
Sci. China Chem. 2019年第9期目录

Science China Chemistry


[Cover Story] The ratio between effector T (Teff) cells and regulatory T (Treg) cells (Teff/Treg) in tumor site is vital for the successful immunotherapy of tumor. The DTX@Lipo nanosystem can simultaneously promote the infiltration of Teff cells and reduce the amount of Treg cells in the tumor site, leading to a high value of Teff/Treg. The auncel in the diagrammatic sketch represents the equilibrium state between the amount of Teff cells and Treg cells in the tumor site, and the antitumor immune state is achieved when the Teff/Treg value is ascending (see the article by Fan Gao, Qian Cheng, Miao-Deng Liu, Lei Rong, Chuan-Jun Liu & Xian-Zheng Zhang on pages 1230‒1244).



Triphenylphosphine and sodium iodide: a new catalyst combination to rival precious metal complexes in visible light photoredox catalysis

Adam Noble & Varinder K. Aggarwal

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1083–1084


A major step toward efficient and stable single-material organic solar cells

Jean Roncali

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1085–1086


Organocatalytic polymerization

Cheng-Jian Zhang & Xing-Hong Zhang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1087–1089



Aggregation-induced emission: a coming-of-age ceremony at the age of eighteen

Jie Yang, Zhenguo Chi, Weihong Zhu, Ben Zhong Tang & Zhen Li

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1090–1098



Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the graphene era

Xiao-Ye Wang, Xuelin Yao & Klaus Müllen

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1099–1144

【延伸阅读】Klaus Müllen院士最新综述:石墨烯时代的稠环芳烃研究


The art of two-dimensional soft nanomaterials

Caini Zheng, Jinhui Zhu, Chongqing Yang, Chenbao Lu, Zhenying Chen & Xiaodong Zhuang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1145–1193

【延伸阅读】上海交通大学庄小东教授课题组综述: 二维软物质的合成艺术



Stiff-stilbene derivatives as new bright fluorophores with aggregation-induced emission

Ya-Hang Wu, Kun Huang, Shu-Feng Chen, Yu-Zhe Chen, Chen-Ho Tung & Li-Zhu Wu

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1194–1197



Lab-in-cell based on spontaneous amino-yne click polymerization

Rong Hu, Xu Chen, Taotao Zhou, Han Si, Benzhao He, Ryan T. K. Kwok, Anjun Qin & Ben Zhong Tang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1198–1203




Target-activated and ratiometric photochromic probe for “double-check” detection of toxic thiols in live cells

Youxin Fu, Xing Zhang, Feng Cao, Wenhui Wang, Guangren Qian & Junji Zhang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1204–1212

Visible light promoted synthesis of N-aroylsulfoximines by oxidative C–H acylation of NH-sulfoximines

Wenlong Jiang, Youming Huang, Lihong Zhou & Qingle Zeng

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1213–1220


Regulating the morphology of fluorinated non-fullerene acceptor and polymer donor viabinary solvent mixture for high efficiency polymer solar cells

Mengxue Chen, Zhuohan Zhang, Wei Li, Jinlong Cai, Jiangsheng Yu, Emma L. K. Spooner, Rachel C. Kilbride, Donghui Li, Baocai Du, Robert S. Gurney, Dan Liu, Weihua Tang, David G. Lidzey & Tao Wang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1221–1229



Local T regulatory cells depletion by an integrated nanodrug system for efficient chem-immunotherapy of tumor

Fan Gao, Qian Cheng, Miao-Deng Liu, Lei Rong, Chuan-Jun Liu & Xian-Zheng Zhang

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1230–1244



Analytical modeling of the junction evolution in single-molecule break junctions: towards quantitative characterization of the time-dependent process

Zhi-Chao Pan, Jin Li, Lijue Chen, Yongxiang Tang, Jia Shi, Junyang Liu, Jie-Lou Liao & Wenjing Hong

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1245–1256


Lead-free thermochromic perovskites with tunable transition temperatures for smart window applications

Jingwen Li, Xiaolong Liu, Peixin Cui, Junmeng Li, Tao Ye, Xi Wang, Chuang Zhang & Yong Sheng Zhao

Sci China Chem, 2019, 62(9): 1257–1262




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