

M君 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02




Day Day Up



2.  Attendances at football matches have ( ) since the coming of the television.

A. dropped in

B. dropped down

C. dropped off

D. dropped out

2. C [解析]drop  off (减少,减弱)指“水平上降低或数量上减少了”;drop in意为“顺便拜访”;drop down意为“(道路、地面等)下降,降低”;drop out意为“退出,离队”。

谢谢各位粉丝一路来的支持与意见,M君将坚持为大家提供MTI考研相关资料与资讯,爱你们哟(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~!

1. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ( ).

A. sufficient  

B. efficient  

C. potential  

D. proficient


2. We'd like to ( ) a table for five for dinner this evening.

A. reserve  

B. prosperity  

C. sustain  

D. retain


3. Britain has the highest ( ) of road traffic in the world--over 60 cars for every mile of road.

A. popularity  

B. prosperity  

C. intensity  

D. density


4. I would never have ( ) a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.

A. sought for  

B. accounted for  

C. turned up  

D. resorted to


5. The energy ( ) by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.

A. transferred  

B. released  

C. conveyed  

D. delivered


6. It is required that during the process great care has to be taken to protect the ( ) silk from damage.

A. sensitive  

B. sensible  

C. tender  

D. delicate


7. To our ( ), Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.  

A. relief  

B. view  

C. anxiety  

D. judgment


8. The government will take some action to ( ) the two big quarreling companies.

A. jigsaw  

B. jot  

C. impulse  

D. reconcile


9. As automation became popular in most factories, labor was made ( ).

A. destined  

B. redundant  

C. diverse  

D. discontent


10. They have ( ) her unreasonable request for her annual salary.

A. destined  

B. chorded  

C. repelled  

D. commenced

11. A dark suit is preferable ( ) a light one for evening wear.

A. to  

B. than  

C. for  

D. against


12. He knows little of physics, and ( ) of math.

A. even more  

B. still less  

C. no less

D. still more


13. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete "it is ( ) too difficult"?

A. rather  

B. much  

C. far  

D. quite


14. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. We know what each other thinks.

B. They know one another's weak points.

C. None of the books is interesting.

D. He didn't stay there so long as she.


15. "I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before." The sentence means that ( ).

A. he reminded me to see the film, and I would go to see it.

B. I was about to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before.

C. I wouldn't remember to see the film if he didn't remind me.

D. I forget that I have seen the film before if he didn't remind me.


16. Get to the point, don't ( ) about the bush.

A. beat  

B. hit  

C. blow  

D. strike


17. He holds that education should place more ( ) on logic thinking, and education of emotion is of little use.

A. importance  

B. significance  

C. stress  

D. emphasis


18. Tom wasn't paid because he was the ( ) secretary of the association.

A. honorable  

B. honor  

C. honored  

D. honorary


19. Her letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was ( ).

A. unintelligible

B. vague

C. ambiguous

D. illegible


20. Because of the ( ) of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both at home and abroad.

A. originality  

B. subjectivity  

C. generality  

D. ambiguity


1. C [解析]A选项表示“足够的,充足的”;B选项表示“有能力的,效率高的”;C选项表示“潜在的,有潜力的”,也可以做名词表示“可能性,潜力,潜能”;D选项表示“精通的,熟练的”。原句中应选择名词,只有C选项有名词性质,所以选C。


2. A [解析]A选项表示“预订,保留(座位等)”;B选项表示“繁荣,兴旺”;C选项表示“支持,抚养,提供”;D选项表示“保持或保留(某物)”。根据原文“保留座位”之意,故选择A。


3. D [解析] A选项表示“普遍,流行”;B选项表示“兴旺,繁荣”;C选项表示“强度,饱和度”;D选项表示“密度”。原文中表示车辆密度,故选择D。


4. D [解析]A选项表示“寻找,追求”;B选项表示“说明,解...的原因”;C选项表示“出现,发生(意想不到的事情)”;D选项表示“诉诸,采取”。原文中表示“诉诸法律”之意,故选择D。


5. C [解析]A选项表示“转移,转学”;B选项表示“释放,放开”;C选项表示“传递,传送”;D选项表示“交付,递送”。原文要表达“能量传递”之意,故选择C。


6. D [解析]A选项表示“敏感的,感情易冲动的”;B选项表示“明智的,合理的”;C选项表示“温柔的,稚嫩的”;D选项表示“纤细的,易碎的,脆弱的”。原文是形容丝绸,故选择D。


7. A [解析]A选项表示“轻松,宽慰,思藉”;B选项表示“观察,查看”;C选项表示“焦虑,担心”;D选项表示“判断”。故选A。


8. D [解析]A选项表示“钢丝锯”;B选项表示“速记”;C选项表示“冲动,刺微,推进”;D选项表示“使和好,和解”。故选D。


9. B [解析]A选项表示“命中注定的”;B选项表示“因人员过多而被解雇的,多余的”;C选项表示“不同的,多种多样的”;D选项表示“不满”。根据原文,故选B。


10. C [解析]A选项表示“命中注定,预定,指定”;B选项表示“调(乐器)的弦”;C选项表示“拒绝,使不愉快,使厌恶”;D选项表示“开始”。原文表示“拒绝”之意,故选择C。


11. A [解析]考查preferable的搭配。preferable“更可取的”,本身就含有比较的意思,常与to连用,表比较。类似用法的单词还有:prefer, superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, major, minor, etc.。


12. B [解析]考查比较级的否定形式。still less表示“更不用说,更何况”,and并列结构提示他对数学的了解应该是更不及物理学。故选B。


13. D [解析]考查副词的用法。当形容词前有too时,只有rather, much, far可以与其连用,而quite则不可,故选D。


14. A [解析] each other, one another都不能用作主语,故A错。none of 后接可数名词时,谓语动词可用单数或复数:not so long as为as long as的否定形式。


15. B [解析]考查句子的意思。remind sb. of doing sth. “提醒某人已经做过某事”,B与此含义相当。remind sb. to do sth. 表示“提醒某人要做某事”。


16. A [解析]考查习惯用语。beat about the bush“旁敲侧击,兜圈子”。


17. D [解析]考查固定搭配。emphasis“强调,重点”,place/put emphasis on“注重...强调”,选D。 importance“重要性”; significance“意义,价值”;stress“压力,强调”。


18. D [解析]考查honor一词变换形式后的意义。honorable“荣誉的,正直的,可尊敬的”;honor“荣幸,荣普,尊敬”;honored“荣幸的”;honorary“荣誉的,名誉的”;honorary secretary意为“名誉秘书”。


19. D [解析]形容词词义辨析题。unintelligible“难理解的,晦涩难懂的”;vague“含糊的,不明确的”,ambiguous“含糊不清的,引起歧义的”;illegible“字迹模糊的,难辨认的”。根据以上词义可知,应选D。


20. A [解析]名词词义辨析题。Originality独创性,创造力”;subjectivity“主观性,主观”;generality普遍性,概论”;ambiguity“含糊性,模棱两可的话”。销量很大,一定有该书的独到之处,故选A。









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