
【学3个词 37-39】37:turn a blind eye 38:big bucks 39:cast ballot

littleflute 红渡中学22班 2021-10-05



 【漂泊者乐园】-  红渡中学22班**-> 




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37:turn a blind eye

今天要学的词组是turn a blind eye。A blind eye就是一只瞎了的眼睛。Turn a blind eye就是只当没看见。英国保守党领袖卡梅伦说,英国不能对盟国的过度行为置若罔闻, Britain must not "turn a blind eye to the excesses of our allies...."

有的人看到坏事也只当没看见。Some people tend to turn a blind eye to other's bad behavior。一个人明明看见小偷在偷东西都不敢啃声。That man saw the thief stealing, but he turned a blind eye。我可以保证,要是谁偷他的东西,他就会大声喊叫,he would not simply turn a blind eye。今天学的词组是turn a blind eye...


38:big bucks

今天我们要学的词组是big bucks。Big bucks意思是很多很多的钱。比如:"Delta, UPS pay big bucks to sponsor NY Fashion Week." 按说,Delta, UPS一个是航空公司,一个是邮递公司,怎么会和时装有关系呢,不过它们财大气粗,所以才一掷千金,为纽约时装周提供赞助。
美式足球明星和电影明星都能挣大钱,NFL players and movie stars make big bucks. (Show me the money! Show me the money!)

哎呀,这个世界真是不公平。那我什么才能发财呢?When can I make some big bucks? I guess when I win the lottery! 好了,好了,不要作梦了。不过,大家可要千万记得这个词big bucks...


39:cast ballot

今天要学的词组是cast ballot。Cast ballot就是投票。美国是多种族的国家,有的政客以为 "voters can be counted on to cast ballots along racial lines" -- 他们以为选民们肯定会按照种族的界限来投票。结果呢?一位白种候选人在黑人占多数的首都华盛顿获得大胜。

每个选民都应该去投票站投票。"Every voter should go to the polling station to cast a ballot," 因为这是每个公民的民主权利。可是,首都附近马里兰州有些投票站出了故障,"a lot of voters were not able to cast their ballots," 许多选民无法投票。有关人员决心要保证 "voters could cast their ballots without a hitch in November," 选民在十一月投票时不会有问题。今天学的词组是cast ballot...

[w]【学3个词 34-36】34:mend fences  35:snag 36:mourn

【学3个词 31-33】31:quit 32:at the mercy of 33:toast

【学3个词 28-30】28:red tape 29:addicted 30:defy

【学3个词 25-27】25:planet 26:underdog 27:through

【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

【学3个词 19-21】19:split up 20:indulge 21:classified

【学3个词 16-18】16:Break Neck 17:carry-on items 18:wardrobe

【学3个词 13-15】13:relax 14:double standard 15:take no chances

【学3个词 10-12】10:The jury is still out 11:marathon 12:pump

【学3个词 7-9】7:think twice  8:to beat the heat 9:pop up

【学3个词 4-6】4:sideline 5:opt for 6:to use restraint

【学3个词 1-3】1:kick-off 2:up someone's sleeve 3:swell

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