
AIIB亚洲基础设施投资银行Graduate Program 开放申请,坐标北京!

offer先生 2022-09-01

重磅:AIIB’s Graduate Program 开放申请



项目名称:AIIB’s Graduate Program



1. ‎硕士毕业并具有至少1-2年相关工作经验,或本科毕业并具有至少2-3年相关工作经验;

‎2. 英语口语和书面表达流利;‎

‎3. 符合每个特定职位的相关要求。


AIIB’s Graduate Program是一个为期两年的轮岗计划,旨在招募和发展一支在职业生涯早期阶段的优秀人才团队,为实现亚投行的使命做出贡献。入选该计划的青年分析师将有机会为国际发展和可持续基础设施投资做出贡献,同时在亚投行发展自己的职业生涯,并促进亚洲的繁荣和可持续发展。‎



AIIB’s Graduate Program is a two-year rotational program to recruit and develop a team of outstanding talents at the early stage of their career to contribute to the realization of AIIB’s mission. Young talents who qualify for the program will have an opportunity to contribute to international development and sustainable infrastructure investment, while growing their career with AIIB and helping to create a prosperous and sustainable Asia.

The program has five streams:

Investment, Finance, Risk Management, Strategy, and Corporate.

Investment Stream analysts will rotate within AIIB’s investment operations to gain experience in identifying, preparing, and monitoring investment projects for public and private sector clients.

Finance Stream analysts will work closely with the Treasury and Controller’s offices and gain a deeper understanding of the tools, techniques and technologies related to treasury and finance processes and accounting.

Risk Management Stream analysts will rotate within the Risk Management Department and client departments to gain in-depth experience in monitoring and analyzing developments that affect current and future potential risk.

Strategy Stream analysts will gain hands-on experience in developing and implementing AIIB’s corporate strategy and sector strategies.

Corporate Stream analysts will rotate within the Corporate Secretariat and Communications Department to develop skills in stakeholder management, protocol, and development communications.

By being assigned to different departments, analysts will develop professional skills and expertise while acquiring hands-on experience by working with the Bank’s industry experts. Working closely with clients in Asia’s public and private sectors, they will gain a deep understanding of, and broader perspectives on, the region’s infrastructure development and financing challenges and opportunities. Through the rotations, they will also receive training, mentoring, career guidance and development opportunities to grow and develop professionally at AIIB.


Master’s degree with at least one to two years of relevant working experience OR Bachelor’s degree with at least two to three years of relevant working experience.

- Fluent in oral and written English.

- Meets the criteria of the specific positions in each department.

Additional Information

Closing Date: All opportunities close at 24:00 GMT+8 on the dates listed.

Job Type: Recruitment of staff is conducted through a merit-based competitive selection process. AIIB shall strive to provide employment opportunities open to all suitably qualified applicants, regardless of religion, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or nationality.

Applicants can apply to different positions simultaneously regardless of stream. However, they can only be accepted to one stream.

Successful candidates are expected to be based in Beijing for the duration of their assignment. AIIB will provide them with necessary assistance (visa, flight, relocation allowance) to help them with their onboarding and relocation between June and September 2022.

The Graduate Program is a two-year program with rotational assignments under one of five streams to provide successful candidates with hands-on experience and training and allow them to build foundational skills and networks in their relevant fields.






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📍近期校招      宝洁 | 京东 | 达能 | 凯捷咨询 | 华为 | 美团 | 大疆 | 拼多多 | QQ音乐 | 深信服 | BIGO | GUCCI | 蚂蚁集团 | 海康威视 | 海尔 | 毕马威 | 菜鸟网络 | 中兴 | 宁德时代 | 科大讯飞 | 荣耀 | 联想 | 爱奇艺 | 盒马 | 百度 | OPPO | 咨询内推专场欧莱雅时代中国强生合景悠活宝格丽IGG58同城步步高字节跳动追觅科技绿城中国Apple有车以后碧桂园戴尔奥飞娱乐三七互娱腾讯万科集团名创优品新浪微博格力酷狗音乐新希望地产嘉士伯中国vivofordeal招商银行深圳分行基恩士健合Thoughtworks三星同程旅行Paypal百度蔚来Fun Plus泡泡玛特百威中国欧莱雅百库香港置地中移信息技术雀巢茶颜悦色贝壳找房蓝石资管立白集团壳牌费列罗汤臣倍健美的置业施华洛世奇汇丰科技华策华发集团养生堂·农夫山泉渣打银行荣耀宜家广发基金保时捷优衣库GSK华兴资本北京奔驰米未传媒保利投顾SMG光大银行小鹏汽车Google爱马仕树根互联安利京东物流中梁地产象屿方圆集团开云集团捷顺科技腾讯MBA长江证券




