We hope this e-mail finds you and your loved ones safe amidst the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We're deeply concerned about the recent situation and the impact it may have on you and your community.Unfortunately, no matter what I say now, it is actually very difficult to help you in a substantial sense.Given the current situation, we wanna express heartfelt empathy to you. We understand that these times can pose additional challenges, both personally and professionally. Just hope that the days of peace will come soon and no one else get harmed by the war.Wishing you and your family safety, strength, and resilience during these challenging times. We stand in solidarity with you and look forward to brighter days ahead.还有一个情况就是订单相关不得不提的情况,比如货物本来要发出去,但现在打仗,你可以告诉他会妥善处理货物出运问题,不必担心,这也是一方面。As your business partner, we hope to help you in any possible ways during this tough time. Regarding order XXX, originally scheduled shipping date is this Wednesday. If we arrange shipment now, it may encounter troubles with shipping and customs clearance due to the ongoing conflict. We propose storing your goods temporarily in our warehouse until the situation stabilizes, then we proceed with the shipment. Please rest assured that this service is complimentary, you will not incur any charges for it.If you have any other requirements regarding your orders, shipments, or any other aspect of our services, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your needs are met and providing assistance within our capabilities. 可能有些小伙伴出于本能反应会说一句,“If there's anything we can do to help, just let me know.” 这种开放式的语言自然就会涉及私事,这与业务关联的内容是有本质区别。如果对方称自己的家园被炸毁,现在没吃没穿,希望你立刻打2万美金过去应急,你是打款还是不打款?当然,如果有客户开门见山,直接说出了这样的要求,只要金额不太过分,比如几千美金,其实还是可以予以适当帮助的,毕竟,“患难见真情”后才有后面的“兄弟情深”。但Mike不建议外贸业务员自己出这个钱,可以跟公司领导汇报具体情况,看看公司态度再作回复,鉴于客户的价值,公司自有定夺。若此文对您有所帮助,点个『在看』,转发支持一下吧。01、可加【微信 NWZ2020】 , (注:不备注行业、不对我开放朋友圈者不必添加,加了也会删除。位置有限,此号早就满了,在陆续删除一些屏蔽我的人,加入新鲜血液)02、或发送问题至 wasd52306@126.com (如有隐私,不必咨询,不承诺内容不会作为案例发到公众号供大家学习)大家好,我是Mike, 一枚新晋奶爸,创业公司、工厂老板。去过很多城市,最后扎根在河北。不喜欢绕弯子,喜欢讲真话,已带领无数学员走向创业致富,年利润 30万、50万、70万、100万、200万+不等(“这门外贸课程,教你在外贸行业赚大钱”)。