Mother Kiss, Mary Cassatt, 1891
◇原文刊登於《新大陸》詩刊 2002年6月第70期
Mom, I came when you were out.I knew the key was still placed in the intersticeBetween the wall and the mailbox.I examined the floor under the wardrobe and found the secretYou took out and hid back every night,A camphor case. I meant to take away the bank deposit book,But soon I recognized the clothThat wrapped your treasure had once swaddled me.Washed and ironed so neat, it's still fresh after so many years.Mom, I thought you were nothing but a stubborn, cold vixen.I leave this message, just to let you know I cameBut moved nothing. And I, yes I, am still swaddled in the cloth.
譯 者
▼ 近期回顧
紀弦 譯|被殺死了的鴿子與噴泉
秀陶 譯 | 西語系散文詩選 2
鄭建青 譯 | 安姬拉·鮑爾Angela Ball詩五首
秋原 譯 | 新詩手冊
尹玲 蘇楠 合譯 | 捷克詩人杜柏爾的詩
方思 譯 | 保持事物完整
主編 / 陳銘華 編委 / 陳銘華 遠方 達文顧問 / 非馬 鄭愁予 葉維廉 張錯 羅青公眾號編輯 / 蘇拉