

Zheng Qiong iDOCS 2023-11-04

























My Adoption Story

My name is Joshua. I was an orphan. I was in the orphanage ever since I was one. I was in the orphanage with a bunch of other kids. We watched t.v. all day and we did not go outside very much.


I was on the third floor with the older kids. Some had seizures. When I first saw someone having a seizure I was afraid and frightened. I started to wonder if I would ever have a seizure. 


Even though we were big kids we still had to take naps everyday. 


I never saw food being cooked before I was adopted. The people would bring us food in the orphanage that was already cooked, but I never saw anybody cook anything when I was there.


They told me I was getting adopted in October of 2016. I was surprised and excited. A year later I met my parents for the first time in person. It was July 2017 when I met them. I was so happy when we came home.


I had a lot to learn when we got home because I had no education or schooling when I was in China so Mom spent the first few years teaching me. She taught me how to read, write, spell and English because I could not speak English. She also taught me math and other things about life that I needed to know. She helped me learn how to walk on my own. Mom also taught me good manners. She’s the best Mom anybody could ever hope to have and she loves us regardless of anything. I am so thankful for her.


My Dad taught me to learn from my mistakes. He also helped me learn how to use the bathroom on my own and how to take care of myself. He taught me how to take a shower in America. 


I have six sisters and one brother. One thing that’s great about having brothers and sisters is that you have someone to talk to and laugh with. It always makes you smile.


When I came to America one of the things I discovered is that people cook. Another thing I discovered is the feeling of snow. I had never felt snow before. I was very surprised by that. Another thing I discovered is animals. I was scared the first time I saw animals. I had also never seen fire or been on a swing. 


When I am older I want to be a cook. I know God has a plan for me and He blessed me with a family who loves me and cares about me. When I was in the orphanage nobody ever asked me what I want to be or anything like that until I came to America. One goal I have is to graduate school and to be able to walk better. My other goal is to be able to take care of myself and get a good job. When I get a good job and work hard, I am hoping to get a house and a nice car. I hope I can have a big family. 



Here are some things I am thankful for. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my brother and sisters. I am thankful for a warm house. I am thankful God put me in a family. I am thankful my parents love me no matter what. I am thankful for everything my parents have done for me. 

Joshua Reddy

2022年1月8号晚上 8:45


他今天真的写了。他全部用手写的,我就把它打了出来。我把他所有的句子,语法,拼写等都保留了下来,只是删除了他第一句话最开始的“嗨!”这个词,然后他提到了他第一次看到有人 “摇晃”。我把这句话改成了“癫痫病发作”。

之后他说他开始怀疑自己是否会 “得这个病”。为了清楚起见,我把那句话改成开始怀疑他是否会 “发作”。除了这些小的改动,其他都是他写的。他的话让我们非常感动。我还附上了他写作时的两张照片,如果需要你可以使用这些照片。希望祝福到每一读者。


Grace Reddy

Jan 8 2022  8:45PM

I checked with him today and he said he would like to write something for you all to use if you’d like. We left what he chose to write about up to him after we told him there were people in China who wanted to know his story and about his adoption and his thoughts on it. He worked on it today. He wrote the whole thing in cursive and I typed it up for you. I left all his sentences/grammar/spelling, etc. the same as what he’d written except for deleting the word “hi!” at the very beginning of his first sentence and then he referred to the first time he saw someone “shake”. I changed that to “have a seizure” and then after that he said he started to wonder if he would ever “get it”. I changed that to started to wonder if he’d ever “have a seizure” just for clarity. Aside from those minor changes everything else is as he wrote it. We were so touched by his words. I also attached two pictures of him while he was writing in case you’d like to use either of those. We hope this is a blessing to everyone who reads it. 


Much love,

Grace Reddy


翻译校对:张雯  陈恭





新春时分,当你们的爱触动我们的心 (上)







