

这里是 重音社Accent 2024-01-02


作为本次苏格兰国际诗歌驻留项目的闪亮尾章,重音社将在英国文化教育协会的二轮赞助支持下,推出重音国际诗歌奖。本次奖项秉持着拓延诗之疆域、发现创作新锐、打破既有边界与促进多元交流的开放精神,即日起soft opening面向全球创作者公开征稿。

单元A:实验翻译奖 Award for Creative Translation

实验翻译奖旨在奖掖兼具优秀诗歌翻译水平、创意写作能力与实验精神的作品。本单元投稿者须从以下苏格兰诗人的英文诗作中任选一首翻译成中文, 需要同时做常规翻译和实验性翻译。我们把实验翻译看作一种创意写作,投稿者可自行界定创造式翻译)。来稿须包括三个内容 a)常规翻译 b)实验翻译 c)另附一段400字之内的陈述,简要阐释原文、常规翻译与实验性翻译之间的联系。来稿请投递到组委会指定邮箱: accentsociety@gmail.com 在邮件标题中注明实验翻译奖单元,并于正文附来稿者个人通讯信息(姓名、邮箱、微信号)。

Don Paterson 

I am Sleepy

From my troubles, now, and for some light relief 

confuse the Seven Dwarfs and the Stages of Grief.

O here’s Denial, shaking his wee head  

like he doesn’t know the girl’s as good as dead.

Ten Maxims 


Read a poem slow enough 

With vigilance and care

And you’ll discover lots of stuff 

that really isn’t there


In the country of the two-eyed, it’s the same: 

The one-eye’d man still has the better aim.


On his deathbed, much too late, a voice came from afar

And sang that line he’d once heard in a film, or in a bar:

No one will ever love you for everything you are


And then did God make man and woman – bless! –

For company. Ironic, wouldn’t you say?

Someone might have told him neediness 

Is no one’s most attractive quality.



He stole your brilliant plan?

Just steal it back again!

As a trumpet’s how you toot it

an idea’s how you put it. 


A poet for a friend?

As far as they’re concerned         

all you represent’s

an inconvenience

standing in the way

of a decent elegy.


Even in Kyoto, 

as he said in his haiku, 

Basho was still longing for Kyoto;

but I don’t suppose that Basho 

really could’ve had a clue 

that all of us are longing for Kyoto.  


Don’t forget her, son, 

heartbroken as you are;

it’s a waste of a good wound 

to heal without a scar.


As mass structures space

so death structures time:

gently, from afar;

but were your ship to land

so you might try to stand 

upon its cratered face, 

you could not tell apart

the ticking and the chime


The poet takes his pen     

And settles down to write 

in the fullness of the dawn  

like it’s the dead of night.

Sophie Collins 


A response to a retrospective of the work of Lee Bul


It all begins in the gut

where shards (indigestible)

tear open the walls. When blood spills

there is no mess. There is no bodily mess

save in tumefactive sludge

I would like to doze off inside this gleaming basophil

regular vibrations relaxing proprioception 

as we glide

past a fragment of bone sunk in plasma

the spectacle of lymphocytes

deeply staining, eccentric


Erection of countless town models. The dogged work of preservation 

supersedes embodiment. Men’s corpses are embalmed

made up for display

while women who wish to live

must gain the written endorsement 

of their male companions

Medical records, like mutating cells, are subject to damage

may be lost or copied twice


A lauded teacher of letters once made a drawing of a cephalopod

for his students. Women, jabbing 

he said, are more like this. More like this 

than men are

by which he meant to say,

Nothing happens to me


Octopuses eat their own limbs when chronically understimulated

What is frightening about this body 

is its justicial disregard

Jen Hadfield

Stone Poem



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