meaning you bring to the world and the questions you ask. Most of all, it needs your best efforts—your successes and your failures.


As citizens of Yale sharing a common purpose—the pursuit of knowledge and understanding—let us start today to begin the work we have come here to do: to ask new questions, to listen carefully and speak honestly, to see with new eyes, and to contribute to our communities and our world. Most of all, leave this hall today with a commitment in your hearts to be exemplary citizens of Yale, building the future we hope to see.


Today, as I look out onto this room, I am optimistic about the future of Yale and the future of our world.


Good luck, Class of 2022!





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