

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02



The World Heritage Committee today inscribed Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China (China), Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana (India), Trans-Iranian Railway (Iran), and Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro, a landscape of Arts and Sciences (Spain), on UNESCO's World Heritage List during its 44th session held online and chaired from Fuzhou (China).

The 44th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has adopted the Fuzhou Declaration, calling for closer international cooperation within the framework of multilateralism.




China, Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China


The serial site of Quanzhou illustrates the city's vibrancy as a maritime emporium during the Song and Yuan periods (10th - 14th centuries AD) and its interconnection with the Chinese hinterland. Quanzhou thrived during a highly significant period for maritime trade in Asia. The site encompasses religious buildings, including the 11th century AD Qingjing Mosque, one of the earliest Islamic edifices in China, Islamic tombs, and a wide range of archaeological remains: administrative buildings, stone docks that were important for commerce and defence, sites of ceramic and iron production, elements of the city's transportation network, ancient bridges, pagodas, and inscriptions. Known as Zayton in Arabic and western texts of the 10th to 14th centuries AD.


India, Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana

卢德什瓦拉,俗称拉玛帕神庙,位于特伦甘纳邦海得拉巴市东北约200公里处的帕拉姆佩特村。它是一个由围墙围绕的建筑群中的主要湿婆神庙,建于卡卡提亚王朝(公元1123-1323年)鲁德拉德瓦(Rudradeva)和鲁德拉(Recharla Rudra)统治时期。这座砂岩神庙始建于公元1213年,据信施工持续了约40年。其特点是由花岗岩和大理岩雕刻而成的梁柱,和一个独特的、金字塔形状的屋顶塔(水平阶梯塔)。塔由被称为“浮砖”的轻质多孔砖搭建而成,从而减轻了屋顶结构的重量。拉玛帕神庙的雕塑具有很高艺术水准,形象地展示了当地的舞蹈习俗及卡卡提亚文化。神庙位于林木茂盛的山丘和农田之中,靠近拉玛帕湖(卡卡提亚时期建造的水库), 建筑环境的选择遵循达摩经文中的思想和实践,即神庙的建造应成为包括山丘、森林、泉水、溪流、湖泊、集水区和农田在内的自然环境的组成部分。

Rudreshwara, popularly known as Ramappa Temple, is located in the village of Palampet approximately 200km north-east of Hyderabad, in the State of Telangana. It is the main Shiva temple in a walled complex built during the Kakatiyan period (1123–1323 CE) under rulers Rudradeva and Recharla Rudra. Construction of the sandstone temple began in 1213 CE and is believed to have continued over some 40 years. The building features decorated beams and pillars of carved granite and dolerite with a distinctive and pyramidal Vimana (horizontally stepped tower) made of lightweight porous bricks, so-called ‘floating bricks’, which reduced the weight of the roof structures. The temple’s sculptures of high artistic quality illustrate regional dance customs and Kakatiyan culture. Located at the foothills of a forested area and amidst agricultural fields, close to the shores of the Ramappa Cheruvu, a Kakatiya-built water reservoir, the choice of setting for the edifice followed the ideology and practice sanctioned in dharmic texts that temples are to be constructed to form an integral part of a natural setting, including hills, forests, springs, streams, lakes, catchment areas, and agricultural lands.


Islamic Republic of Iran, Trans-Iranian Railway


The Trans-Iranian Railway connects the Caspian Sea in the northeast with the Persian Gulf in the southwest crossing two mountain ranges as well as rivers, highlands, forests and plains, and four different climatic areas. Started in 1927 and completed in 1938, the 1,394-kilometre-long railway was designed and executed in a successful collaboration between the Iranian government and 43 construction contractors from many countries. The railway is notable for its scale and the engineering works it required to overcome steep routes and other difficulties. Its construction involved extensive mountain cutting in some areas, while the rugged terrain in others dictated the construction of 174 large bridges, 186 small bridges and 224 tunnels, including 11 spiral tunnels. Unlike most early railway projects, construction of the Trans-Iranian Railway was funded by national taxes to avoid foreign investment and control.


Spain, Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro, a landscape of Arts and Sciences


Located at the urban heart of Madrid, the 200-hectare cultural landscape evolved since the creation of the tree-lined Paseo del Prado avenue, a prototype of the Hispanic alameda, in the 16th century. The avenue features major fountains, notably the Fuente de Cibeles and the Fuente de Neptuno, and the Plaza de Cibeles, an iconic symbol of the city, surrounded by prestigious buildings. The site embodies a new idea of urban space and development from the enlightened absolutist period of the 18th century. Buildings dedicated to the arts and sciences join others in the site that are devoted to industry, healthcare and research. Collectively, they illustrate the aspiration for a utopian society during the height of the Spanish Empire. The 120-hectare Jardines del Buen Retiro (Garden of Pleasant Retreat), a remnant of the 17th-century Buen Retiro Palace, constitutes the largest part of the property displaying different gardening styles from the 19th century to the present. The site also houses the terraced Royal Botanical Garden and the largely residential neighbourhood of Barrio Jerónimos with its rich variety of 19th- and 20th-century buildings that include cultural venues.


The world's cultural and natural heritage is an important outcome of the development of human civilization and natural evolution, and an important vehicle for the exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. To well protect, inherit and make good use of these precious treasures is our shared responsibility, and is of vital importance to the continuity of human civilization and the sustainable development of the world.


cultural and natural heritage
intangible cultural heritage
community with a shared future for humanity
世界遗产名录World Heritage List“泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心”"Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China" 本次泉州申遗项目的遗产整体由22处代表性古迹遗址及其关联环境构成。The serial property includes 22 sites of administrative buildings and structures, religious buildings, and statues. 我国世界遗产总数达56项The total number of China's UNESCO World Heritage sites now stands at 56. 第44届世界遗产大会the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee



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