
【学3个词 124-126】124:Rally 125:clog 126:ramp up

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

  【漂泊者乐园】-  红渡中学22班**-> 




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今天我们要学的词组是rally。Rally的意思是集合、集会。成千上万的美国人在首都华盛顿集会,抗议最高法院34年前的一项裁决导致堕胎合法化, "Tens of thousands of people rallied at an anti-abortion march in Washington."

Rally也有病情好转的意思。比如有人生病了,"He had a bad night but rallied by morning," 他夜里病得很厉害,早上病情好转。人们也用rally来形容股票价格止跌回稳, "Tech stocks rallied due to Microsoft's strong earnings." 科技股因为微软公司大幅盈利而有所回升。今天我们学习的词组是rally...


今天我们要学的词组是clog。Clog是木底鞋,木屣。作为动词, clog也有障碍和阻塞的意思, 比如排水管堵塞了, "The drain was clogged." 车辆堵塞了高速公路, "Heavy traffic clogged the highway."

还比如,黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特爆发反政府抗议活动。媒体报道说, "Opposition protesters clogged major highways with barricades of burning tires," 反对派抗议者用焚烧的车胎构成路障,阻塞了首都贝鲁特的主要公路。今天我们学习的词组是clog...

126:ramp up

今天我们要学的词组是ramp up。Ramp是斜面、斜坡,也指登机的梯子。作为动词,ramp up有加强、增加的意思。比如加强机场保安 -- "ramp up airport security."

还比如日本公司为满足市场需求而增加生产等离子平板电视,"Japanese companies ramped up their output of LCD flat screen televisions." 政府加紧批评联邦法官对恐怖主义案件的处理方法, "The government ramped up its criticism of how federal judges handled terrorism cases." 今天我们学习的词组是ramp up...

【学3个词 97-99】97:lag 98:edge 99:call up

[w]【学3个词 94-96】94:spike 95:cool 96:google

【学3个词 91-93】91:bust

【学3个词 88-90】88:blue 89:back 90:pull back

【学3个词 85-87】85:come out of closet 86:talk turkey 87:Black Friday

【学3个词 82-84】82:throw one's hat in the ring 83:brace

【学3个词 79-81】79:watchdog 80:wild card 81:take up

【学3个词 76-78】76:rebuke 77:common ground 78:open to

[w]【学3个词 73-75】73:tune up 74:crank up 75:to get away with

【学3个词 70-72】70:landslide 71:rank 72:block

【学3个词 67-69】67:favor 68:bow out  69:stave off

【学3个词 64-66】64:play down 65:rule out 66:break up

【学3个词 61-63】61:upbeat 62:hint

【学3个词 58-60】58:chill 59:top  60:blackout

【学3个词 55-57】55:snuff out  56:brazen 57:gamble

[w]【学3个词 52-54】52:suggestive 53:turning point  54:take a toll

【学3个词 49-51】49:shock  50:whistle-blower 51:to sit on one's hands

【学3个词 46-48】46:fan the flames 47:ease 48:scandal

【学3个词 43-45】43:inconvenience 43:inconvenience 44:go-ahead

【学3个词 40-42】40:trilingual 41:love affair 42:incompatible

【学3个词 37-39】37:turn a blind eye 38:big bucks 39:cast ballot

[w]【学3个词 34-36】34:mend fences  35:snag 36:mourn

【学3个词 31-33】31:quit 32:at the mercy of 33:toast

【学3个词 28-30】28:red tape 29:addicted 30:defy

【学3个词 25-27】25:planet 26:underdog 27:through

【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

【学3个词 19-21】19:split up 20:indulge 21:classified

【学3个词 16-18】16:Break Neck 17:carry-on items 18:wardrobe

【学3个词 13-15】13:relax 14:double standard 15:take no chances

【学3个词 10-12】10:The jury is still out 11:marathon 12:pump

【学3个词 7-9】7:think twice  8:to beat the heat 9:pop up

【学3个词 4-6】4:sideline 5:opt for 6:to use restraint

【学3个词 1-3】1:kick-off 2:up someone's sleeve 3:swell

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