
国际组织实习丨INTERN - PUBLIC INFORMATION, I (Temporary Job Opening)

同济就业 2022-04-22


I (Temporary Job Opening)

U.N. Economic and Social Commission 

for Asia and the Pacific





工作地点:Incheon City

截止日期:30 December , 2021




1.Org. Setting and Reporting

The internship at the ESCAP East and North-East Asia (ENEA) Office located in Incheon, Republic of Korea, is for two months with an opportunity for extension up to six months, if required by the division.

The internship is UNPAID and full-time.

Interns work five days per week (35 hours) under the supervision of a staff member in the division or office to which they are assigned.


The intern will assist SRO-ENEA in undertaking outreach activities for the short, medium and long term as well as in updating and improving a website of the Office and general information requirements and providing public information design services to the SRO:

-assist in preparation of outreach strategies of promotional/advocacy materials for SRO;

-assist staff in outreach and information dissemination-related activities;

-assist in maintaining SRO’s website;

-assist staff in supporting the implementation of relevant public events;

-select from scientific literature information relevant to the subject scope of SRO;

-develop and maintain up-to-date public information strategy of the SRO;

-maintain an up-to-date list of contact addresses, publication distribution lists.

Daily responsibilities will depend on the individual’s background and the intern’s assigned office as well as the internship period. Duties may include, but are not limited to:

- Support for production and distribution of outreach materials

-Support for the production of office newsletter

-Support for SNS activities

-Working on web-presentation

-Assistance in drafting and preparing official documents

-Proofreading of documents

-Attending and summarizing conferences and meetings

-Assistance during conferences

-Logistics and protocol support for office events

-Document, legal and Internet research

-Compiling statistics

-Other administrative support, upon request


The United Nations Core Competencies include:

-Communication: Ability to draft clearly and concisely, good written and oral language skills.

-Teamwork: Good interpersonal skills, ability to work collaboratively with colleagues from different national and cultural backgrounds to achieve organizational goals.

-Client Orientation: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be ‘clients’ and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view.


To qualify for an internship with the United Nations Internship Programme, applicants must met one of the following requirements:

a)be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher); or

b)be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent); or

c)have graduated with a university degree (as defined above) and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one year period of graduation.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. Fluency in spoken and written English is required for the Internship Programme. Knowledge of additional official United Nations language is an asset. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are the official languages of the United Nations Secretariat.



7.Special Notice

A completed online application (Cover Note and Personal History Profile) is required. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

The Cover Note must include:

-Intended duration of internship (starting and ending dates)

-Degree Programme (What are you currently studying or what have you studied)

-Graduation date (When will you graduate or when did you graduate from the programme?)

-List of the IT skills and programmes that you are proficient in

-List of your top three areas of interest

-Explanation about why you are the most suitable candidate for this specific internship

-Explanation of your interest in the United Nations Internship Programme

In your online Personal History Profile, be sure to include all past work experiences, IT skills, and three references.

Please note that due to the large number of applicants, divisions are not in a position to reply to each application and that only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further consideration.

SPECIAL NOTICE (Remote Internships): “In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, applicants may be requested to undertake the internship remotely in view of constraints regarding visa issuance, international travel and access to UN premises. Applicants must be willing and prepared to undertake the internship remotely for a part or the entirety of the internship.”








·INTERN - ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS, I (Temporary Job Opening)




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