
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季07Mr Scarecrow 稻草人

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11





Mr Scarecrow



Mr Scarecrow稻草人先生Peppa and George are playing at Grandpa佩帕和乔治在和爷爷玩and Granny Pig's house today.今天还有猪奶奶家。Hello, Grandpa Pig!“你好,猪爷爷!”Baba lg!巴巴lg!Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.“你好,佩帕。你好,乔治。”Grandpa, What are you doing?“爷爷,你在干什么?”I'm making a flower garden.我在做一个花园。Ooooh.哦哦。These seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.这些种子将长成美丽的花朵。I drop the seeds on the ground.我把种子撒在地上。Then I cover the seeds with earth.然后我用泥土覆盖种子。Oh! Where have they gone?哦!他们去哪儿了?The seeds have disappeared.种子已经消失了。That's strange.真奇怪。I'm sure I put some seeds here.我肯定我在这里放了些种子。Yes, Grandpa.“是的,爷爷。”We saw you.我们看见你了。Well, they're not here now.“他们现在不在这儿。”Oh, well.“哦,好吧。”I. II just have to use some more.我只需要再多用一些。As I was saying,“正如我所说,”I simply drop the seeds on the ground.我只是把种子撒在地上。A little bird is eating一只小鸟在吃Grandpa Pig's flowerseeds.猪爷爷的花籽。Get off my seeds!别碰我的种子!So that's where all my seeds went.所以我所有的种子都去了那里。Into the little bird's tummy!到小鸟的肚子里去!Two more little birds are eating又有两只小鸟在吃Grandpa Pig. S seeds.猪爷爷。种子。Oh! Look!哦!看!Ah! Shoo! Shoo!啊!嘘!嘘!What's all this noise?怎么这么吵?Granny Pig, the birds are eating“猪奶奶,鸟儿在吃”all my flowerseeds.我所有的花籽。So we're chasing the birds away!所以我们要把鸟赶走!There. S no point chasing them.在那里。追他们没用。They'll just come back again.他们会再回来的。Look! We need a scarecrow.看!我们需要一个稻草人。What's a scarecrow?稻草人是什么?A scarecrow is a strawman稻草人是救命稻草that scares birds away.把鸟吓跑了。What a good idea, Granny Pig!“好主意,猪奶奶!”I'll make one!我来做一个!Come on, everyone.“来吧,大家。”Bye bye, Little birds!“再见,小鸟们!”We're going to make a scarecrow.我们要做稻草人。This is Grandpa pig's garden shed.这是猪爷爷的花园小屋。There'll be plenty of things in here这里会有很多东西to make a scarecrow.做稻草人。First, we need two sticks“首先,我们需要两根棍子”and some strings.还有一些弦。We'll find them.我们会找到他们的。Peppa has found some sticks.佩帕找到了一些棍子。George has found some string.乔治找到了一些绳子。Good! I'll tie the sticks together很好!我把树枝捆在一起to make the body.做尸体。Granny Pig has found some straw and an old sack.猪奶奶发现了一些稻草和一个旧袋子。Lovely! I'll put the straw in the sack可爱的!我把吸管放进袋子里to make the head.做头。Now, the scarecrow“现在,稻草人”needs something to wear.需要穿点什么。Here's a bag of old clothes.这是一袋旧衣服。Oooh!哦!George has found a dress.乔治找到一件连衣裙。Silly George!愚蠢的乔治!Mr. Scarecrow doesn't稻草人先生不会want to wear a dress.想穿裙子。Peppa has found a coat.佩帕找到一件外套。Very good! Peppa.非常好!佩帕。George has found a hat.乔治找到一顶帽子。Very good! George.非常好!乔治。Mr. Scarecrow needs a face.稻草人先生需要一张脸。That. S right.那是的。Would you and George你和乔治like to paint a face?喜欢画一张脸吗?Yes, please.“是的,请。”George paints the eyes and nose.乔治画眼睛和鼻子。Peppa paints the mouth.佩帕画嘴。Fantastic!好极了!Mr, Scarecrow is ready.“稻草人先生,准备好了。”Hooray!万岁!The little birds are looking for小鸟在寻找Grandpa's flowerseeds.爷爷的花籽。Look! The little birds are back.看!小鸟回来了。Don't worry, Peppa.“别担心,佩帕。”Mr. Scarecrow will scare them off.稻草人先生会把他们吓跑的。It worked.成功了。Mr. Scarecrow has scared稻草人先生害怕了the little birds away.小鸟飞走了。Hooray!万岁!Good! Now,“太好了现在,”my flower seeds will not be eaten.我的花籽不会被吃掉。Oh, Grandpa,“哦,爷爷,”the bird look very sad.这只鸟看起来很伤心。Yes, they must be hungry.“是的,他们一定饿了。”That's why I've brought this.这就是我带来这个的原因。What. S that, Granny?“什么。是吗,奶奶?”It's a birdfeeder.这是一个喂鸟器。Grandpa,“爷爷,”may I have some seeds, please?“请给我一些种子好吗?”Come on, birdies! Lunchtime!“来吧,小鸟们!午饭时间!”Now, the birds have their own seeds to eat.“现在,鸟有自己的种子吃。”Hooray! The little birds are happy again!万岁!小鸟又高兴了!Peppa is glad that Grandpa's seeds佩帕很高兴爷爷的种子will not be eaten.不会被吃掉。But she is even more glad that但她更高兴的是the little birds will not be hungry.小鸟不会饿的。声明:以上部分内容整理于网络,仅作分享学习,版权属于原出版机构或影像公司,本资源为电子载体,传播分享仅限于家庭使用与交流心得、参考和辅助购买决策,不得以任何理由在商业行为中使用。Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 。





