5月28日云端学术讲座: 东京大学松原健太郎主讲-东亚法律文化国际讲座系列9
多伦多大学陈利教授和耶鲁大学张泰苏教授共同组织的2020-2021学年度“重新思考东亚法律的文化构建”国际学术英文讲座系列第10场将于东部时间2021年5月28日上午9-11:30 (北京时间5日28晚上9-11:30进行)。
主讲人/Speaker:Kentaro Matsubara, University of Tokyo 东京大学法学院松原健太郎教授
讲座题目/Title: The Formation of a Transnational East Asia: China,Japan and Alternative International Orders in the 19th and 20th Centuries
评议人/Commentators: Professor Par Cassel, University of Michigan; Professor Barak Kushner, University of Cambridge; Professor Dan Shao, University of Illinois
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Professor Kentaro Matsubara, University of Tokyo
Dr. Kentaro Matsubara is Professor of Law at the The University of Tokyo. He has worked in the intersecting area of Comparative Law and Legal History, initially focusing on colonialism and the interaction of different legal cultures. Through analyzing these interactions in China and Japan, he has been engaged in the historical study of the relationships between State formation, the property regime and local social structuring. His recent publications include: “East, East, and West: Comparative Law and the Historical Processes of Legal Interaction in China and Japan” (American Journal of Comparative Law, 2019) and “Institutions of Credit and the Land Market in the New Territories of Hong Kong: Local Social Structuring and Colonization” in Sui-wai Cheung, ed. Colonial Administration and Land Reform in East Asia (Routledge, 2017). He is currently preparing a book manuscript on Law of the Ancestors: Lineage Property-Holding and Social Structures in 19th Century South China. He holds the degrees of LL.B. from the University of Tokyo and D.Phil. from the University of Oxford.
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Dr. Par Cassel, Associate Professor of History, University of Michigan
Born and raised in Sweden, Pär Cassel receive is doctorate in Chinese history at Harvard University in 2006. He is an associate professor modern Chinese history at the University of Michigan and director of graduate studies at the LSA International Institute. He is strongly committed to multi-lingual and multi-archival research and am especially interested in historical problems where international relations, jurisprudence, institutional history, and linguistics intersect. His first book, entitled Grounds of Judgment: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth-Century China and Japan was published by Oxford University Press (New York) in January 2012. The book reopens the question of consular jurisdiction and extraterritoriality in China and Japan and combines the findings of “New Qing history” with the history of the treaty ports in both China and Japan. He is currently working on a book-length project on the nature and representation of political loyalty during the Qing dynasty with a view of how this discourse of loyalty later evolved into different republican and socialist institutions after 1912.
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Dr. Barak Kushner, Professor of East Asian History and Chair of Japanese Studies, University of Cambridge
Barak Kushner is Professor of East Asian History and Chair of Japanese Studies in the Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge. He has edited numerous books and written several monographs, including the award winning: Men to Devils, Devils to Men: Japanese War Crimes and Chinese Justice. In 2020, he hosted several episodes of a major Chinese documentary on Japanese war crimes and is currently writing a book concerning The Construction of Injustice in East Asia, Japan versus its neighbors. Kushner was a visiting fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, 2019-2020, and a visiting professor at Waseda University in Tokyo. He is also Guest Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University. He received the 15th Nakasone Yasuhiro Award for Excellence in 2019. His research projects have received funding from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the Toshiba Foundation, and the European Research Council.
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Dr. Dan Shao, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dan SHAO is an associate professor of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. As a historian, she primarily studies the historical roots of contemporary problems, particularly problems concerning the making, shifting, and lifting of boundaries and borders in Chinese society. She has published on borderland history and ethnic studies in the U.S., China, and Japan. With support from a Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship several years ago, she began to invest more time to study unintended social consequences of China's transplantation of legal concepts and codes since the early 20th century. She has two books in progress: one on the jus sanguinis principle of Chinese nationality law and the other on China's importation of biomedical ethics and law. https://ealc.illinois.edu/directory/profile/danshao
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