

上海市法学会 上海市法学会 东方法学 2022-10-05


隆重介绍本届论坛九名重量级演讲嘉宾,他们将围绕“数字化转型  智能化治理”等相关话题进行精彩演讲,就推进数字产业化和产业数字化、推进城市数字化转型等问题进行深度探讨,发表创新见解,纵论法治未来,擘画发展和优化治理新蓝图。

Deno Himonas

迪诺·希莫纳斯 [美] 


Justice of the Utah Supreme Court迪诺·希莫纳斯法官是犹他州最高法院的法官。在被任命为犹他州高等法院之前,他曾担任审判法院法官多年。希莫纳斯法官在犹他大学获得经济学学士学位,芝加哥大学获得法学博士学位。从法学院毕业后,他回到犹他州,做了15年的诉讼律师,专注于复杂的民事诉讼。希莫纳斯法官曾担任犹他州律师协会诉讼科部门主席、第三地区法院公益委员会共同主席、最高法院监管改革和特别工作小组共同主席以及司法行为委员会成员。目前在犹他州司法委员会任职,担任最高法院特许法律从业人员委员会主席,并担任司法委员会网上争议解决工作组主席。希莫纳斯法官还在很多处理司法行政事务的国家及国际组织任职。希莫纳斯法官曾在犹他大学,昆尼法学院担任兼职教授,通过国际发展里维特研究所出访许多法学院并授课,包括乌克兰基辅。他是昆尼法学院年度荣誉校友,曾获美国法律制度促进研究所重建正义奖和犹他州律师协会司法卓越奖。他是全国技术和争议解决委员会研究员,以及美国律师协会的终身研究员。最近,美国律师协会授予希莫纳斯法官“法律卫士”的称号。Justice Deno Himonas is a Justice of the Utah Supreme Court. Prior to his appointment to the Utah high court, he served as a trial court judge for many years. Justice Himonas earned a B.A. in economics from the University of Utah and a J.D. from the University of Chicago. Upon graduating law school, he returned to Utah and spent fifteen years working as a litigator, focusing on complex civil litigation. Justice Himonas has served as the chairperson of the litigation section of the Utah State Bar, the co-chair of the Third District Court's pro bono committee, the co-chair of the Supreme Court’s working group and task force for regulatory reform, and a member of the Judicial Conduct Commission. He currently serves on the Utah Judicial Council, as the chair of the Supreme Court’s committee for licensed legal practitioners, and the chair of the Judicial Council’s task force on online dispute resolution. He is also active in a number of national and international groups concerned with the administration of justice.Justice Himonas has taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law and guest lectured at numerous law schools, including in Kiev, Ukraine, through the Leavitt Institute for International Development. He has been honored by the S.J. Quinney College of Law as an Honorary Alumnus of the Year; he is a recipient of the Rebuilding Justice Award from the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System and the Judicial Excellence Award from the Utah State Bar; and he is a Fellow of the National Conference of Technology and Dispute Resolution and a Life Fellow of the American Bar Association. Most recently, the American Bar Association has honored Justice Himonas as a “Legal Rebel”. 




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责任编辑:王  健    金惠珠


