
[sa]【学3个词 142-144】142:one on one

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

  【漂泊者乐园】-  红渡中学22班**-> 




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142:one on one

今天我们要学的词组是one on one。One on one的意思是一对一,个人之间直接的交流和竞争。比如, 有的学生喜欢老师单独辅导。Some students prefer to be tutored one on one.

美国国务卿赖斯分别同以色列总理奥尔默特和巴勒斯坦领导人阿巴斯举行会谈。有报道说, 这种一对一的讨论为美国、以色列和巴勒斯坦三方会谈奠定了基础, "Rice's one-on-one discussions with Israel and Palestine laid the groundwork for the three-way talks." 今天我们学习的词组是one on one...


143: in tatters

今天我们要学的词组是in tatters。In tatters指衣服等破烂不堪。比如有人衣衫褴褛 -- "His clothes are in tatters." In tatters也指事情处于崩溃状态。

比如西班牙的巴斯克分离主义分子在马德里机场制造爆炸事件,致使西班牙的和平进程处于崩溃状态,"Spain's peace process was in tatters after the Basque separatist bombing." 之前西班牙政府一直同分离主义分子进行谈判。可是政府的政策失败了,"The government's policy is now in tatters." 今天我们学习的词组是in tatters...

144 moonlight

 今天我们要学的词组是moonlight。Moon是月亮, moonlight是月光。许多人都熟悉贝多芬的月光奏鸣曲,"Moonlight Sonata." 作为动词,moonlight的意思是从事第二职业, 也就是除了有份全职工作以外, 晚上还要出去打工。

据美国劳工统计局公布的数字, 美国工人中有百分之五以上的人从事第二职业, "More than five percent of U.S. workers moonlight." 美国人兼职大都是为了增加收入,"They moonlight to make more money," 不过这也意味着双倍的压力,"Moonlighting can double the pressure." 今天我们学习的词组是moonlight...

【学3个词 97-99】97:lag 98:edge 99:call up

[w]【学3个词 94-96】94:spike 95:cool 96:google

【学3个词 91-93】91:bust

【学3个词 88-90】88:blue 89:back 90:pull back

【学3个词 85-87】85:come out of closet 86:talk turkey 87:Black Friday

【学3个词 82-84】82:throw one's hat in the ring 83:brace

【学3个词 79-81】79:watchdog 80:wild card 81:take up

【学3个词 76-78】76:rebuke 77:common ground 78:open to

[w]【学3个词 73-75】73:tune up 74:crank up 75:to get away with

【学3个词 70-72】70:landslide 71:rank 72:block

【学3个词 67-69】67:favor 68:bow out  69:stave off

【学3个词 64-66】64:play down 65:rule out 66:break up

【学3个词 61-63】61:upbeat 62:hint

【学3个词 58-60】58:chill 59:top  60:blackout

【学3个词 55-57】55:snuff out  56:brazen 57:gamble

[w]【学3个词 52-54】52:suggestive 53:turning point  54:take a toll

【学3个词 49-51】49:shock  50:whistle-blower 51:to sit on one's hands

【学3个词 46-48】46:fan the flames 47:ease 48:scandal

【学3个词 43-45】43:inconvenience 43:inconvenience 44:go-ahead

【学3个词 40-42】40:trilingual 41:love affair 42:incompatible

【学3个词 37-39】37:turn a blind eye 38:big bucks 39:cast ballot

[w]【学3个词 34-36】34:mend fences  35:snag 36:mourn

【学3个词 31-33】31:quit 32:at the mercy of 33:toast

【学3个词 28-30】28:red tape 29:addicted 30:defy

【学3个词 25-27】25:planet 26:underdog 27:through

【学3个词 22-24】22:orchestrate 23:extra pounds 24:risky business

【学3个词 19-21】19:split up 20:indulge 21:classified

【学3个词 16-18】16:Break Neck 17:carry-on items 18:wardrobe

【学3个词 13-15】13:relax 14:double standard 15:take no chances

【学3个词 10-12】10:The jury is still out 11:marathon 12:pump

【学3个词 7-9】7:think twice  8:to beat the heat 9:pop up

【学3个词 4-6】4:sideline 5:opt for 6:to use restraint

【学3个词 1-3】1:kick-off 2:up someone's sleeve 3:swell

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