速收藏 !回复审稿人意见时常用的英文套话
Dear prof. XX and dear reviewers
Re: Manuscript ID: XXXXX and Title: XXXXXX
Thank you for your letter and the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “XXXXXX ” (ID). Those comments are valuable and very helpful. We have read through comments carefully and have made corrections. Based on the instructions provided in your letter, we uploaded the file of the revised manuscript. Revisions in the text are shown using blue highlight for additions, and strikethrough font for deletions. The responses to the reviewer's comments are marked in red and presented following.
We would love to thank you for allowing us to resubmit a revised copy of the manuscript and we highly appreciate your time and consideration.
Reviewer #1:
Q1. Interpretation could be deepened regarding xx.
Response:We are grateful for the suggestion. To be more clearly and in accordance with the reviewer concerns, we have added a more detailed interpretation regarding xxx. More detailed statistical analysis was added on page…
Q2. the English language needs to be revised for clarity …
Response:We apologize for the language problems in the original manuscript. The language presentation was improved with assistance from a native English speaker with appropriate research background.
Q3. Page 10, the last sentence of the first chapter should read: ...,
Response:We agree with the comment and re-wrote the sentence in the revised manuscript as the following: ….
Q4. Please provide details of results, and please analyze and discuss it.
Response:We are grateful for the suggestion. As suggested by the reviewer, we have added more details of…
1. Thank you for your suggestion. As suggested by reviewer, we have added the suggested content to the manuscript on page…
2. Thank you for your comments, the discussion regarding this question is presented following: …
3. We deeply appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. According to the reviewer’s comment, we have added a more detailed interpretation regarding…
4. Thank you for your comment, and our reply is as follows: …
5. Response: We deeply appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. According to the reviewer’s comment, we have provided more details to describe the possible reasons.
6. We are extremely grateful to reviewer for pointing out this problem. We have…
7. We are grateful for the suggestion. To be more clear and in accordance with the reviewer concerns, we have added a brief description as follows:
8. We have modified this expression throughout the text according to the comment.
9. Thank you for the suggestion. We have added the information required as explained above (Lines 6-28, page 6)
10. Thank you for underlining this deficiency. This section was revised and modified according to the information showed in the work suggested by the reviewer (Line 41, page 3).
11. Thank you for the suggestion. We have added the information required as explained above (Lines 6-28, page 6).
12. Modified throughout the text according to the comment (Line 20, page 1).Thank you for the title suggested. The precedent version of the title has been replaced, becoming...
13. We appreciate the reviewer’s positive evaluation of our work.
14. Our deepest gratitude goes to you for your careful work and thoughtful suggestions that have helped improve this paper substantially.
15. We have carefully revised the language issue again based on the latest file uploaded on October 5th. This revision is highlighted in green (for adding) and strikethrough font (for deleting) in the text. At the same time, we have uploaded the file of the revised manuscript and flowchart file.
16. Thank you for your precious comments and advice. Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper. We have revised the manuscript accordingly,and our point-by-point responses are presented above.
17. We appreciate the reviewer’s positive evaluation of our work and agree with the comments regarding the limitations of our study.
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