

宏基因组 2023-08-18

丰益国际集团(Wilmar International)成立于1991年,经过近三十年的发展,已发展成为一个农业综合型跨国粮油企业集团。2010年起连续入选“全球最受赞赏公司排行榜-食品生产行业”之一。





We are currently recruiting a position for an assistant research officer to join Wilmar’s corporate lab (Wil@NUS). The potential candidate will be primarily involved in microbiome data analysis related to Wilmar’s products. The project objectives are to identify metagenome, transcriptomic andmetabolomics markers related to specific phenotypes and outcomes of interest to the lab, using marker-based and/or assembly-based methods.




Research Officer

Job Responsibilities:

  • Quality control and analysis of complex next-generation sequencing (genomic and transcriptomic), metagenomics, and metabolomics data.

  • Summarize and visualize intermediate results to reveal data insights.

  • Support the Research Scientist in bioinformatics pipelines used for the lab.

  • Present results within the research group and collaborators.

  • Participate in seminars and research-in-progress meetings within the team and collaborators.

Job Requirements:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in computational biology, bioinformatics or equivalent

  • Excellent communication skills and a team player

  • Ability to learn and work independently

  • Versatile in applying computational techniques to solve open problems

  • Should be comfortable with coding in a few programming languages. E.g. bash for text, file processing, and running pipelines using R or python.

Research Scientist

Job Responsibilities:

  • Review state-of-art methodologies for metagenomics (and multi-omics) and optimize the methods for lab requirements.

  • Creating and maintaining bioinformatics pipelines used for the lab with the help of the Research Officer.

  • Use appropriate statistical methods for downstream analysis.

  • Gain robust data insights for wet-lab validation.

  • Present results within the research group and collaborators.

  • Participate in seminars and research-in-progress meetings within the team and collaborators.

Job Requirements:

  • A PhD in computational biology, bioinformatics or equivalent

  • Excellent communication skills and a team player

  • Ability to learn and work independently

  • Versatile in applying computational techniques to solve open problems

  • Experience in operating in Linux for pipeline creation and maintenance.

  • Advanced experience in using R or python for statistical modeling and interpretation of data

Applicants can apply to Kevin Lim with their CV and 3recommendation letters sent tokevin.limjunliang@sg.wilmar-intl.com.


10000+:菌群分析 宝宝与猫狗 梅毒狂想曲 提DNA发Nature Cell专刊 肠道指挥大脑

系列教程:微生物组入门 Biostar 微生物组  宏基因组

专业技能:学术图表 高分文章 生信宝典 不可或缺的人

一文读懂:宏基因组 寄生虫益处 进化树

必备技能:提问 搜索  Endnote

文献阅读 热心肠 SemanticScholar Geenmedical

扩增子分析:图表解读 分析流程 统计绘图

16S功能预测   PICRUSt  FAPROTAX  Bugbase Tax4Fun

在线工具:16S预测培养基 生信绘图

科研经验:云笔记  云协作 公众号

编程模板: Shell  R Perl

生物科普:  肠道细菌 人体上的生命 生命大跃进  细胞暗战 人体奥秘  


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