

宏基因组 宏基因组 2023-08-18


Spatial metagenomic characterization of microbial biogeography in the gut

译者:文涛 南京农业的大学

责编:刘永鑫 中科院遗传发育所

Nature Biotechnology [IF:31.864]

2019-07-22  Articles

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-019-0183-2


第一作者:Ravi U. Sheth t1,2

通讯作者:Harris H. Wang 1,6*

其它作者:Mingqiang Li3
, Weiqian Jiang3
, Peter A. Sims1,4,5, Kam W. Leong1,3*


1 美国纽约,哥伦比亚大学,系统生物学研究院,纽约(Department of Systems Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA)

2 美国纽约,哥伦比亚大学,分子与生物医学研究,细胞整合项目(
Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical
Studies, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA)




创作:刘永鑫 审核:刘永鑫 08月02日


  • 宏基因组绘图采样测序(MaPS-seq),实现在微米级分辨率下表征微生物组的空间结构;

  • 将完整的微生物组样品固定在凝胶基质中并冷冻破碎成颗粒,然后通过基于液滴的包封,条形码化16S rRNA扩增和深度测序鉴定颗粒中相邻的微生物类群;

  • 对小鼠肠道的三个区域的分析揭示了微生物分布异质性,以及特定分类群之间的正和负相关联性;

  • 在肠道中发现了拟杆菌分类群之间的强烈关联,并显示细菌的系统发育聚集的局部区域与饮食扰动有关。

主编评语:空间结构对于维护自然生态系统非常重要,许多微生物群落,包括肠道微生物群,显示复杂的空间组织。绘制细菌的生物地理图可以揭示群落功能的相互作用,但现有的方法无法容纳天然微生物组中发现的数百种物种。Nature Biotechnology发表的这项研究提出一种新测序方法——MaPS-seq,可以实现空间宏基因组学测序数据,可用于研究微生物复杂栖息地的生物地理学。




将完整的微生物组样品固定在凝胶基质中并冷冻破碎成颗粒。然后通过基于液滴的包封,条形码化16S rRNA扩增和深度测序鉴定颗粒中相邻的微生物类群。




Spatial structuring is important for the maintenance of natural ecological systems. Many microbial communities, including the gut microbiome, display intricate spatial organization.

Mapping the biogeography of bacteria can shed light on interactions that underlie community functions, but existing methods cannot accommodate the hundreds of species that are found in natural microbiomes.

Here we describe metagenomic plot sampling by sequencing (MaPS-seq), a culture-independent method to characterize the spatial organization of a microbiome at micrometer-scale resolution.

Intact microbiome samples are immobilized in a gel matrix and cryofractured into particles. Neighboring microbial taxa in the particles are then identified by droplet-based encapsulation, barcoded 16S rRNA amplification and deep sequencing.

Analysis of three regions of the mouse intestine revealed heterogeneous microbial distributions with positive and negative co-associations between specific taxa. We identified robust associations between Bacteroidales taxa in all gut compartments and showed that phylogenetically clustered local regions of bacteria were associated with a dietary perturbation. Spatial metagenomics could be used to study microbial biogeography in complex habitats.



图1 MaPS-seq测序和质量控制

Fig. 1 | MaPS-seq and quality control.




a, Schematic of the MaPS-seq technique for micrometer-scale plot sampling of microbiome samples. b, MaPS-seq
profiling of a mixture of clusters prepared from homogenized fecal bacteria or E. coli. The number of reads for each of 399 barcodes belonging to either the
E. coli OTU or fecal OTUs is displayed as a scatterplot. c, Correlation between OTU RA measurements obtained by standard bulk 16S sequencing of the
same homogenized fecal community and MaPS-seq OTU RA measurements averaged across individual homogenized fecal clusters (n = 162 clusters with

<10% E. coli reads). All RAs are plotted on a log10 scale; 152 OTUs with RA > 0.01% are displayed. r indicates Pearson’s correlation.


Fig. 2 | Spatial organization of the microbiota in the mouse distal colon




图d:热图展示基于高丰度的普遍存在的24个OTU的相关,途中阴影代表通过log2转化的让步比,图中X代表显著的相关(这里使用卡方检验P < 0.05; FDR = 0.05)。垂直和水平的旁侧矩形长条方格代表每个OTU在科水平的注释信息。

a, MaPS-seq profiling of distal colon clusters with a median diameter of ~30 μm.
Raw RA data from MaPS-seq are displayed as a heat map; columns represent individual clusters (n = 1,406) and rows represent abundant and prevalent
OTUs (RA > 2% in >10% of all clusters; 24 of 246 detected OTUs) aggregated from two datasets from technical replicates of the same sample. Shading
denotes the RA of individual OTUs in each cluster (linear scale); OTUs are sorted by decreasing prevalence (proportion of clusters in which each OTU
has RA > 2%), and clusters are clustered by Euclidean distance. The prevalence of each OTU across clusters is displayed to the right as a bar plot, and
each bar is colored according to the OTUs assigned taxonomy at the family level (legend in d). b, Correlation between OTU RA measurements obtained
by standard bulk 16S sequencing and the prevalence of OTUs in each cluster from the same sample (RA > 2% across n = 1,406 clusters). ND, not detected
(that is, RA ≤ 2% in all clusters); 219 OTUs with > 0.01% RA as measured by bulk 16S sequencing are displayed. r indicates Pearson’s correlation. c,
Histogram of the number of OTUs per cluster (OTUs with RA > 2%) shown for homogenized fecal clusters serving as a mixed control (red; n = 162) and
distal colon clusters (gray; n = 1,406) of the same size. Dashed lines indicate the median value for each group. d, For each abundant and prevalent OTU
pair (OTUi,j; n = 24 OTUs), spatial associations were calculated across n = 1,406 clusters. Shading indicates the log2-transformed odds ratio, and x indicates
a statistically significant association (Fisher’s exact test, two-sided, P < 0.05; FDR = 0.05). The colored boxes on the vertical and horizontal axes represent
OTU taxonomy at the family level.


Fig. 3 | Survey of spatial organization in the mouse gastrointestinal tract.


图b:每个簇相对丰度大于2%的OTU数量分布直方图。cluster的数量为两个技术重复的总数量(SI6: ~20 μm, n = 386; Cec: ~20 μm, n = 405; Co2: ~20 μm, n = 259; Co2: ~7 μm, n = 529)。途中的黑色竖线表示OTU数量的中位数。


图d:高丰度和在簇中普遍存在的OTU用于相关分析,圈图表示。使用最少的簇中序列数量将簇随机抽样(259个簇)。节点代表OTU,节点大小代表该OTU在全部cluster中出现的百分比,节点颜色代表OTU的科水平的注释信息。节点之间的虚线代表所有可能的相关,节点之间的实线代表全部显著的OTU之间的相关(Fisher’s exact test, two-sided, P < 0.05; FDR = 0.05)。

a, Top, absolute abundance within gut intestinal regions calculated from
spike-in sequencing (arbitrary units (AU), normalized to the maximum value) and the number of OTUs (that is, alpha diversity, the number of OTUs with
RA > 0.1%). Bottom, absolute abundance of abundant OTUs (>1% of the maximum OTU absolute abundance in any sample) is shown as a heat map (log10
scale); OTUs are clustered by Bray–Curtis dissimilarity. SI1–SI6, small intestine sections 1–6 (SI6 corresponds to the ileum); Cec, cecum; Co1, proximal
colon; Co2, distal colon. b, Histogram of the number of OTUs per cluster (OTUs with RA > 2%). The number of clusters aggregated from two technical
replicates is indicated (SI6: ~20 μm, n = 386; Cec: ~20 μm, n = 405; Co2: ~20 μm, n = 259; Co2: ~7 μm, n = 529), and the dashed line indicates median value.
c, t-SNE visualization of 1,050 ~20-μm clusters from SI6, Cec and Co2 sites generated utilizing the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of OTU RAs (subsampled to
314 reads across all clusters; the number of clusters is indicated). On the left, each cluster is colored by site of origin; on the right, each cluster is colored
by the RA of the six most abundant families within each cluster (linear scale). d, Pairwise spatial associations for abundant and prevalent OTUs visualized
as a circular graph; the number of clusters utilized was subsampled to the lowest number across the samples (n = 259 clusters). Nodes correspond to
OTUs, with sizing proportional to the prevalence of OTUs across clusters and color representing OTU taxonomy at the family level; dotted edges denote all
possible associations and shaded edges denote statistically significant associations (Fisher’s exact test, two-sided, P < 0.05; FDR = 0.05).

图4 饮食干扰下的结肠微生物群落空间结构

Fig. 4 | Spatial organization in the colon after dietary perturbation.


图b:顶图:每个簇中的OTU数量分布的直方图(挑选相对丰度大于2%的OTU)。底图:每个簇中特有的OTU。两组图中绿色代表LF组,橘红色代表HF组。中间的竖线代表每组OTU数量分布的中位数。簇的数量为两个技术重复的总数量。(LF Co2, n = 495; HF Co2, n = 938)。


图d:使用t-SNE算法进行群落差异分析,散点图展示结果(所有的簇使用121条read抽平)。左边散点图根据取样分组上色。LF (green) and HF (orange):LF和HF的颜色。另外,LF组处理的小鼠相邻结肠区域的簇使用暗绿色进行展。右侧散点图按照丰度最大的六个科进行上色。

a, Absolute abundance of dominant OTUs (>1% of the maximum OTU absolute abundance in any sample) in the distal colon of cohoused mice fed an LF or HF diet for 10 d is shown as a heat map (log10 scale). Labels on the right indicate LF-enriched, HF-enriched and shared OTUs. b, Top, histogram of the number of OTUs per cluster (OTUs with RA > 2%). Bottom, histogram of the number of distinct families per cluster (families with RA > 2%). For both plots, green indicates LF clusters and orange indicates HF clusters, the dashed line indicates the median value and the number of clusters aggregated from two technical replicates is indicated (LF Co2, n = 495; HF Co2, n = 938). c, Histogram of NRI calculated for each cluster containing at least two OTUs; green indicates LF clusters and orange indicates HF clusters. d, t-SNE visualization of clusters utilizing the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of OTU RAs (subsampled to 121 reads across all clusters). Left, clusters colored by site of origin: LF (green) and HF (orange); the number of clusters is indicated. In addition, a biological replicate from an adjacent colonic segment of the same LFfed mouse is shown (LF(rep), dark green, n = 359 clusters). Red arrows indicate examples of cluster configurations observed in both diet conditions. Right, each cluster is colored by the RA of the six most abundant families within each cluster (linear scale).



Materials and reagents

所有的引物和探针来自Integrated DNA Technologies公司。修饰过的引物使用HPLC进行纯化。可光分解的引物都能在整个过程中避免暴露在不必要的光源中。


Microfluidic device fabrication

设备使用标准的SU-8软光刻技术制造。通过FlowJEM构造高度为大约40微米的硅化SU-8硅片模具。将聚二甲硅氧烷混合五分钟:固化剂比为10:1,在室内真空下抽气30分钟,倒在晶圆片上。PDMS混合物在80℃下固化1h,之后冷却至室温,从晶圆片上取出聚二甲硅氧烷。使用穿孔器将PDMS板打大小为1mm的孔为一个设备。将一个PDMS设备和一个预先清洗好的玻璃拨片放到等离子清洗器中40秒,设备被沾到玻璃玻片上后在-80°下冷却30min。而后设备通过表面处理:将 Aquapel溶液 注入设备上并保留30s,随后对设备使用空气-FC-40-空气的顺序吹气,最后再-80°下冷冻10min。


Design and construction of uniquely barcoded beads

我们设计了定制有标签的磁珠,每个磁珠含有884,736个独特的标签中的一个上面同时含有接头和16S V4引物515f。标签序列使用split-and-pool primer-extension strategy 协议通过三轮PCR合成。
水凝胶珠制作参考 Zilionis 等人的方法。


Sample fixation and in situ polymerization

通过分离获得完整的肠道组织(如前所述,来自结肠盲肠或小肠),并立即将其固定在美沙酮溶液中24小时。用无菌刀片将固定的肠道组织切成长度不大于3 mm 的小段,选择含有消化食物的肠道区域。所以,用于MaPS-seq测序的材料既包含肠道表皮组织,又包含肠道消化物。之后样品在PBS中孵育5 min, 0.1% Triton X-100 (vol/vol) PBS中透析5 min。接下来在冰上制备含有具有16S 引物的包埋溶液,按照顺序混合以下组分的溶液:V4反向测序引物806rB,丙烯酸酯和光可裂解linker。


Sample fracturing, lysis and size selection

将样品与6.35mm不锈钢珠一起置于不锈钢小瓶中,并用硅橡胶塞帽密封小瓶。将小瓶置于液氮中超过2分钟,剧烈摇动以破碎瓶中的组织,并迅速转移到bead beater 中并转动打碎10S。之后再小瓶中加入PBS缓冲液并摇匀,然后将簇从PBS中取出,加入PBS并通过15,000 r.p.m.  1 min清洗两次。接下来进行裂解操作。选择合适的簇尺寸


Sequence filtering and 16S analysis

对于MaPS-seq测序所得数据,利用自己编写的Python脚本根据标签对序列进行拆分,并从序列中切除引物序列。使用USEARCH合并和过滤序列。然后将得到的序列去重复,并以97%的相似度使用无参(De novo)方式聚类到OTU,并将读长映射到OTUs得到OTU的丰度信息。使用RDP分类器对OTU进行注释。得到了每个簇的OTU表。


Cluster mixing quality control experiment



Analysis of MaPS-seq data





上文所提到的NRI指标使用Qiime1脚本 relatedness_library.py 计算,与phylocom 4.2计算方法相同。简而言之,使用RA > 2%阈值定义物种在簇中是否存在,并且在后续计算中过滤仅包含一个OTU的簇。对齐序列,并使用MUSCLE 建树。计算为每簇的亲缘关系NRI。计算每个簇的零模型。零模型保证每个簇的群落丰富度不变,但是随机置换了样品中的OTU及其数量关系。


Bulk 16S sequencing and spike-in for absolute abundance calculation

本方法投稿nuture method 原文链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-019-0467-y

本研究中全部涉及的16S测序数据集在补充文件中均可以得到。内参测序协议符合我们之前建立的实验步骤。简而言之,首先使用QG试剂盒提取DNA并将样品研磨10 min。基于内参测序方法和绝对丰度的计算过程,在样品中添加10微升菌株冻干物(添加的细菌为八叠球菌Sporosarcina pasteurii:一种在肠道中目前尚未发现的细菌;ATCC, 11859)。随后进行16S V4区域扩增和测序,使用引物同MaPS-seq相同。使用Illumina MiSeq 300测序平台。


Data availability



Code availability



Ravi U. Sheth, Mingqiang Li, Weiqian Jiang, Peter A. Sims, Kam W. Leong, and Harris H. Wang. (2019). Spatial metagenomic characterization of microbial biogeography in the gut. Nature Biotechnology.10.1038/s41587-019-0183-2




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