环境DNA高通量测序问题及解决SOP (Part 1: From sample to data)
The following article is from 水生态健康 Author 杨军团队
水生态健康研究组(杨军团队)从2011年开始学习微生物高通量测序技术,通过对环境样品中细菌16S rRNA基因、真核生物18S rRNA基因或ITS序列进行PCR扩增、建库测序,最后进行序列分析。
1. Yang CY, Bohmann K, Wang XY, Cai W, Wales N, Ding ZL, Gopalakrishnan S, Yu DW. 2021. Biodiversity Soup II: A bulk-sample metabarcoding pipeline emphasizing error reduction. Methods in Ecology and Evolution in press
2. Nearing JT, Comeau AM, Langille MGI. 2021. Identifying biases and their potential solutions in human microbiome studies. Microbiome 9:113
3. Liu LM, Chen HH, Liu M, Yang JR, Xiao P, Wilkinson DM, Yang J*. 2019. Response of the eukaryotic plankton community to the cyanobacterial biomass cycle over 6 years in two subtropical reservoirs. The ISME Journal 13:2196–2208
4. Liu M, Xue YY, Yang J*. 2019. Rare plankton subcommunities are far more affected by DNA extraction kits than abundant plankton. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 454
5. Xue YY, Chen HH, Yang JR, Liu M, Huang BQ, Yang J*. 2018. Distinct patterns and processes of abundant and rare eukaryotic plankton communities following a reservoir cyanobacterial bloom. The ISME Journal 12:2263–2277
6. Mo YY, Zhang WJ*, Yang J*, Lin YS, Yu Z, Lin SJ. 2018. Biogeographic patterns of abundant and rare bacterioplankton in three subtropical bays resulting from selective and neutral processes. The ISME Journal 12:2198–2210
7. Costea P, Zeller G, Sunagawa S et al. 2017. Towards standards for human fecal sample processing in metagenomic studies. Nature Biotechnology 35:1069–1076
8. Sinha R, Abu-Ali G, Vogtmann E et al. 2017. Assessment of variation in microbial community amplicon sequencing by the Microbiome Quality Control (MBQC) project consortium. Nature Biotechnology 35:1077–1086
9. Liu LM, Liu M, Wilkinson DM, Chen HH, Yu XQ, Yang J*. 2017. DNA metabarcoding reveals that 200 μm size-fractionated filtering is unable to discriminate between planktonic microbial and large eukaryotes. Molecular Ecology Resources 17: 991–1002
10. Liu LM, Yang J*, Yu Z, Wilkinson DM. 2015. The biogeography of abundant and rare bacterioplankton in the lakes and reservoirs of China. The ISME Journal 9:2068–2077
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