

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03

Hardy,Nick. 2015. “Alea Capta Est: Foucault’s Dispositif and Capturing Chance.” Foucault Studies, no. 19: 191–216.





1.福柯在《The Confession of the Flesh》中谈到apparatus这个概念时这样说:


[It is first], athoroughly heterogeneous ensemble consisting ofdiscourses, institutions, architectural forms, regulatory decisions, laws,administrative measures, scientific statements, philosophical, moral andphilanthropic propositions—in short the said, as much as the unsaid. Such arethe elements of the apparatus. The apparatus itself is the system of relations thatcan be established between these elements. Secondly, what I am trying to identify in this apparatus is precisely the nature of the connection that can exist between these heterogeneous elements… In short,between these elements, whether discursive or non-discursive, there is a sortof interplay of shifts of position and modifications of function which can alsovary very widely. Thirdly,I understand by the term ‘apparatus’ a sort of… formation which has as itsmajor function at a given historical moment that of responding to an urgent need. Theapparatus thus has a dominant strategic function.


福柯的装置概念有三个方面:1. 有复数/异质的元素;2. 这些元素之间的连接关系;3. 有外部效果——通过安排达到特定的效果。



On the one hand, there is a processof functional overdetermination…thereforecalls for a readjustment or a reworking of the heterogeneous elements thatsurface at various points. On the other hand, there is a perpetual process of strategic elaboration.


 “功能性过度决定”、“策略性的饰化”、“再运作”,都指向了“装置”概念要回答:——enabled that dominant group to incorporate an unexpected development into an existing set of social relations.


也就是说,在装置里面,并不是绝对的control,而是要能回应event/urgent needs,并以回应的方式,取消负面影响,增益自身,达到再适应的目的。如此一来,其实福柯式的装置,已经具有了“内在性结构”(immanent structures),达到自组织的效果。正如他在《安全、领土与人口》中分析重商主义到重农主义时期转换时的粮食短缺问题, The dispositif reconfigures scarcity as a part of the“naturalness” of the world,


因此,dispositif的功能十分明确:to attempt to manage and to successfully incorporate, subsume, orat least nullify disparate and problematic events, elements, and forces.





2. Deleuze怎么看?

德勒兹对装置的理解,在于实现:the continuous creation of the present.

——通过形塑重复的事件(repetitive event)和社会关系,使之在装置之中得以Fit。

这样的功能主义解读,也适合后来Brenner解读福柯的名篇:Foucault'sNew Functionalism——他认为福柯其实是新功能主义者。



他也写过一篇Whatis a Dispositive?

他是从“不确定”的角度来理解福柯的这个概念,认为,a dispositif to be a particular system of order being stamped upon social relations andentities that are in a state of flux and uncertainty。


把他和Deleuze的解读累加起来,就是通过持续编码进来的关系,永恒地再创造当下此刻。( the ‘continuous relations of encoding’ that perpetually recreatethe present)


4. Hardy又怎么看呢?——回到阿尔图塞

不管上面谁解读,都涉及到chance/event这样的概率、不确定性的理解,而如果将dispositif看作是一种rule, norm,如何将这二者整合关系加以理解,是关键。




阿尔图塞在Machiavelli and Us一书中分析了马基雅维利眼中当时意大利地区长期有效治理失败的原因,认为马氏的关注是从并接事态(conjuncture)出发,i.e. to think partially ‘outside’ of his present circumstances,因此历史并不是目的论的,而要考虑到以下三个方面:

(1) that social relations are enduring,
(2) that social relations are subject to constant change

(3) that social relations are cyclical.

这三个方面的思考构成阿图塞的“偶然相遇的唯物主义”(Aleatory Materialism)中对void和chance的关注。——to grasp (as well as possibly even create)
the chance of change and then also make that change occur


不过,不同于阿图塞要去创造这样的void和chance去改变社会结构,福柯更关心的是response to ..needs/aleatory events。


Dispositif要能够协调rule/norm和 chance/event,要有以下三种response

aleatory capture (for the unexpected),

aleatory nullification(for security)

aleatory production (for possibilities).



(1) Strategic emergence:对抗出现,开始越界

(2) Political elaboration:争取纳入,调节边界

(3) Overdetermined a priori:稳妥控制,生产当下

(4) Aleatory dominance:对付事件,控制效应。










 第19期 物质转向,福柯不缺席



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第58期Kathleen Thelen and James Mahoney:比较—历史分析的获奖书单(2000-2014)

图片来源:youtube UK Parliament 频道 Prime Minister 

