双语练习| 泉州22处宋元史迹整体申遗成功
"Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China" was inscribed onto the UNESCO World Heritage List on Sunday during the ongoing 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee, which is hosted in Fuzhou, Fujian province, bringing the total number of the country's UNESCO World Heritage sites to 56. The new entry includes 22 sites and monuments across Quanzhou, which jointly reflect a prosperous picture of maritime trade from the 10th to 14th centuries. The Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties witnessed a peak in ancient Chinese maritime trade, and Quanzhou, then known overseas as Zayton, grew into one of the busiest seaports in the world. The 22 representative historic monuments and sites include administrative buildings and structures; facilities showing the city's structure, such as its gates, walls and roads; religious sites and statues that witnessed multicultural communities; cultural memorial sites and monuments; iron and ceramic production sites; and the city's transportation network formed by bridges, docks and pagodas that guided voyages.
1. 列入《世界遗产名录》
was inscribed onto the UNESCO World Heritage List
2. 成为中国第56处世界遗产
bring the total number of the country's UNESCO World Heritage sites to 56
3. 展现了10-14世纪高度繁荣的海上贸易的场景
reflect a prosperous picture of maritime trade from the 10th to 14th centuries
4. 中国古代海上贸易的鼎盛时期
a peak in ancient Chinese maritime trade
5. 刺桐就是现在的泉州
Quanzhou, then known overseas as Zayton
6. 宋元时期
the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties
7. 由桥梁、码头、航标塔组成的水陆交通网络
the transportation network formed by bridges, docks and pagodas that guided voyages
8. 多元社群宗教建筑和造像
religious sites and statues that witnessed multicultural communities
9. 文化纪念地史迹
cultural memorial sites and monuments
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