
Medical Tourism in India / 印度医疗 | “如果走对了路子,印度将能治疗整个世界!”

2018-02-03 Indians-In-China IICofficial

Can India Treat The World In Future?

Medical Tourism

本周,印度政府宣布了世界上最大的政府资助的医疗保险计划。 国家卫生保护计划(NHPS)为超过1亿卢比的“贫穷和弱势”家庭 - 估计有5亿卢比的个人受益者 - 每家庭每年的补助高达50万卢比。(5万人民币左右)

This week Indian government announced world's largest government funded health insurance scheme. National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) for over 10 crore (100 million) “poor and vulnerable” families — an estimated 50 crore (500 million) individual beneficiaries — with coverage of up to Rs 5 lakh per family per year.


India has always been in the eyes of the people here is just backward, large population, with bad public facilities which lead to slow development. What is not known to many foreigners is that while the overall health welfare situation is not satisfactory, India's medical standards are among the highest in developing countries and are sought after by many European and American medical professionals. The medical tourism in India is on the rise.


Let's take a look at private hospital called Apollo is in the southeast suburbs of New Delhi, capital of India. Outdoor green grass, elegant indoor environment, all kinds of advanced medical equipment readily available at first glance more like a five-star hotel, all day long have lot of foreigners coming in and going out, that is, the local gentry in suits and ties. Apollo hospital registration fee is more than 600 rupees (1 US dollar is about 65 rupees). The Safdarjung hospital, which is also not far, has a large number of ordinary Indian people as patients who go in and out everyday with most medical treatment free or at highly subsidized rates.


Since India's independence, with the vigorous promotion by the government, the country's health care has made remarkable achievements. In the early 1980s, the Indian government set the grand goal of gradually establishing a three-tier health care network in the rural areas throughout the country. The network includes health stations, primary health care centers and community health centers in three parts, providing free medical services to the vast majority of the poor people. In major cities, public hospitals run by the Indian government are also the first choice for the poor, and the hospital waives the registration fee for the poor. Recently, the Indian government also announced that it will spend Rs900 billion over the next 10 years on infrastructure construction and medical equipment purchase to ensure that the number of doctors and beds in major hospitals in India will double in the next 10 years. Nurses will increase by two Times


However, due to the huge population, the lack of resources, human and medical equipment at all levels of health care centers and the shortage of funds, India's plan to "provide health care for all" has now basically remained on paper but government is making push for it.


Private hospital high medical fees much cheaper than Western countries


Naresh Trehan, a famous cardiologist who runs Medanta Cardiovascular Hospital in India, told reporters that although India's overall medical standard lags behind that of developed countries, but due to its high-caliber personnel, abundant capital and good operation Mechanism, some private hospitals in India provide specialist medical services, in no way inferior to some large hospitals in the United States and Europe. According to figures released by the New York State Department of Health in 2002, Naresh Trehan said 0.8% of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting were hospitalized at the Escorts Hospital, and similar patients were admitted to Presbyterian Hospital in New York City in 1999 The patient's mortality rate was 2.35%.


In addition, Escorts Hospital is one of the few cardiovascular hospitals in the world with advanced medical facilities such as robots. The application of sophisticated, remote-controlled robotic surgery, only a small incision in the surgical site, greatly reducing the trauma caused by traditional surgery. More importantly, Escorts Hospital charges a lot less because of lower staff salaries and equipment maintenance costs than hospitals in the United States and Europe. For example, a patient who accepts a magnetic resonance imaging scan here costs only $ 60, while New York charges the $ 700 for the same.


Dr. Mukherjee is a private dentist with many links to political leaders in India. He said in an interview with reporters that the high level of medical care in Indian private hospitals is due to having a large number of highly qualified doctors. They are good at English, able to endure hardship, have a strong sense of service and are educated in Western countries. At the same time, the state implements the education policy of "leniency and strictness" to the cultivation of doctors. According to statistics from the Indian Medical Council, which manages registered doctors, as of 2003, India had 193 medical schools nationwide and had 21,450 students enrolled each year. In Delhi University, Mumbai University and other well-known Indian universities, medical schools, medical schools have selected textbooks, basically from the developed countries like United States and Britain. This allows Indian doctors to become familiar with and master the latest medical technologies in the world quickly. As of 2017, India have 460 medical colleges in India, more then double in past decade or so.


Price of life saving medicines in India is only 1/3 of China


To fully understand the Indian healthcare industry, one can not but mention the Indian drugs, both cheap and effective. India, like China, which is an ancient civilized country, has a well-developed herbal medicine. In recent years, the Indian government has actively promoted the use of Indian medicine and set up herbal medicine centers in the vast rural areas to encourage the use of herbs instead of western medicine, which has greatly reduced the cost of treatment for the poor. In addition, due to the generally good quality of domestic western medicine, the vast majority of Indians choose domestic medicine, for the cold and fever such ailment, the poor just take the prescription to the pharmacy, take twenty or thirty rupees to buy medicine and soon become well. Similar drugs such as "voltaren", the price is only 1/3 of China.


Recently, the reporter visited R & D center of the largest pharmaceutical company in India. Center person in charge said that in order to cultivate the national pharmaceutical industry, the Indian government implemented a series of supportive policies. In 1970, India promulgated the Patent Law, which confirmed the procedural patent and did not grant the patent for the substance of the drug. It only granted the patent for the drug production process and encouraged the Indian medical community to make a large number of cheaper generic drugs by using western medicine formula, basically meeting the people's clinical drug requirements Under the pressure of the World Trade Organization, the Indian government has made adjustments in recent years and its basic policy of intellectual property rights in medicine is in line with international standards.


At present, the pharmaceutical industry in India has entered the ranks of world powers in manufacturing capacity. The production technology and quality of pharmaceutical products are among the best in the third world countries and can even compete with western countries. At present, the pharmaceutical industry in the country can produce more than 400 kinds of APIs and more than 1,000 kinds of Ayurvedic medicines. World leader in Part of the antipyretic analgesic drug in particular, the bulk of antibiotic production, India and China can basically affect the international market. More than 20 pharmaceutical companies in India have been accredited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

印度工业联合会发布预测报告指出,印度每年的出口总额中,药品出口额约占4.1%。其中,非专利药出口预计2010年可达到100亿美元. 2014年达到260亿,预计到2020年达到500亿。

Indian Industry Federation released a forecast report that India's total annual exports, the pharmaceutical exports accounted for about 4.1%. Among them, the export of generic drugs was expected to reach 10 billion US dollars in 2010 and it did. In 2014 it was 26 billion and expected to reach 50 billion by year 2020.


Indian pharmaceutical companies aggressively enter the international market


Although more than 90% of the more than 20,000 pharmaceutical companies in India are small workshop-based businesses, there are also large pharmaceutical companies like Sun Pharmaceuticals. The Sun Pharmaceuticals, founded in 1983, is currently the 5th largest manufacturer of generic drugs in the world. Although its overall size is still less than that of China's top company, its international influence and degree of internationalization are already quite high. Recently, when the reporter visited , he met the head of the group meeting of the Chinese company manager. To the reporter's surprise, the manager turned out to be a blond Englishman, which more or less reflects the internationalization trend of Indian pharmaceutical companies.

记者了解到,太阳制药生产的药品远销世界100多个国家,并在美、英、法、南非及中国等7个国家设有生产厂家。它2001年的销售收入超过6亿美元,仅美国分公司的销售收入就达到1亿美元。2003年,它的销售收入进一步增长到9.72亿美元,利润1.63亿美元。根据太阳制药的远景规划,它将在2012年达到50亿美元的销售额,跻身世界五大生物制药巨头行列。它是如何执行的? 市值截至2017年5月为249亿美元

This reporter has learned that Sun Pharmaceuticals produced the drugs are exported to more than 100 countries in the world, and in the United States, Britain, France, South Africa and China and other seven countries with manufacturers. It sold more than 600 million U.S. dollars in 2001 and only 100 million U.S. dollars in U.S. sales. In 2003, its sales revenue further increased to 9.72 billion US dollars, profits 163 million. According to Sun Pharmaceuticals's long-term plan, it wanted to reach 5 billion US dollars in sales in 2012, ranks among the world's top five biopharmaceutical giants how did it perform? Market Cap As of May 2017 is $24.9 Billion


At present, the Indian pharmaceutical industry led by the Sun Pharmaceuticals is making big strides in the field of high-end patented drugs and gradually starting a wave of internationalization.Years ago Sun Pharmaceuticals acquired Bayer's generic drug company Bayer Foundation to enter the German market. India's Sun Drug Company has made breakthroughs in anti-cancer drug research and development, and acquired the United States, Caraco Pharmaceutical Company, Detroit, successfully into the United States market. India's Pula company has registered in the United States independently developed drug. According to the reporter, the Indian pharmaceutical industry overall research and development spending has risen to 2% of its sales revenue, even in the Sun Pharmaceuticals, the proportion of up to 6%.


India's "medical tourism" is booming


"Medical tourism" has become a hot word in the media coverage in India and the United States. Both the Indian Express and the Washington Post reported that because of the medical skills of Indian doctors, they have been widely used in cardiology, orthopedic surgery, joint reduction, Unconsolidated treatment has reached world-class standards, coupled with cheap medical treatment, last year attracted as many as 460000 foreigners came to India for medical treatment, in addition to Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand and other countries patients, there are More and more people now coming from Europe and America.


The report quoted an example of North Carolina carpenter Howard Stubb. Staub, 53, learned that he was a bolt-on from a heart attack. Because in the absence of medical insurance, he would pay up to 200,000 U.S. dollars in surgery if he had surgery in the United States. At a friend's recommendation, he came to India not far away. Incredibly, the cost of treatment, combined with round-trip airfare and the cost of taking the Taj Mahal hotel , costs him only $ 10,000, 1/20 for the United States! In fact, he is not the first to taste This "medical tourism" sweet. European and American patients. In recent years, the number of foreigners who come to India for "medical tourism" is increasing at an annual rate of pver 15%.


In a research report, McKinsey & Company Consulting believes that in the increasingly developed US and European population, there are more and more patients awaiting liver, kidney, heart and other organ transplants, and the costs are very high even when they wait. Since the cost of medical care in India is generally only one-tenth of those in the United States and Europe, and Indian doctors have always enjoyed a good reputation in the international medical community, many foreigners come to India for treatment.


To comply with international trends and further promote "medical tourism", the Indian government has decided to implement star-level management of hospitals. This standard hevr jointly formulated by the Indian Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Health. With its hardware facilities and healthcare and nursing staff Based on the level, divided into three levels: three-star, four-star and five-star. In the meantime, India's high-end private hospitals have also started offering package. packages for overseas patients such as airport transfers, separate ward with Internet access, Indian cuisine and tour arrangements. Some hospitals have introduced therapies with yoga and other forms of traditional Indian medicine and are well received by foreign patients.


In the face of the rising momentum of "medical tourism", experts pointed out that "India will be able to treat the entire world if it stay on the right path!"

Source: 中印大同网

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