广工何军教授、福建物构所徐刚研究员 JMCA:金属-硫醇晶态纳米管的组装及其气敏性能
Figure 1. Schematic of NO2 sensing on Pb-HTT.
Figure 2. Single crystal structure of Pb-HTT. (a) 3-connected linker HTT6–. (b) Y-type Pb3(HTT) coordination geometry. (c) Flank view of a single nanotube. Cylinder represents the inside channel after omitting EDA species. (d) Single nanotube viewed along c-axis. (e) Coordination environment and secondary interactions of Pb1 centers. Blue and red dots represent intra-tube and inter-tube secondary interactions, respectively. (f) Simplified topology network. (g) Packing diagram of the nanotube array of Pb-HTT along c-axis. Atom color: Pb purple, C gray, S yellow, N blue.
Figure 3. General characterizations and studies of Pb-HTT. (a) Photograph, (b) SEM image and (c, d) HRTEM images of Pb-HTT. (e) In-situ variable-temperature PXRD patterns of Pb-HTT varying from 30 to 350oC. (f) PXRD patterns of Pb-HTT after treatment under different conditions. (g)The I–V voltammetric curves at different temperatures (inset: photograph of a single crystal equipped in conductivity measurement). (h) Arrhenius plots with linear fitting of logσ to 1000/T. (i) Tauc plot. (j) Projected density of states (PDOS).
Figure 4.Gas sensing without light assistance. (a) Chemiresistive selectivity from 10 other kinds of interference gases. (b) Response and recovery curves towards different concentrations of NO2. (c) Log–log linear fitting of the response-concentration plot. (d) Response and recovery curves towards 5 ppb NO2. (e) Response and recovery time towards 10 ppm NO2. (f) Previously reported sensing materials with NO2 concentration less than 1 ppm and response time within 0.4 min.
Figure 5. XANES results and DFT calculation. (a) Pb K-edge XANES and (b) FT of EXAFS spectra of PbS, Pb-HTTand Pb-HTT after exposure to NO2.Adsorption configuration of NO2 on Pb-HTT viewed along (c) b-axis and (d) c-axis; Electron density difference of the corresponding model viewed along (e) b-axis and (f) c-axis. Pink indicates electron accumulation and yellow indicates electron depletion. The isovalue is set to be 0.0003 e Å-3.
Figure 6. The proposed sensing mechanism of Pb-HTT towards NO2.
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