
​看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(59-60集)

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。



The demon eyed the smiling boy

suspiciously. “Aren’t you scared of

me?” asked the demon.

“No,” said the boy. “Should I be?”

“Well, yes,” said the demon. “I plan to eat

you. Doesn’t that sound terrible?”

The boy shrugged. “Not really.”

The demon hesitated for a moment

and then moved closer. Suddenly the boy

changed into Wukong. The monkey pulled

out his iron bar and swung.

The demon jumped back, and Wukong


“Who are you?” demanded the demon.

“I am Sun Wukong,” said the monkey.

“And you should be ashamed of yourself!

What kind of monster eats children?”

“Sun Wukong?” said the demon. “I

thought you were trapped under a mountain.

What are you doing here?”

“My punishment is over,” said the

monkey. “I am traveling to the Western

Paradise with the Tang Monk.”

The demon’s eyes lit up. “The Tang


Wukong lunged. The demon spun around

and disappeared.

The monkey returned to Chen’s home and

told everyone what had happened.

“Because of you, I still have my son,”

said Chen. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” said Wukong. “But I

believe the demon now wants to capture the

Tang Monk. So in the morning we must find

a boat and leave.”

Meanwhile the demon was deep under

the water. “I must capture the Tang Monk

and eat him,” he said to himself. “It won’t be

easy with that monkey around. I’ll need some


Late that night a cold wind blew. A

snowflake drifted to the ground. Then another

one fell, and another.

Bajie couldn’t sleep. “It’s freezing in

here,” he said to himself.

He looked at Wukong and Wujing. Both

of them were sleeping soundly.

“Those two look very comfortable,” said

the pig. “Their blankets must be warmer than


In the morning Wukong woke up,

shivering. “Th-that was a t-terrible night’s

sleep,” he said to himself. “I was so cold!”

He looked down at his body. “No wonder I

was cold! What happened to my blanket?”

Wujing woke up. “Why is it so cold in—

ah-choo!—in here? Where did my blanket


They looked at Bajie. The pig was tucked

cozily under three blankets. Even his head

was covered.

Wukong gave him a kick. “Wake up,


Bajie rolled over, giggling under the


Wujing frowned. “You stole our—ah-


Wukong scratched his head. “Why is it so

cold anyway? It’s spring.” He looked out the

window and gasped. “It snowed last night!”

They woke the Tang Monk and Chen, and

everyone went outside. A thick blanket of

snow covered the entire village.

“It would be dangerous to cross the river

in this weather,” said Chen. “You should stay

here until the snow melts.”

A villager ran over. “The river is frozen

solid!” he said.

“That’s wonderful news!” The Tang

Monk smiled. “Maybe we can walk across


The travelers thanked Chen and said

good-bye. Soon they were standing at the

edge of the frozen river.

“I wonder if it’s safe to walk on,” said


“I’ll test it with my rake,” said Bajie.

The pig walked onto the ice and raised his

rake. Slam! He brought the rake down hard,

but the ice didn’t crack.

“It’s solid,” he said.

The travelers stepped onto the ice and

started walking. After a few hours, the

riverbank was no longer in sight. Suddenly

there was a rumbling sound, and the ice


“What caused that?” asked the monk.

“I don’t know,” said Wukong, “But we

should be—”

Crack! Underneath them, the ice split

wide open!


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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(45-46集)

看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(47-48集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(49-50集)【附26-50集限时下载】
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(51-52集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(53-54集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(55-56集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(57-58集)

