
外刊精读∣《经济学人》: How Hunan province become a font of popular culture

成都策马 成都策马翻译 2022-10-02



Heady Hunan:How Mao Zedong’s home province has become a font of popular culture


1. heady

通过下面这一句话我们来猜一下这个单词的意思,“You might have a heady feeling as you walk up on stage to get your diploma.” 拿到梦寐以求的毕业证,你会怎么样?当然是兴奋啦~ 

我们来看看这个单词的中英释义:adj. having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited; making you feel excited and confident 令人上头的; 强烈作用于感官的; 使兴奋的;使有信心的

e.g.:a heady mixture of desire and fear 既期待又害怕的复杂心情

2. font

① [C] In a church, a font is a bowl which holds the water used for baptisms. 洗礼盆, 圣水盂 (教堂中洗礼用)

e.g.: Font is used to hold water for baptism. 洗礼盘用来装洗礼用的圣水

② [C] In printing, a font is a set of characters of the same style and size. 字体

e.g.: The book's small font was difficult to read. 这本书因字体小而难以阅读。

③ [C] A source of a desirable quality or commodity; a fount. 源泉

e.g.: She was a font of wisdom and good sense.她是智慧与仁爱的源泉。

标题中的“a font of China’s popular culture” 可以翻译为“中国流行文化的源泉”。font本义有两个“字体和教堂中的圣水池”,在这里“源泉”的意思属于引申义。


Among this summer’s television hits in China has been “Sisters Who Make Waves”. The show involves 30 female celebrities over the age of 30 competing for a spot in a five-member band. Viewers watch them train, perform and live together. Five hundred women, picked at random, get to vote for their favorite. Within three days of its airing in June, over 300m had watched the first episode on Mango TV, a streaming app owned by the state television network of Hunan, a central province. Social-media sites brim with praise from young feminists for these somewhat older role models: at last, a break from the devoted mothers and dewy-faced ingénues beloved of official broadcasters.


1. hit:

[C] something such as a film, play, song etc that is very popular and successful风行一时的事物〔如电影、戏剧、歌曲等〕

e.g.: the Beatles' greatest hits  披头士乐队最受欢迎的歌曲

        television hit  热门电视节目

上期外刊中提到,hit 是外刊中很喜欢使用的地道小词,它用法灵活,泛指 have a bad effect on sb / sth,翻译时,可根据不同语境灵活处理。详情见:《经济学人》: WeChat in America: The big unfriending

2. make waves

make waves有“(故意)兴风作浪,挑起事端;咋咋呼呼;大肆张扬”的含义,英文解释为“to be very active so that other people notice you, often in a way that intentionally causes trouble”

e.g.: It's probably not a good idea to start making waves in your first day in a new job. 在你工作第一天就挑起事端这可能不适宜。

3. air

v. to broadcast a programme on television or radio播放,广播。e.g.:The program is due to air next month. 这个节目定于下月播出。

on / off (the) air broadcasting or not broadcasting on television or radio 正在 / 停止播送(电视、广播)。

e.g.: The programme was taken off the air over the summer. 这个节目在夏季里停播。

up in the air  not yet decided 悬而未决

e.g.: Our travel plans are still up in the air. 我们的旅行计划尚未决定。

4. a streaming app  流媒体播放软件

stream含义很广。作为名词时,可以指“小溪、一连串、车流” 等。

e.g.:a mountain stream 山涧

...a never-ending stream of jokes... 一个接一个的笑话

We had a constant stream of visitors. 我们这里的游客络绎不绝。


e.g.: She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair. 她进来时,雨水顺着她的衣服和头发往下流。

Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months...几个月来不断有难民涌入特拉夫尼克。

Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.阳光照到院子里。

5. brim with praise


这里经济学人用了一个非常巧妙的表达brim with praise。brim做动词时,意思为“盛满,溢满”,比如 Tears brimmed in eyes. 热泪盈眶。

brim with praise给人一种感官上的冲击,好评都溢出来了。

6. ingénues

n. An ingénues is a young, innocent girl in a play or film, or an actress who plays the part of young, innocent girls. 舞台上天真少女的角色;扮演天真姑娘的女演员



“Sisters Who Make Waves” has been among this summer's television hits in China.


首先一定要找出这一句中的谓语动词是“brim with”。“beloved of ” 省略了which/ that are的定于从句,在这个句子中作定语,修饰 “the devoted mothers and dewy-faced ingénues”, 意思是官方电视台所钟爱的慈母和天真的少女形象。




① 介词短语在句首的倒装句:In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity. 每个困境里都蕴含着机会。

② -ed分词、动词-ing形式、不定式、形容词(短语)、副词以及名词短语在句首的倒装句:

There goes the phone. 电话铃响了。(副词在句首的倒装句)


Not only does John like English but he also speaks it very well.约翰不仅喜欢英语,而且英语也说得很好。

No sooner had I taken a bath than the doorbell rang.  我刚要洗澡(这时)门铃就响了。

Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang.他刚进房间(这时)电话铃就响了。


“乘风破浪的姐姐”是今年夏天中国最热门的电视节目之一。该节目由 30 位30岁以上的女艺人参加, 争夺一个五人成团的位置。观众们可以观看她们在节目中的训练、表演及生活。节目随机选择500名女性大众评审,投票选出自己喜欢的女艺人。该节目在6月播出后的三天时间内,超过3亿观众在“芒果TV”(Mango TV)观看了第一期节目。“芒果TV”(Mango TV)是中部省份湖南省国家电视网旗下的一款流媒体播放软件。在社交媒体网站上年轻的女性们对这些年龄稍长的榜样满溢赞扬:她们终于打破了官方电视台所钟爱的慈母和天真的少女形象。


Making waves is what Hunan Broadcasting System (HBS) does best. It is the most-watched television network after China Central Television (CCTV), the state broadcaster—and occasionally surpasses its ratings. That is striking for an outfit run by the government of a province that is better known as China’s largest producer of rice and the birthplace of Mao—“red tourism” centred on Mao’s formative haunts draws devotees of the chairman from around the country.



adj. interesting and unusual enough to attract attention 引人注目的; 异乎寻常的; 显著的

e.g.:She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.  她酷似她姐姐。

小词strike也是含义丰富:v&n 殴打;罢工;敲,敲击;撞击,冲击

e.g.: The speedboat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. 快艇撞上了一个浮标,但它仍在水面上快速行驶

strike a note表示某种感情或观点

e.g.: The article struck a happy note.这篇文章表达了开心的情感。

2. outfit



n. [C] You can refer to an organization as an outfit. 机构; 组织

e.g.:He works for a private security outfit...他在一家私人保安公司工作。

3. formative 

adj. having an important and lasting influence on the development of sth or of sb’s character (对某事物或性格的发展) 有持续重大影响的

e.g.: He exposed his children to music throughout their formative years. 他在孩子个性形成时期让他们接受音乐的熏陶。

4. haunt  [C] a place that someone likes to go to often〔某人〕常去的地方:

e.g.: The Cafe Vienna was a favourite haunt of journalists and actors.维也纳咖啡馆是记者和演员最爱光顾的地方。


"red tourism"红色旅游,主要是以党领导人民在革命和战争时期建树丰功伟绩所形成的纪念地、标志物为载体, 以其所承载的革命历史、革命事迹和革命精神为内涵,组织接待旅游者开展缅怀学习、义会议遗址参观游览的主题性旅游活动。井冈山、遵义、延安、西柏坡等地就是中国出名的“红色旅游地。



这句话主句是开头”That is striking for an outfit ”。后面的run by...为过去分词,作定语 修饰 “an outfit” 。that 引导的定语从句,修饰 “a province” 。

分号后面的句子做a province的同位语,补充说明湖南省;句子主干:“red tourism” draws devotees;centred 过去分词作定语,修饰“red tourism”。



But Changsha, the provincial capital, has become a font of China’s popular culture. It is home to over 12,000 companies involved in creating it. They employ one in eight of the city’s workers. By one official calculation, no other sector contributes more to Changsha’s wealth. In 2017 (the most recent year for which figures are available) creative and cultural industries generated 9% of the city’s GDP — a proportion twice as high as their contribution to national output. At their heart in Hunan is a broadcaster with a knack for cranking out programmes that are watched throughout China. In 2018 HBS’s affiliates produced six of China’s best-liked costume dramas and eight of its most popular songs.


1. provincial capital   省会城市

2. home [sing.] the place where sth was first discovered, made or invented 发源地; 发祥地

be home to 是一个非常重要的表达,意思是某地是某事物的发源地,也可以用来表达某地拥有/盛产某事物:

e.g.: The Middle East is home to petroleum. 中东地区盛产石油。 

The city is home to many historical and cultural sites. 该城市拥有丰富的历史文化遗迹。

3.one in eight   八分之一

表示人的比例,几分之一:one in +数字

e.g.: one in a hundred 百分之一

one person in ten/one person out of ten 十分之一的人

One person in ten is against the plan. 十分之一的人反对计划

Out of/ Of+数字+名词

Out of/ Of the 100 employers, seventy are postgraduates. 在一百个员工中,70个是研究生。

4.creative and cultural industries 文创产业

5. knack [C] a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn (天生的或学会)技能,诀窍

e.g.:Some people seem to have a knack for making money.有些人好像天生有赚钱的本事。

a tendency to do something 做某事的习惯,癖

e.g.: The band have a knack of warping classic soul songs.乐队有歪曲经典爵士灵歌的习惯做法。


① n. [C] disapproval, informal If you call someone a crank, you think their ideas or behaviour are strange. 想法 (或行为) 古怪的人

e.g.:He looked like a crank.他看上去像个怪人。

[C] A crank is a device that you turn in order to make something move. 曲柄; 曲轴

② vt. If you crank an engine or machine, you make it move or function, especially by turning a handle. (尤指用手摇曲柄) 转动 (或启动)

e.g.: The chauffeur got out to crank the motor. 司机下车用曲柄去发动汽车。

crank out 大量地快速制造; 粗制滥造

e.g.: In 1933 the studio cranked out fifty-five feature films...1993年,该电影公司粗制滥造出了55部故事片。

7. affiliate [C] a company, organization etc that is connected with or controlled by a larger one支会; 分社; 子公司; 附属机构

e.g.: Volvo's Japanese affiliate, Mitsubishi 沃尔沃在日本的联营公司三菱

[v] be affiliated to/with 使(下属集团,个人)隶属,加入

e.g.: almost all students affiliate to the Students' Union.几乎所有学生都加入了学生会。



在翻译之前我们先把句子还原一下:A broadcaster with a knack for cranking out programmes that are watched throughout China is at their heart in Hunan. 此句中with结构修饰名词broadcaster,后面跟了一个that引导的定语从句修饰programmes。












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