
人格权纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2021-11-10





Nan Huaijin v. Central Compilation & Translation Press (case regarding dispute over infringement upon the right of name and reputation)


Guangdong New Express v. Nanfang Daily (case regarding dispute over right of reputation)


Zhang Yimou v. Huaxia Publishing House and Huang Xiaoyang (case regarding dispute over infringement upon the right of reputation)


Nan Huaijin v. Central Compilation & Translation Press (case regarding dispute over infringement upon the right of name and reputation)



[Judgment Abstract] 

The right of name is a personal right enjoyed by a citizen in accordance with law to determine, use and change his/her personal name and ask others to respect the name. The infringement upon the name right of a citizen is mainly reflected in the illegal use of the name. However, the nature of use should be considered. The name refers to a symbol or mark used to identify and represent the natural person and distinguish him from others. In daily life, people mainly use the name of another person for referring to the person so as to distinguish him from others. Such kind of name use is inevitable in social communications, which should be deemed as reasonable and legal use of others' names. The infringement upon the right of name or the use of others' name mainly refer to the name use for profits or illegal purposes, such as misappropriation or counterfeiting. Therefore, where a person uses the name of others in his publications, the nature of such use should be determined. If the name is only used for identity reference, the infringement upon the right of name is not constituted.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.7207037(EN)


Guangdong New Express v. Nanfang Daily (case regarding dispute over right of reputation)



[Judgment Abstract]

A media should fulfill the duty of prudential verification of its original articles, and ensure that the articles do not infringe upon the rights of others to the greatest extent. Otherwise, the media should undertake the liability for infringement as a result. Nevertheless, such liability should not be determined according to the standards for original media. In particular, as China adopts a strict approval mechanism for the establishment of a news media, it is commonly presumed that media news reports are of high reliability. Thus, for a reproducing media, other news media can also be regarded as a credible source of information. However, the results show that the news reproduction has indeed expanded the spread of information and attracted more audience, which may lead to the expanded consequences of infringement. Therefore, when a news report is involved in a dispute over the infringement upon the right of reputation after being reproduced by other news media, the liability to be duly undertaken by the original media should be lowered in accordance with the facts of case, as it is prohibited in laws to exempt the reproducing media from liability and pose severer liabilities on it.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.7207106 (EN)


Zhang Yimou v. Huaxia Publishing House and Huang Xiaoyang (case regarding dispute over infringement upon the right of reputation)



[Judgment Abstract]

In accordance with the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues about the Trial of Cases Concerning the Right of Reputation, the act of disclosing one's privacy without consent shall constitute an infringement on one's right of reputation. Public figures refer to those who have important influence in certain field, and are widely known and celebrated by the public and closely associated with social public interests. As public figures bear more social responsibilities and obligations, they are subject to the attention, supervision and even criticism of the public, and accordingly their legal rights will be affected to a certain extent, for which public figures should undertake their tolerance obligations. Nevertheless, the information on privacy of public figures should still be protected by law. Whoever, social media or ordinary citizens, should release information on public figures in a prudent and objective stance, and add the legal sources of the information at the meantime, so that the released information will not cause the misunderstanding of the public to the personalities of the public figure because of the false representation. Therefore, where a person willfully discloses the privacy of a public figure without consent, and causes misunderstanding of the public to the public figure, such act should constitute an infringement upon the right of reputation of the public figure.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.840567 (EN)















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)审核人员 | 张文硕

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