

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


boundless [ˈbaʊndləs] adj.,无限的;无边无际的;无穷的

harsh [hɑːʃ] adj.,严厉的;刺耳的;粗糙的;严酷的

migrant [ˈmaɪɡrənt] n.,移民;移居者;候鸟,adj.,移居的;流浪的;同“migratory”

astray [əˈstreɪ] adv.,误入歧途地;迷途地;迷路;堕落,adj.,迷路的;迷途的;离开正轨的,n.,阿斯特莱(人名)

melt [melt] vi.,熔化;溶解,vt.,使融化;使熔化,n.,熔化物

fade [feɪd] v.,逐渐消失;使...褪色或变暗,n.,(影视)淡入或淡出,adj.,乏味的;平淡的,vi.,凋谢,vt.,使褪色

自你离开以后/Since you left years ago

从此就丢了温柔/I’ve lost myself I lost you

等待在这雪山路漫长/Standing on this snowy mountain high

听寒风呼啸依旧/I feel the icy wind blow

一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake

风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face

等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky

无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free

还记得你/I keep in mind

答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me

可你跟随/But with those

那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away

爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray

拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way

我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for

雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days

等到高原/I wait until

冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea

爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away

回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days

一眼望不到边/Watching the boundless lake

风似刀割我的脸/with harsh wind biting my face

等不到西海天际蔚蓝/failing to see the sunny blue sky

无缘着苍茫的高原/on the highland I set myself free

还记得你/I keep in mind

答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me

可你跟随/But with those

那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away

爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray

拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way

我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for

雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days

等待高原/I wait until

冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea

爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away

回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days

还记得你/I keep in mind

答应过我不会让我把你找不见/you have told me you would never ever leave from me

可你跟随/But with those

那南归的候鸟飞得那么远/migrant birds to the South you fly far away

爱像风筝断了线/Like the kite that goes astray

拉不住你许下的诺言/your promise now is losing its way

我在苦苦等待/I have waited long for

雪山之巅温暖的春天/the coming spring that brings me warm days

等待高原/I wait until

冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁/the snow on mountain melts down into the sea

爱再难以续情缘/Our love is to fade away

回不到我们的从前/Never will we back to the past days


[听歌学英文] I Can't Change 苏菲·珊曼妮

红叶斜落我心寂寞时《Right Here Waiting》(此情可待)翻唱


【听歌学英文】《Only Time》抚慰心灵的佳作 | 欧美金曲

听歌学英文 | Every Breath You Take 你的每一次呼吸

【听歌学英文】Let it go 周华健现场版(含视频字幕、中英文歌词及助听词汇)

【听歌学英文】Moonlight Shadow

【听歌学英文】I'm Alive 席琳 迪翁


【听歌学英文】《let me down slowly》

【听歌学英文】《You Say》 by Lauren Daigle

【听歌学英语】Something just like this(1)

【听歌学英语】Something just like this(2)

2020抖音超火的英文歌:《Dance Monkey》

【听歌学英语】Ava Max - Salt 中英字幕

【听歌学英文】《Earthquake Song》

【听歌学英语】Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)  by Kelly Clarkson

English Song- Walk Thru Fire

最近突然火起来的《lost control》太好听了,单曲循环了好几天

【听歌学英语】清新好听的英文歌《Young for you》

奥斯卡金曲《壮志凌云》之《Take my breath away》

【听歌学英文】与你的灵魂共舞 | Dancing With Your Ghost


自译自唱《你笑起来真好看》英文版 ︳你笑起来真好看 像春天的花一样




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