
Legislative Updates (Issue 62) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20


1. 证监会指导交易所优化融资融券交易机制



1. Mechanisms for Margin Trading and Short Selling Transactions to Be Improved

On August 9, 2019, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Margin Trading and Short Selling, as revised by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange under the guidance of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), were officially issued, effective from August 19, 2019.

The CSRC instructs the Exchanges to further expand the scope of underlying securities of margin trading and short selling, and optimize the trading mechanism to a large extent. To be specific, first, the uniform restriction that the minimum maintenance guarantee ratio should not be lower than 130% is removed, and the securities companies may independently agree with their clients on the ratio in light of client’s credit standing, collateral quality and their risk tolerance. Second, the calculation formula for the maintenance guarantee ratio should be improved, and in addition to cash, stocks and bonds, clients may also use such assets as other securities recognized by securities companies as supplementary collateral so as to enhance the flexibility of supplementary guarantee. Third, the number of underlying stocks of the margin trading and short selling is increased from 950 to 1600. After the expansion of underlying securities, the proportion of the market value of underlying securities of the margin trading and short selling to the total market value will raise from about 70% to more than 80%, and the proportion of the market value of stocks listed on the SME Board and the ChiNext will increase significantly.

2. 证监会就券商风控指标计算标准征求意见



2. CSRC Requests Comments on Calculation Basis for Risk Control Indicators of Securities Companies

On August 9, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Notice of Requesting Public Comments on the Provisions on the Calculation Basis for Risk Control Indicators of Securities Companies (Revision), and comments may be submitted until September 9, 2019.  

The Revision mainly includes four aspects: first, the calculation basis for risk control indicators of investment in such products as constituent stocks, equity index funds, and policy-based financial bonds will be appropriately relaxed with an view to supporting securities companies in deeply participating in market transactions under the value investment concept; second, the corresponding indicator calculation basis will be improved in response to business characteristics such as stock pledge and privately offered asset management as well as risk features of various financial products under the principle of combining relaxed and strict policies and preventing risks; third, the calculation basis for risk control indicators of emerging business and new products will be clarified as actually needed in market development in a bid to cover all types of business risks; fourth, with the aim of supporting securities companies in enhancing the comprehensive risk management, the adjustment coefficient for risk-based capital reserves will be set at 0.5 for securities companies that have been rated AA or above for Class A in the classified rating for three consecutive years.

3. 最高法发布司法解释规范死刑复核及执行程序




3. SPC to Regulate Death Penalty Review and Execution Procedures

On August 8, 2019, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Safeguarding Lawful Rights and Interests of the Parties Concerned in the Death Penalty Review and Execution Procedures, effective from September 1, 2019.

The Judicial Interpretation stipulates that when serving a judgment document of death penalty rendered according to the law on a defendant, a higher people’s court should notify the defendant his or her right to retain a defense lawyer during the period when the SPC reviews the death penalty, and indicate particulars of such notification in the transcripts of pronouncement. Where the defendant proposes asking his or her close relative to retain the defense lawyer on his or her behalf, the higher people’s court should notify his or her close relative in a timely manner and record it, except for the impossibility to give such notification due to objective reasons.

In addition, after the review ruling is entered by the SPC, where the lawyer submits the defense opinions and evidence materials, the SPC should receive them and issue a receipt list. If relevant opinions and evidence materials may affect the result of the death penalty review upon examination, the delivery of a convict for execution should be suspended or the execution should be stopped, but the formalities of receiving the entrusted defense is no longer handled.



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