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European Commission - Press release
Updated Blocking Statute in support of Iran nuclear deal enters into force

Brussels, 6 August 2018
As the first batch of re-imposed US sanctions on Iran takes effect, the EU's updated Blocking Statute enters into force on 7 August to mitigate their impact on the interests of EU companies doing legitimate business in Iran.
The updated Blocking Statute is part of the European Union's support for the continued full and effective implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the Iran nuclear deal, including by sustaining trade and economic relations between the EU and Iran, which were normalised when nuclear-related sanctions were lifted as a result of the JCPOA.
The process of updating the Blocking Statute was launched by the Commission on 6 June 2018, when it added to its scope the extraterritorial sanctions the US is re-imposing on Iran. A two-month scrutiny period for the European Parliament and the Council followed. Since neither objected, the update will be published in the Official Journal and enter into force on 7 August.
More on the Blocking Statute
The Blocking Statute allows EU operators to recover damages arising from US extraterritorial sanctions from the persons causing them and nullifies the effect in the EU of any foreign court rulings based on them. It also forbids EU persons from complying with those sanctions, unless exceptionally authorised to do so by the Commission in case non-compliance seriously damages their interests or the interests of the Union. The authorisations will be done on the basis of agreed criteria which will also be issued on 7 August.
To help EU companies with the implementation of the updated Blocking Statute the Commission will also publish a Guidance note to facilitate understanding of the relevant legal acts.
Next steps
The European Union is fully committed to the continued, full and effective implementation of the JCPOA, as long as Iran also respects its nuclear-related commitments. The lifting of nuclear-related sanctions allowing for the normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran constitute essential parts of the JCPOA. At the same time, the European Union is also committed to maintaining cooperation with the United States, who remains a key partner and ally.
In addition to the above measure, the EU, in close coordination with Member States and other partners, is working on concrete measures aimed at sustaining the cooperation with Iran in key economic sectors, particularly on banking and finance, trade and investment, oil, and transport.
On 8 May, President Trump decided to withdraw the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and to reinstate all previously lifted sanctions under this agreement. The re-imposed US sanctions will come into effect after a “wind-down” period of 90 days (ending 6 August 2018) for certain sanctions and 180 days (ending 4 November 2018) for others.
On 18 May, the Commission initiated several steps to preserve the interests of European companies investing in Iran and to enable the EIB to finance activities in Iran, demonstrating the EU's commitment to the JCPOA.
On 6 June, the European Commission adopted the updates of the Blocking Statute and of the EIB's External Lending Mandate, which enter into force on 7 August following the two-month non objection period.
On 6 July, a meeting of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA, convening the EU, E3 (France, Germany and the United Kingdom), Russia, China and Iran, took place in Vienna at ministerial level and was chaired by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini. All remaining parties to the deal reiterated their commitment to the full and continued implementation of the nuclear deal. They supported recent efforts to maintain the normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran and also noted EU's efforts to update the Blocking Statute to protect EU companies.
For More Information*
Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Foreign Ministers of the E3 on the re-imposition of US sanctions due to its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
MEMO Questions and Answers: entry into force of the updated Blocking Statute
Foreign Policy Instrument - dedicated website
Blocking Statute + Updated annex
Guidance note
Implementing Regulation on the criteria

* Updated on 07/08/2018, 
     欧盟委员会-新闻发布最新的阻止法规支持伊朗核协议生效布鲁塞尔, 2018年8月6日由于美国第一批对伊朗实施的制裁生效, 欧盟最新的封锁法规在8月7日生效, 以减轻其对在伊朗从事合法业务的欧盟公司的利益的影响。

最新的封锁规约是欧洲联盟支持继续充分有效执行《联合全面行动计划》 (JCPOA)--伊朗核协议--的一部分, 包括维持欧盟之间的贸易和经济关系。和伊朗, 这是正常化时, 核相关的制裁被解除, 由于 JCPOA。

委员会于2018年6月6日启动了《封锁规约》的增订进程, 并将美国重新强加给伊朗的域外制裁进一步扩大到其范围。欧洲议会和安理会随后进行了两个月的审查期。由于双方都不反对, 更新将在正式刊物上公布, 并于8月7日生效。

更多关于封锁法规的阻挠法规允许欧盟运营商恢复因美国域外制裁而引起的损害, 并使欧盟对任何外国法院的裁决无效。它还禁止欧盟的人遵守这些制裁, 除非委员会特别授权在不遵约情况下严重损害其利益或工会的利益。授权将根据商定的标准进行, 并将于8月7日印发。

为帮助欧盟公司实施最新的封锁法规, 委员会还将发表一份指导说明, 以促进对有关法律行为的理解。下一步, 欧洲联盟充分致力于继续、充分和有效地执行 JCPOA, 只要伊朗也尊重其与核有关的承诺。解除与核有关的制裁, 使与伊朗的贸易和经济关系正常化, 是 JCPOA 的重要组成部分。同时, 欧洲联盟还致力于与美国保持合作, 后者仍然是关键的伙伴和盟友。

除上述措施外, 欧盟与会员国和其他伙伴密切协调, 正在制定具体措施, 以维持与伊朗在关键经济部门特别是银行和金融、贸易和投资方面的合作,石油和运输。

在5月8日的背景下, 特朗普总统决定将美国从联合综合行动计划 (JCPOA) 撤回, 并根据本协定恢复先前解除的所有制裁。重新实施的美国制裁将在90天 (2018年8月6日终了) 的某些制裁和180天 (截止 2018年11月4日) 对其他国家的 "下降" 期间生效。

在 5月18日, 委员会采取了几项措施, 以维护欧洲公司在伊朗投资的利益, 并使投资银行能够为伊朗的活动提供资金, 表明欧盟对 JCPOA 的承诺。
在 6月6日, 欧洲联盟委员会通过了《封锁规约》的最新情况和投资银行的外部贷款授权, 该任务在两个月的非异议期之后于8月7日生效。

在 7月6日, 召集欧盟、E3 (法国、德国和联合王国)、俄罗斯、中国和伊朗的 JCPOA 联合委员会在维也纳举行了部长级会议, 由高级代表/副主席费德里卡 Mogherini 主持。这笔交易的所有剩余当事方重申了它们对全面和继续执行核协议的承诺。他们支持最近为维持与伊朗的贸易和经济关系正常化而作出的努力, 并注意到欧盟为保护欧盟公司而努力更新封锁法规。
更多信息 * 高级代表/副主席费德里卡 Mogherini 和 E3 外长关于重新实施美国制裁的联合声明, 原因是它从联合综合行动计划 (JCPOA) 备忘录问题中撤出, 并答复: 《最新封锁规约》的生效外交政策文书-专用网站阻止规约 + 更新的附件指导说明关于标准的执行条例 * 更新于 07/08/2018,




德国经济部长彼得·奥特迈尔(Peter Altmaier)对《世界报》(Die Welt)说,门槛将降低,“这样我们就可以检查经济敏感部门的更多收购”。世界报说新法案将于今年生效。“我们希望能够更仔细地研究国防部门和关键基础设施的公司,以及其他一些与安全相关的民用技术,比如IT安全,”奥特迈尔说。



上周,中国公司烟台太海(Yantai Taihai)撤回了对莱菲德金属纺丝公司(Leifeld Metal Spinning)的收购,后者是一家专门从事航天和核工业材料的德国小型机床制造商。此前,政府采取行动阻止了这笔交易。这将是德国首次利用外国投资法否决并购交易。







"China's commercial cooperation with Iran is open and transparent, reasonable and fair, not violating any United Nations Security Council resolutions," a government statement said, adding that "China's lawful rights should be protected."

According to Reuters data, China buys around $15 billion worth of crude oil from Iran each year and is Tehran's top energy customer. Chinese state companies CNPC and Sinopec have also invested billions of dollars to develop oil fields in Iran.      








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