
国际组织实习 | INTERN - ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, I (Temporary Job Opening)

同济就业 2022-04-22


I (Temporary Job Opening)

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe






截止日期:16 December , 2020




1.Org. Setting and Reporting

The internship is located in the Office of the Director of the Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe based in Geneva.


The intern is expected to contribute to the work of the Economic Cooperation and Trade Division as follows:

a) To provide research assistance on issues of economic cooperation and trade in the ECE region

(research feeding into e.g. speaking notes, concept notes, briefing papers).

b) To assist in the organisation and servicing of meetings, (e.g. provide organizational, communications content-related or/and general assistance).

c) To provide general communications and outreach assistance (e.g. build and maintain a network of contacts of counter-parts and beneficiaries).

d) To support the Office of the Director through various tasks related to the Trade and the Economic Cooperation and Integration sub-programmes (e.g. desk research, meeting support, drafting of reports and processing of data).



Knowledge of issues related to economic cooperation and trade. Ability to undertake research and gather information from standard sources. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.


Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.


Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.


To qualify for the United Nations Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met:

- Applicants to the United Nations internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:

(a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher);

(b) Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor's level or equivalent);

For this internship, studies in international relations, international law, economics or equivalent are required.

Have a demonstrated keen interest in the work of the United Nations and have a personal commitment to the ideals of the Charter;

Have a demonstrated ability to successfully interact with individuals of different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, which include willingness to try and understand and be tolerant of differing opinions and views.

Applicants for all countries are accepted and under-represented or un-represented countries in the UN are encouraged to apply.

5.Work Experience

No working experience is required to apply for the United Nations Internship Programme. Your training, education, advance course work or skills should benefit the United Nations during your internship.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this internship, fluency in English is required.



8.Special Notice

“In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, applicants may be requested to undertake the internship remotely in view of constraints regarding visa issuance, international travel and access to UN premises. Applicants must be willing and prepared to undertake the internship remotely for a part or the entirety of the internship.”

The internship is for a duration of 3 months within the period of 11 January and 23 April 2021. Completed online application (Cover Note and Personal History Profile) is required.

The cover note must include: Title of the degree you are currently pursuing, Graduation date (when will you be graduating from the programme), List the IT skills and programmes that you are proficient in, Top three areas of interest, Explain why you are the best candidate for the internship position, Explain your interest in the United Nations Internship Programme, and your availability during the period considered.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. KINDLY NOTE THAT THIS TEMPORARY JOB OPENING IS SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AN INTERNSHIP WITH THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE. The Internship Programme is guided by Administrative Instruction ST/AI/2020/1 of the United Nations issued by the Under-Secretary-General for Management. Interns are considered type I gratis personnel. They are not staff members. The United Nations does not financially remunerate interns. Costs and arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibilities of interns or their sponsoring institutions. Interns work five days per week. Interns shall not be eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in the Secretariat for a period of six months following the end of their internship. The United Nations accepts no responsibility for the medical insurance of the intern or costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship. Applicants for internship must show proof of valid medical insurance coverage and provide a medical certificate of good health. The United Nations is not responsible for any claims by any parties where the loss of or damage to their property, death or personal injury was caused by the actions or omission of action by the interns during their internship. A person who is the child or sibling of a staff member shall not be eligible to apply for an internship at the United Nations. An applicant who bears to a staff member any other family relationship may be engaged as an intern, provided that he or she shall not be assigned to the same work unit of the staff member nor placed under the direct or indirect supervision of the staff member. For purposes of this instruction, "child" means (i) the child of a staff member; (ii) the child of the spouse of a staff member (stepchild); and (iii) the spouse of a child of a staff member or a staff member's spouse (son- or daughter-in-law). "Sibling" includes the child of both or either parent of a staff member and the child. Please note that candidates will be required to meet the requirements of Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter as well as the requirements of the position. The United Nations is committed to the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity for all its human resources, including but not limited to respect for international human rights and humanitarian law. Candidates may be subject to screening against these standards, including but not limited to whether they have committed, or are alleged to have committed criminal offences and/or violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law.








·INTERN - ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, I (Temporary Job Opening)

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