

2018-01-07 原著共读












 BBC | 奥委会禁止俄罗斯参加冬奥会







Hello, I'm Fiona Macdonald. It is the BBC News. The United Nation's Human Rights chief has told the BBC that he has assumed that Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi sanctioned the repression of the Rohingya Muslim minority. Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein stressed that decisions must have been taken at a high level, given the scale of the military operations that have left thousands dead and forced hundreds of thousands to flee the country. Mr. Hussein said Myanmar's leader could face genocide charges in the future. On the basis of what we can say, we feel that you cannot rule it out. The question of intentionality, it's very hard to establish that cause the thresholds are high and that's why we continue to say that the court has to do this. But it wouldn't surprise me in the future if the court would make such finding. Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel peace prize winner, declined to respond to the comments.


One of Chile's richest men, a conservative businessman Sebastian Pinera has won Sunday's presidential election run-off. Mr. Pinera,who was president until 2014, defeated the left-wing senator and journalist Alejandro Guillier. He has promised to work together with the opposition to overcome the country's historic divisions. Each time that we Chileans have confronted each other, and seen each other as enemies. We've suffered our greatest defeats and greatest grief. And we all know that each time we have united as Chileans, we have achieved our most beautiful triumphs, and our greatest victories.


Delegates of the conference of South Africa's governing ANC have been voting through the night to choose a new leader to succeed President Jacob Zuma. The tense contest between the Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and former Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has been marred by allegations of fraud and intimidation. Milton Cossy is at the ANC conference. People here have been telling us that they think this will be the closest result they've seen in many years. Remember the ANC is the largest political party in South Africa with a plus-minus one million paid members. It's got an Executive Committee of about eighty and is the oldest liberation movement on the African continent, and that's why this matters, because the ANC is the glue that brought all the anti-apartheid and liberation movements together. And they delivered on the freedom of black people who were under the oppression. BBC News.






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