

Boffin 机器翻译观察 2022-04-24


Localizing a video using a voice over is the ideal solution to reaching a new market with a different language and culture.  Yet the cost of recording a voice over for a video is often too prohibitive or the process is too time-consuming. VideoLocalize’s new Voiceover Marketplace offers an affordable and simple solution – you get an instant quote for as low as $50USD, commercial rights included, and delivery will be in 3 business days. 

使用配音进行视频本地化是用不同的语言和文化进入一个新市场的理想解决方案。 然而,录制视频配音的成本往往过于高昂,或过程过于耗时。 Videolocalize 为新的配音市场提供了一个价廉且简单的解决方案——客户可以得到一个低至50美元,包括商业权利,交付在3个工作日内的即时报价。

VideoLocalize has put together a pool of professional voice over talents who are native speakers from the most commonly spoken languages. Instead of you searching for the right voice at the right price, we’ve done the hard work for you.  We’ve selected voice talents with a wide variety of voice types and professional experiences, at various price points to fit both your project and budget requirements.

Videolocalize汇集了一批来自最常用语言国家的配音人才,他们是来自当前主流语言国家的母语人士。 平台已经为客户做了艰苦的工作,而不是让客户自己去费力寻找合适的价格和配音。 平台选择了各种各样的配音类型和专业经验的配音人才,各个梯度价格全备,以满足客户的项目和预算要求。

Booking a voice talent is easy. Simply choose the language you want the recording to be in and enter the script word count.  A list of voice talents with their voice samples and pricing will be displayed.  Then listen to the voice samples and select the voice talent you want.  

预约配音人才很容易。 只需选择要录制的语言,然后输入脚本字数。 配音人才与他们的配音样本和定价列表就会显示在下方。 然后客户可以听取配音样本,并选择想要的配音人才。

Next is payment, and the common online payment methods are accepted, such as PayPal and major credit cards. Once payment is done, you need to upload the script and any pronunciation instructions into our system.  In three business days, you will receive the recording. 

接下来是支付,平台支持主流的在线支付,如包括Paypal和主要的信用卡。 一旦付款完成,客户只需上传脚本和任何配音要求到我们的系统。 在三个工作日内,客户将收到录音。

PS. VideoLocalize is the brainchild of Boffin Language Group http://www.boffin.com/, a language service provider specializing in Asian languages. As Boffin was handling more and more voiceover video localization projects over the past few years, we found that it was very time consuming to post edit the audio and video elements and make them synchronize properly. So, we started to develop an automation tool for our own internal use back in June 2016. After we won TAUS Innovation Award https://www.taus.net/think-tank/news/press-release/lilt-and-boffin-win-awards-in-this-year-s-taus-game-changer-innovation-contest-hosted-by-paula-shannon-lionbridge in October, we decided to commercialize it as an industry tool because the time consuming aspect of traditional video post editing is a common problem in the industry. This is how VideoLocalize got started. As of 2018, VideoLocalize was spun off from Boffin Language Group, and is now a separate business entity.

Videolocalize 是亚洲语言服务提供商博芬语言集团的创意。 在过去的几年里,随着博芬处理越来越多的视频旁白本地化项目,我们发现后期编辑音频和视频元素并使它们正确同步是非常耗时的。 因此,我们在2016年6月开始开发一个自动化工具,供我们自己的内部使用。 在10月份获得 TAUS 创新奖之后,我们决定将其商业化,将其作为一个行业工具,因为传统视频后期编辑的耗时费力是行业中的一个普遍问题。 这就是 VideoLocalize 如何开始的。 2018年,VideoLocalize 从博芬语言集团分离出来,现在是一个独立的商业实体。

Something about Boffin Language Group


Founded in China in 1996 and headquartered in Toronto since 2007, Boffin Language Group Inc. has secured a strong niche position and a reputation as a reliable provider of high-quality translation and localization services, primarily for the Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Korean and Japanese languages. Boffin is also an established engineering service provider, handling software localization, QA testing, DTP, and audio/video engineering as well.

博芬语言集团于1996年在中国成立,自2007年以来总部设在多伦多。作为一家可靠的高质量翻译和本地化服务提供商,博芬语言集团拥有强大的细分市场地位和声誉,主要提供中文(简体和繁体)、韩文和日文翻译服务。 博芬也是一家知名的工程服务提供商,处理软件本地化、 QA 测试、 DTP 和音频 / 视频工程。

















