
Sci. China Chem. 2019年第12期目录

Science China Chemistry


[Cover Story] 

Organic neutral radicals usually exhibit instability due to their intrinsic high reactivity, which limit their practical applications. In their article on pages1656-1665, Profs. Yuan Li and Fei Huang et al. reported conjugated nitroxide radicals with unexpected high thermal/electrochemical stability and extremely low bandgap. Interestingly, these radicals are proposed as derivatives of aromatized nitro groups or HNO3. The closed-shell nitro-like and open-shell nitroxide resonance structure contribute to their outstanding stability. The transformation from closed-shell to open-shell structure was driven by the aggregation-induced radical (AIR) effect. More importantly, the authors presented the concept of aromatic inorganic acid radical (AIAR) for the first time and proposed to develop novel and stable high-spin AIARs in future.


Metal-free acyl-directed electrophilic C–H borylation using just BBr3

Michael J. Ingleson

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1547–1548


Unexpected synthesis of structure-tunable AIE-active acrylonitriles by simple temperature variation for bioimaging

Bei Jiang & Wei-Hong Zhu

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1549–1550


Violating the Aufbau principle: an efficient way to improve the stability of luminescent radicals

Yuguang Ma

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1551–1552


Near 100% selectivity for visible-light-driven CO2 reduction to CHon a dual-metal site photocatalyst

Feilong Ren, Wenjun Luo & Zhigang Zou

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1553–1554



A perspective on the Li-ion battery

John B. Goodenough & Hongcai Gao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1555–1556


Engineered nanoparticles circumvent the adaptive treatment tolerance to immune-checkpoint blockade therapy

Weisheng Guo, Lu Liu, Chenyang Xiang, Jingqi Chen & Xing-Jie Liang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1557–1560




Metal-organic framework nanosheets: a class of glamorous low-dimensional materials with distinct structural and chemical natures

Yuan Peng & Weishen Yang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1561–1575


Nanopore-based sensing interface for single molecule electrochemistry

Rui Gao, Yao Lin, Yi-Lun Ying & Yi-Tao Long

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1576–1587


Recent advances in nanocollision electrochemistry

Zehui Sun, Mahmoud Elsayed Hafez, Wei Ma & Yi-Tao Long

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1588–1600


Recent advances of multidimensional sensing: from design to applications

Sihua Qian, Shan Sun, Yuhui Wang, Zhongjun Li & Hengwei Lin

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1601–1618iii




Photomultiplication type all-polymer photodetectors with single carrier transport property

Jianli Miao, Mingde Du, Ying Fang, Xiaoli Zhang & Fujun Zhang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1619–1624




Hydrogen production via catalytic decomposition of NH3 using promoted MgO-supported ruthenium catalysts

Xiu-Cui Hu, Wei-Wei Wang, Rui Si, Chao Ma & Chun-Jiang Jia

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1625–1633


A periodic metallo-supramolecular polymer from a flexible building block: self-assembly and photocatalysis for organic dye degradation

Xiong-Fei Li, Xu-Bo Liu, Jin-Yu Chao, Ze-Kun Wang, Faiz-Ur Rahman, Hui Wang, Dan-Wei Zhang, Yi Liu & Zhan-Ting Li

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1634–1638


Mitochondria-localized iridium(III) complexes with anthraquinone groups as effective photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy under hypoxia

Song Guo, Meiping Han, Ruizhe Chen, Yanling Zhuang, Liang Zou, Shujuan Liu, Wei Huang & Qiang Zhao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1639–1648iv


The effect of alkyl chain branching positions on the electron mobility and photovoltaic performance of naphthodithiophene diimide (NDTI)-based polymers

Jing Yang, Ning An, Su Sun, Xiangnan Sun, Masahiro Nakano, Kazuo Takimiya, Bo Xiao & Erjun Zhou

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1649–1655 

Aromatic inorganic acid radical

Jiawen Zhou, Weiya Zhu, Miao Zeng, Qingqing Yang, Ping Li, Linfeng Lan, Junbiao Peng, Yuan Li, Fei Huang & Yong Cao

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1656–1665


Dynamic self-assembly of block copolymers regulated by time-varying building block composition via reversible chemical reaction

Duo Xu, Li Zhao, Kuo Zhang & Zhong-Yuan Lu

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1666–1674


Near-infrared electrochromism of multilayer films of a cyclometalated diruthenium complex prepared by layer-by-layer deposition on metal oxide substrates

Zhi-Juan Li, Chang-Jiang Yao & Yu-Wu Zhong

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1675–1685


A first-principles microkinetic study on the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide over Cu(211) in the presence of water

Xitong Sun, Peng Wang, Zhengjiang Shao, Xiaoming Cao & P. Hu

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1686–1697


A neural network protocol for predicting molecular bond energy

Chao Feng, Edward Sharman, Sheng Ye, Yi Luo & Jun Jiang

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1698–1703


Atomic-scale imaging of the defect dynamics in ceria nanowires under heating by in situ aberration-corrected TEM

Xiaomin Li, Kaihui Liu, Wenlong Wang & Xuedong Bai

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1704–1709


Active sites in CO2 hydrogenation over confined VOx-Rh catalysts

Guishuo Wang, Ran Luo, Chengsheng Yang, Jimin Song, Chuanye Xiong, Hao Tian, Zhi-Jian Zhao, Rentao Mu & Jinlong Gong

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1710–1719


Single-atom electrocatalysis: a new approach to in vivo  electrochemical biosensing

Hanfeng Hou,Junjie Mao, Yunhu Han, Fei Wu, Meining Zhang, Dingsheng Wang, Lanqun Mao & Yadong Li

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1720–1724


Component reconstitution-driven photoelectrochemical sensor for sensitive detection of Cu2+ based on advanced CuS/CdS p-n junction

Jing Liu, Ying Liu, Wei Wang, Jing Li, Xinyuan Yu, Qinshu Zhu & Zhihui Dai

Sci. China Chem., 2019, 62(12): 1725–1731




Sci. China Chem. 2019年第11期——“有机自由基化学”专刊

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Sci. China Chem. 2019年第1期目录


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