
主旨发言预告(七)|| Seán Hand: Levinas in the Anthropocene

秘书处 文学伦理学批评研究 2022-04-24



—— 中国·杭州 ——












预告 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会 分论坛与召集人



Seán Hand is Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Europe) at the University of Warwick. He was previously Dean of the Warwick in California project (2016-17), the founding Head of Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures (2014-16), and Head of the Department of French Studies (2008-2011). He has a B.A. (M.A. Oxford) and a D. Phil. from the University of Oxford, and an MBA and a D.Litt. from the University of Warwick. He is a Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, and a member of the Academia Europæa. He has been an Honorary Professor of Monash University, a Visiting Fellow at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, and a Visiting Fellow at the National University of Singapore. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has been an assessor for several national research councils and higher education authorities, and sits on several international advisory and editorial boards. His research examines radical writings in French of the past 100 years, and includes publications on Michel Leiris, Emmanuel Levinas, post-Holocaust France, Derrida, Lacan, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Jewish writing; and he has translated Blondel, Deleuze, Kristeva, Irigaray, Levinas and Lyotard. He continues to work on theories of governance, and ethics.


Levinas in the Anthropocene

  The ethico-political turn in Western literary studies from the 1990s on is strongly associated with the belated influence of the ethical perspectives of Emmanuel Levinas. This ethics, already both positively and negatively evaluated, has been recently reframed by the publication of posthumous writings that reveal Levinas's own residual fascination with literature's anethical imaginary. The advent of further ethical visions, including in literary form, prompted by an urgent concern with the Anthropocene and the significance of human impact on life, leads now both to a sharp critical perspective on Levinas's ethical world, and to the possibility of constructing a Levinasian perspective on the literature and criticism of the Anthropocene.

责任编辑  | 汤轶丽、任洁

审校 | 杨革新

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预告 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会 分论坛与召集人
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号外||国际比较文学学会第二十二届大会在深澳两地举办 文学伦理学批评备受关注

