
[th]【学3个词 199-201】199: turn the corner

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


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199: turn the corner


今天我们要学的词组是turn the corner。Turn the corner是出现好转,渡过难关的意思。伊拉克的局势让美国总统布什在国内备受压力。媒体报道说, "Congressional leaders give President Bush a matter of months to prove that the Iraq war effort has turned the corner." 意思是美国国会领袖要求布什总统在几个月内证明伊拉克的情况已经出现了好转。

他的健康出现了好转,可以说 "His health has turned the corner。" 一支球队终于走出了进攻乏力的低谷,可以说 "The team has finally turned the corner offensively." 今天我们学习的词组是turn the corner...


200 buff


今天我们要学的词儿是buff。Buff原意是暗黄色的皮革,但是在美国口语中buff一般是说对某个问题的爱好者。比如说sports buff , 就是体育爱好者,history buff是指历史爱好者,opera buff是指歌剧爱好者。

美国前总统克林顿退休后,除了积极参与赈灾募捐、为非洲争取便宜的艾滋病药物、为太太希拉里的竞选出谋划策外,也有更轻松的嗜好, "A known crossword buff, Clinton wrote the clues for an online crossword puzzle published this weekend by the New York Times." 意思是说克林顿是众所周知的纵横填字谜的爱好者,《纽约时报》这个周末网上的填字谜游戏的提示就是他写的。今天我们学习的词儿是buff...


201: standoff 

今天我们要学的词是standoff。Standoff意思是僵持不下。由于核项目问题,伊朗一直跟西方国家僵持不下,可以说,"Iran is locked in a standoff with the West over its nuclear program." 警察跟绑匪之间的僵局终于和平解决,可以说,"the standoff between the police and the kidnappers ended peacefully."

大罢工已经进入第八天了,劳资双方还是互不相让,可以说,"The strike has entered the eighth day as the standoff between the union and the management continues." 今天我们学习的词儿是standoff...


[w]【学3个词 196-198】196 shatter 197: priority 198 buffer

[tu]【学3个词 193-195】193: junk 194 cheat 195: loophole

[m]【学3个词 190-192】190 gap 191: in a row 192 call for

[su]【学3个词 187-189】187: take steps 188 embrace 189: budge

[sa]【学3个词 184-186】184 vigil 185: backlash 186 face

【学3个词 181-183】181: stall 182 pound

[th]【学3个词 178-180】178 wrap up 179: dismiss 180 timetable

[w]【学3个词 175-177】175: credibility 176 subject 177: second hand

[tu]【学3个词 172-174】172 reject 173: cripple 174 shun

[m]【学3个词 169-171】169: trigger 170 take part in 171: key

[su]【学3个词 166-168】166 appeal 167: on time

[sa]【学3个词 163-165】163: on hold 164 on record 165: out of reach

【学3个词 160-162】160 subpoena 161: chide

【学3个词 157-159】157: run its course 158 do time 159: pardon

【学3个词 154-156】154 felony 155: fret 156 take seriously

【学3个词 151-153】151: stave off 152 backup 153: against the grain

[m]【学3个词 148-150】148 lose one's temper 149: sell off  150 shift

[su]【学3个词 145-147】145: overturn 146 field 147: talk up

[sa]【学3个词 142-144】142:one on one  143: in tatters 144 moonlight

【学3个词 139-141】139:Blunt 140:take over

【学3个词 136-138】136:ring 137:halt 138:keep one's nose clean

【学3个词 133-135】133:scramble 134:step down 135:front man

【学3个词 130-132】130:highlight 131:outstrip 132:underdog

【学3个词 127-129】127:nose dive 128:stand by

【学3个词 124-126】124:Rally  125:clog 126:ramp up

【学3个词 121-123】121:shut down

【学3个词 118-120】118:option 119:hot seat  120:stick it out

【学3个词 115-117】115:flex one's muscles 116:deploy

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