
[tu]【学3个词 277-279】277 bonus 278 hotline 279 devastate

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

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277 bonus 

今天我们要学的词是bonus, b-o-n-u-s, bonus. Bonus, 是奖金的意思。在美国,很多公司都会在圣诞节给员工发奖金,叫Christmas bonus;公司招聘员工,或是球队吸引球员,都会有signing bonus,叫签约奖。

美国陆军为了招募新兵,今年夏天也开始依靠奖金的魅力。"Many new recruits have accepted a $20,000 'quick ship' bonus to leave for basic combat training by the end of September," 意思是很多新兵都接受了两万美元的从军奖金,但是他们九月底就要整装出发,接受作战训练。好的,今天我们学习的词是bonus...


278 hotline


今天我们要学的词是hotline。Hotline, 是热线的意思。Emergency hotline, 就是为紧急事件开通的热线。中国国防部长曹刚川星期三出访日本,与日本新上任的防卫省长官高村正彦举行会谈。日本媒体报导说,"The officials may discuss installing a defense hotline between the nations," 意思是双方可能会讨论开通防务热线的问题。

目前,美国各地学校陆续开学。为了回答家长的问题,纽约开通了热线咨询电话,但是最新调查发现,一半的电话根本没人接。媒体报导说,"Only half of the school hotline calls were answered." 好的,今天我们学习的词是hotline...


279 devastate

今天我们要学的词是devastate。Devastate, 是破坏的意思。8月29号是卡特里娜飓风来袭两周年的日子。媒体报导说,"Two years after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, there is still much work to be done," 意思是新奥尔良和墨西哥湾遭受卡特里娜飓风袭击两年后的今天,还有很多工作没有完成。

Devastate, 还可以用来指对经济造成伤害,或使人受到沉重打击。"The parents were devastated by the death of their son in Iraq," 意思是在伊拉克从军的儿子阵亡,使父母受到了沉重的打击。好的,今天我们学习的词是devastate...


[w]【学3个词 196-198】196 shatter 197: priority 198 buffer

[tu]【学3个词 193-195】193: junk 194 cheat 195: loophole

[m]【学3个词 190-192】190 gap 191: in a row 192 call for

[su]【学3个词 187-189】187: take steps 188 embrace 189: budge

[sa]【学3个词 184-186】184 vigil 185: backlash 186 face

【学3个词 181-183】181: stall 182 pound

[th]【学3个词 178-180】178 wrap up 179: dismiss 180 timetable

[w]【学3个词 175-177】175: credibility 176 subject 177: second hand

[tu]【学3个词 172-174】172 reject 173: cripple 174 shun

[m]【学3个词 169-171】169: trigger 170 take part in 171: key

[su]【学3个词 166-168】166 appeal 167: on time

[sa]【学3个词 163-165】163: on hold 164 on record 165: out of reach

【学3个词 160-162】160 subpoena 161: chide

【学3个词 157-159】157: run its course 158 do time 159: pardon

【学3个词 154-156】154 felony 155: fret 156 take seriously

【学3个词 151-153】151: stave off 152 backup 153: against the grain

[m]【学3个词 148-150】148 lose one's temper 149: sell off  150 shift

[su]【学3个词 145-147】145: overturn 146 field 147: talk up

[sa]【学3个词 142-144】142:one on one  143: in tatters 144 moonlight

【学3个词 139-141】139:Blunt 140:take over

【学3个词 136-138】136:ring 137:halt 138:keep one's nose clean

【学3个词 133-135】133:scramble 134:step down 135:front man

【学3个词 130-132】130:highlight 131:outstrip 132:underdog

【学3个词 127-129】127:nose dive 128:stand by

【学3个词 124-126】124:Rally  125:clog 126:ramp up

【学3个词 121-123】121:shut down

【学3个词 118-120】118:option 119:hot seat  120:stick it out

【学3个词 115-117】115:flex one's muscles 116:deploy

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