线上讲座 | 认知老化与词汇提取困难 When words fail us (Nichol Castro)
Speaker: Nichol Castro (University at Buffalo)
Title: When words fail us: The role of structure and process on word retrieval impairments
Time: 20:00 – 21:30, 26 January 2022
(Beijing time)
The ability to quickly and accurately retrieve words from memory is necessary for successful communication. However, word retrieval impairments are known to increase in frequency with neurotypical aging, can be an early feature of dementia, and are a common feature of aphasia. While word retrieval impairments have often been studied from the perspective of impaired cognitive-linguistic processes, the way in which words are organized in memory (i.e., mental lexicon structure) also plays a critical role. This talk will highlight recent work exploring the role of structure and process on word retrieval by considering how word retrieval breaks down across different populations – neurotypical aging, dementia, and aphasia. The talk will conclude by discussing how knowledge of mental lexicon structure and process will aid the development of more sensitive and specific diagnostic tests and interventions (restorative and compensatory).
About the Speaker
Dr. Nichol Castro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences at the University at Buffalo. She received a Dual-Title Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in Psychology and Gerontology and completed two postdoctoral fellowships: one at the University of Washington in Clinical Aphasiology and one at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Cognitive Aging. Dr. Castro’s work focuses on understanding word retrieval success and failure using behavioral studies and computational modeling. The goal of her work is to translate knowledge from psycholinguistics and cognitive science to enhance current diagnostic and treatment approaches for clinically significant word retrieval impairments. (转自语言科学)
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