

宏基因组 宏基因组 2022-03-29


Benchmarking Metagenomics Tools for Taxonomic Classification

Cell, [36.216]

2019-08-08  Review

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.07.010

全文可开放获取 https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30775-5

第一作者:Simon H. Ye1,2,*

通讯作者:Simon H. Ye1,2,*

其它作者:Katherine J. Siddle, Daniel J. Park, Pardis C. Sabeti


1 麻省理工学院,哈佛-麻省理工健康科学与技术中心(Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA)

2 麻省理工学院和哈佛大学博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA)


  1. 有多种软件可用于宏基因组数据的物种分类,但缺少系统的评估;

  2. 本文介绍了当前主流宏基因组分析方法,并对20个分类软件进行了系统评估;

  3. 同时介绍了评估的关键指标,为更多分类软件的评测提供了框架;

  4. 对数据库建索引步骤的资源消耗评估,有助于用户选择自建索引或使用同行已建索引;

  5. 对软件运行中内存、线程数和时间使用的评估,有利于根据自身硬件条件选择合适的软件和分析方案,预估项目所需时间。




Metagenomic sequencing is revolutionizing the detection and characterization of microbial species, and a wide variety of software tools are available to perform taxonomic classification of these data. The fast pace of development of these tools and the complexity of metagenomic data make it important that researchers are able to benchmark their performance. Here, we review current approaches for metagenomic analysis and evaluate the performance of 20 metagenomic classifiers using simulated and experimental datasets. We describe the key metrics used to assess performance, offer a framework for the comparison of additional classifiers, and discuss the future of metagenomic data analysis.


图1. 从宏基因组样本到物种组成

Figure 1 Processing Steps to Go from a Complex Metagenomic Sample to an Abundance Profile of Sample Content

图2. 评估分类表现的重要指标

Figure 2 Metrics Used for Evaluating Classifier Performance

AUPR(area under the precision-recall
curve, 准确-召回曲线下的面积)和L2(straight-line distance between the observed and true abundance vectors,实际与预测间的直线距离)距离是两个互补的指标,分别提供对分类器准度-召回和丰度估计准确性的评估。综合以上指标,它们提供了易于解释的分类器性能图,可用于比较分类器。

AUPR and L2 distance are two complementary metrics that provide insight into the accuracy of a classifier’s precision-recall and abundance estimates, respectively. Considered together, they provide a readily interpretable picture of classifier performance and can be used to compare classifiers.

表1. 分类器评估指标汇总

Table 1 A List of Benchmarked Classifiers and Their Various Characteristics


a最新版本的PathSeq现在允许用户创建和指定自定义数据库,但在执行基准测试时,此选项不可用; 因此,它被排除在这些分析之外。

“Custom databases” refers to the ability for the end user to create a custom database. The time and memory requirements are for a 5.7 million-read dataset with the database and input already cached in memory. Some methods (marked as “varies”) have the ability to flexibly decrease their memory usage (at the cost of a massive increase in run time).

aThe latest version of PathSeq now allows the user to create and specify a custom database, but this option was not available when benchmarking studies were performed; thus, it was excluded from those analyses.

图3. 评估AUPR得分

Figure 3 Benchmark AUPR Scores


(B)AUPR用于统一的RefSeq CG数据库而不是默认数据库。RefSeq CG图上缺少条目是无法创建自定义数据库的分类器。可以看到,在相同数据库下,各软件表现结果差异并不大。有关其他信息,请参见图S1-S4。

(A) Area under the precision-recall curve (AUPR) scores for each classifier at the species level (a higher value is better). Each plot point represents the score for a (classifier, dataset combination). Classifiers are grouped and colored by their target class.
(B) AUPR for the uniform RefSeq CG database instead of default databases. Missing entries on the RefSeq CG plot are classifiers that cannot create custom databases.
For additional information, see Figures S1–S4.

图4. 评估L2距离

Figure 4 Benchmark L2 Distances


(B)使用统一的RefSeq CG数据库的丰度距离。缺少的条目是无法创建自定义数据库的分类器。


(A) Distance between the species abundance profile for each classifier compared with the true composition (a lower value is better). Each plot point represents the L2 distance for a (classifier, dataset) combination. Classifiers are grouped and colored by their target class.
(B) Abundance distance using the uniform RefSeq CG database. Missing entries are classifiers that cannot create custom databases.
(C) Median pairwise L2 abundance norms between classifiers across simulated datasets, hierarchically clustered. Non-black cluster link colors are groups at a 0.09 similarity threshold. Colored boxes correspond to the method type: DNA, protein, and marker classifiers. The “k” annotation indicates k-mer-based methods.
For additional information, see Figure S6.

图5. 种水平分类比例

Figure 5 Proportion of Abundance Classified at the Species Rank


(B)使用统一的RefSeq CG数据库。仅显示允许自定义数据库的程序。有关其他信息,请参见图S5。

(A) Proportion of sample abundance classified at the species rank with default databases.
(B) Using uniform RefSeq CG databases. Only programs allowing custom databases are shown.
For additional information, see Figure S5.

图6. 在ATCC均匀样本数据集中检测到的物种数量与最小丰度阈值的关系

Figure 6  Number of Species Classified versus Minimum Abundance Threshold Detected in ATCC Even Sample Datasets


The truth abundance of 20 species at 0.05 abundance each is depicted as a black dotted line.

图7. 计算资源消耗评测

Figure 7 Benchmark of Computational Resources



(C)使用各种方法创建RefSeq CG数据库所花费的时间和内存。分类器按照增加的时间排序。MMseqs2和DIAMOND在数据库构建期间不对基因组进行索引,而是在样本分类期间即时索引。

(A) Time required to process a sample containing 5.7 million reads versus a second run immediately after the first. This second run is faster for many classifiers because sample reads and database files are cached in memory. Bracken is not plotted because it requires negligible time and memory.
(B) The maximum memory utilized by each classifier during execution, the on-disk database size, and average number of CPUs utilized of 32 available.
(C) Time taken and memory used to create the RefSeq CG database using various methods. Classifiers are sorted by increasing time taken. MMseqs2 and DIAMOND do not index the genomes during database construction but, rather, index on the fly during sample classification.



Ye, S.H., Siddle, K.J., Park, D.J., and Sabeti, P.C. (2019). Benchmarking Metagenomics Tools for Taxonomic Classification. Cell 178, 779-794.


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